Do Americans really ignore public degeneracy like this?
Do Americans really ignore public degeneracy like this?
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Americans IS the source of all world's degeneracy.
American is a synonym of "degenerate".
Only in places like carlifornia or DC. But we really don't care, because 99 percent of white women in the USA are repulsed by niggers. The only white women that they get are the white trash, fatties, uglies, and the odd gold digger for the mega rich niggers. We aren't like europe, leaf. The USA hates niggers, especially our females.
And of course, this is a bait thread by the same reddit shill homosexuals that come here daily from Australia and Canada. Or at least their IP's come from there.
maybe we need sharia patrols
>but christian?
>send a German to Russia and he remains a German
>send a German to America and he becomes a degenerate
For once, you're right, Ivan.
>The USA hates Niggers
You can't even say Nigger in public
i don't like pda but weirdly enough i would be into it with a black guy to make white guys mad
Agreed. It's kind of like how Russian is a synonym for 'failure' or 'alcoholic'.
>You can't even say Nigger in public
But you can think whatever you want.