Only Sup Forums is responsibile for the blackness smothering their soul.
Sup Forums btfo by Superman
reminds me of the thread yesterday where all kinds of incel virgins were blaming their lack of sex on feminism, leftists, immigrants, Jews, alcohol culture, "all girls are sluts", "I'm better off like this anyways because I don't want to get STDs", et c
it was hilarious to see the kinds of mental gymnastics they did in order to not have to deal with the fact that they're unattractive and not socially competent
>implying rightbwingg anyone is shooting Mexicans
>implying that illegal Mexicans don't murder Americans every fucking day
Kill yourslef
Are you attempting to fill out every stereotype of social-shame-reliant female posters who cannot argue without resorting to herdlike manipulation intentionally, or is it just that you're a Swede?
Bandit Keith really got old
I'm actually being facetious bro.
I picked the article up from Drudge. It actually makes me sick how DC & Marvel are pandering to SJW's and selling out their core customer base.
It's like they want to lose money.
come again?
I was just applying the concepts of "personal responsibility" in the post above on what I saw yesterday.
"cannot argue" - it doesn't take a lot of arguing to understand that a lot of posters are bitter and fail to deal with their situation.
so where was superman for the Shooting of Kathryn Steinle?