Are mongols /our guys/?

Are mongols /our guys/?

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Destroyed Rus and their genetics so no.

no they are not, ive been to mongolia, and its a worse shithole than ukraine

No, but Genghis was defiantly /ourkhan/

>Swedecuck hates Mongolia
wtf I love Mongolia now

>best nationalist videos
>has picture of an indian guy
>took a video made by muslims and uploaded it under his own name

They invaded the entire middle east under the Ilkhanate if I recall correctly. But they weren't strong enough and converted to Islam, so no they are not /ourguys/

>ukrainian crypto-tatar
>loves mongolia
Putin did nothing wrong

They pretty much saved Europe from being conquered by the muslims, not intentionally though.

Genocided the old Aryan stock of Central Asia and replaced it with the slant eyed subhumans that populate the -istans to this day.

this, chinks are not our friends

It's Official, Mongolia has risen higher than Swedestan.

thats what they deserved. when the seljuks conquered anatolia they pillaged and destroyed many cities and massacred their populations.

Not a surprise that a swede would hate Mongolia.

No. They're muzzies.

Isn't it Ironic that the glorious khalifate governed by the servants of the mighty Allah got destroyed by a bunch of polytheistic savages with a culture based on killing and raping? And never managed to recover since then? Allah truly hates muslims


They converted to Islam
Literally cucks

You even had mongolians in your colony for 600 years and now they are taking pride in the culture you had given them while hating you.

You have no idea

(They) Tengri converted to Islam around 1666 ... theme :

/ourguys/ for sure.

The Mongol Empire was pretty cosmopolitan. Until it got too big to govern & slowly broke up into rival khanates with different religions (I.e. Hulagu fighting Berke)

Well they killed russians, hungarians and turks, definitely /ourguys/.

If Jews fear Samurai, they must be terrified of Mongols.

The Jews have nothing to offer them it wouldn't be easier to steal for themselves.

Are they ever? :DD

And swedes gtfo

>implying I'm white

>become muzzie
>your entire empire collapses

Pick two

I have doubts they were practicing Muslims, more like they'll tell others they're Muslim for business then go to their yurt eat pork, drink wine, and do some other shit that is not halal

But they'll pray to the muzzie idol, in the end that's what mattered.

they didn't finish the job.

in the end what matters is they killed more Muslims than all the crusades combined, including the complete destruction of an Islamic dynasty

Soon you will puge the mudslimes. Its up to every single one of you europeans to redpill people about what to do when the world economy collapses.

Be ghengis khans when the time comes. Go into muslims homes, chop off their heads. Line them up in the streets and execute them. Put their heads on spikes for all muslims to see and force them to flee our ancestral lands. Only then can europe be saved.

My country is lost, europe may not be.


Genghis Khan is /ourguy/ the rest were Islam converting cucks as another user in this thread said.

Europe was never in danger of being conquered by Muslims, no idea what you're talking about.

Ok have a good one chumps ... (ourguy) fucking kok

centuries before mongol invasion, central asia had become already turkic. map related

You fool.

They hadn't even tried yet, but it was their inevitable plan, they were content with piracy and raiding up to a point, but their intentions of conquering Europe are documented. They were only squabbling with each other over who would lead the Victory parade, and the only reason they didn't start moving up in greater and greater force and start making sweeping gains with every year was because Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes arrived out of nowhere and came *this* close to blowing out their pilot light.


Sounds a bit exaggerated.