Rider in Homurahara school uniform?
Damn, we need more of this!
Rider in Homurahara school uniform?
is where you belong, scum.
She is too old for this crap.
>she is too tall for this crap
Fixed that for you friendo
She a little bit above average but she is by no means tall.
Remember, this is Nipland we're talking about.
>Damn, we need more of this!
The last thing we need is more F/GO cancer.
I don't care about F/GO. All I care is Rider. Let's hope that upcoming HF movies merchandising will deliver some interesting Rider or SakuraXRider fanservice.
I can agree to that much.
So I guess that F/GO has now come to the sixth war. What kind of shit is going down now in that crazy storyline of theirs?
Best thing would be some Sakura X Rider symmdock picture by Takeuchi, or maybe better by directly from ufotable considering that they are actually able portray their real "sizes" (see image) unlike him.
I want Rider to rape me.
Rider goes that way, but Sakura doesn't.
it's /vg/ newfag
>not caster
my girl needs to shine more
Sadly she won't shine at all in HF. As much as I like her, it's time for Rider to get some love.
According to novel itself. Sakura is E cup. So yes. Both Rider and Sakura have cowtits.
Reminder that the reason she thinks of herself as too tall is her perfect immortal bullying loli twin sisters
Rider-sensei when?
I just noticed the book Nursery Rhyme is reading. Well done Pako, well done.
I think the most she had in terms of development was in UBW. Sadly the anime still cut her backstory out.
Is this from HA? I remember seeing these sluts on that one bit in Prisma but I didn't know who they were.
Her backstory with Kuzuki was in HF, not SN. If anything the anime added more with her first Master.
Yes, Rider get a good amount of character development in HF.
No, Stheno and Euryale are not in Prisma.
Yes they are.
During that little bit about older sisters.
I see, you mean this little cameo.
kek, that touko and kohaku though
Lies and slander, how would you even know its them with those bars covering their eyes?
Either way, report this thread.
Nah, the anime left out her story with Jason and her true reason for participating in the HGW.
her past with jason is in HA right?
How do I win Rider's heart?
I have no memories of this part being in F/SN, I think it was in F/HA.
Be Shirou.
It was in the UBW route but cut out of the anime. Read the VN, jesus christ.
Bully her.
Or Ayako
Or Rin.
Are there clear sprites of this?
Command Seal
Why do Fate fans hate the UBW anime? I thought it was ok
Honestly it's just a dumb vocal minority. Who cares what their opinion is if you liked it.
I love her hair
Good attitude
Damn, Takeuchi. If he can deliver Saber x Rin docking, why he can't do same for girls that actually have something to dock.
Because Rin actually likes girls and would want to do something like that. Sakura does not.
You hugely underestimate Sakura's relationship with Rider.