/fit/ girls are best girls
/fit/ girls are best girls
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But how fit is fit enough to work the kitchen, clean the house, do the laundry and tend the garden?
Don't worry user, you don't have to be fit to do your job.
OP knows his shit. They are even better when they are busty.
Well done.
Her thighs are so good.
Yeah, her design was wasted on the show.
Too bad her form is shit.
even worse*
Then show her as you do her.
Best girl incoming
>low test
Pick one and only one
>using machines
Flat muscular women? N-No homo, right?
Fuck off fatenable, this is for /fit/ girls only.
Nice 3D, homo.
>not using machines
There's nothing disgusting about 3D guys. What are you, gay?
Didn't I tell you to pick one faggot? You're basically posting men with bolted on tits at this point.
And you're posting whales with legs, smartass.
>implying /fit/ isn't a sign of higher test
>men with tits
>user hasn't seen a tomboy
tell'em boi
>misunderstanding the high test meme
What a retard DYEL lmao
>user posts like he's on reddit
>commenting about anything
>he knows about how people posts on reddit
>ousting himself
Kek. What a fucking dumbass
>Not drawn the least bit /fit/
>didnt i tell you to pick one faggot? youre basically posting fat men with pretty faces at this point.
What a stupid way to ruin a girl.
Slightly visible abs are good tier on girls.
>user doesn't know that reddit has infiltrated Sup Forums for a while now
>user is this new
>implying being Amejin isn't an option
this this this
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that.
You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here.
It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat.
None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with.
You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways.
Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here.
Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
you're just an insecure fag
Holy fuck her body is literally perfect
I post this pic way too much but I like it for some reason
>Holy fuck his body is literally perfect
That pasta's gone stale a while back.
Where can I get a /fit/ semen demon like this?
my waifu can hold 3 adults and 1 loli with 1 hand
DYEL faggot.
I can hold your waifu's hand
If your waifu was real she'd laugh at your unfit body
this part was gold.
who is this /fit/-demon
Thankfully I'm in decent shape so I won't embarass myself.
These jap "muscle" vids are embarrassing, girls look like they have not seen sports ever.
That looks like jav
Fit girls dont have big tits and abds. it's one or the other. TIts are fat, abs show though lack of body fat. You can only have one.
I think 3d Korra is the only exception. I have no idea how she pulled that off, or if she has fake tits.
>Gentley tapping to show of muscles
Thats retarded.
It's also JAV, so you know afterwards she wasted that body fucking old, fat, bald men.
search for artist Bang-You and at least get a decent fap
They can still have big c or even d cups. It's dependable one the genes. Some people store fat more easily in certain body parts, those girl just get it straight to the boobs.
If I like this am I gay?
I want to believe Makoto mode exists.
it's not gay if it has a feminine penis
That isn't considered big tits? Christ, I must only see fat or flat.
Having dated a gymnast once I concur liking girl abs is nothing wrong.
I damn hope so since he's doing things to my heart.
Fit with a thin layer of fat is perfection.
Yuugi is literally perfect.
Thick girls > Fit girls
>liking fatasses
Go drown yourself so you can be with the whales you like so much.
I said thick, not THICK.
Low test detected.
ara ara
>His waifu doesn't canonically lift
step it up, senpai
Homosexual please go
looks like she benches more than me.
Thick fit girls are great though. Muscles gives shape to fat.
>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
Why is this allowed?
any good doujins or hentai of her?
>I will never deflower Myonri
What's the point of going on?
>Doing abs work with a straight back
aka doing jack shit
Have a high res pic instead.
Just posting best fit Ninja Warrior tomboy in anime ever
Totally my kind of tomboy.
Magical Tomboy Nanami and her girlfriend Big Fat Cat Tats are wonders of the universe
/fit/ is by far the most insecure board. Their entire life revolves around changing themselves and trying to get people to like them.
At least they're trying to better themselves, unlike most other boards.
That's the joke you fucking dipshit.
How is being an obnoxious faggot "better"?
There's nothing wrong with working hard to be your better self.
Oh is that what makes you crossboard onto Sup Forums to spam pictures of 3D women then spam even more memes at everyone who tells you to fuck off? Because that's what your better self does?
How sad.
Is there a woman in that pile of bubble gum?