Confession Thread

Confession Thread

I only download in 1080p and I've never seen EVA but I like to shitpost with others about how overrated it is

You don't have to watch garbage to call it trash.

I wish I was into anime more than I was a decade ago there are so many shows I can't watch at the same time as you

Also I wish MAL could be updated directly from some kind of magic source because I've read and watched ton of shit and I'm not updating it starting now.

Back when it was airing I convinced my brother dandelion was pronounced 'dandy lion'

you talk like a faggot and you're shit's all retarded.

Also, AoT is a good anime to make friends.

Fuck off.


>starting a thread with this shit

I can't fully respect the opinion of people who genuinely dislike NGE.

I've never read the Fate VN but I still like to tell people who have read it what it's about.

I've never even watched at least 90% of the shows I shitpost about.

I've watched EVA, and I think it's pretty shit

The OP of a show often decides whether or not I watch it

I'm subscribed to WatchMojo

I watch anime for cute boys, and sometimes I wish there was Sup Forums for discussing male characters. /cm/ and /y/ are nice, but I want something more - a place where we could shitpost about boys, rank them, discuss lewd things about them, have countless husbando threads. I just want to discuss cute boys, that's all.

The 1080p bit was enough to tell you are stupid. There was no need to go beyond that.


I probably have only seen like 150 series, I stopped counting after I broke 100, forgetting my MAL info, but I like to act like I know my shit and judge people who say they like anime but haven't seen staple shows like NGE or ones of relative importance in other genres

I don't know if this is my personality or if it's due to my years on Sup Forums and I did it to fit in

If an anime has too many episodes I just stream it.

I stream and I fucking hate torrent fags and their self righteous attitude to how someone watches Vietnamese woodcarvings with a passion. Seriously who the fuck cares.

It is though.

I shitpost about shows I hate more than I discuss shows that I like.

They just want the best for you, user.

>Post a screen shot you want to discuss from an anime.
>get 50 replies
>all are smug anime girls calling me a stream fag.

>describe Sup Forums in one sentence

you forgot to add that you are also underage.

stream fag

I fucking loved Galilei Donna, Psycho Pass, and Zankyou no Terror.

I haven't seen any Gundam all the way through, only bits and pieces.

I dislike NGE.

I download in 720 and sometimes I stream.

Sometimes I skip OPs or EDs if they suck.

Shota is pure, shota is not for sexualizing!


>I download in 720
Nothing wrong.

I'm a newfag who's only been here since 2014 (which is also when I started watching anime for the first time).

However I still like to pretend I'm an oldfag even though there are still a lot of staple shows I haven't seen.

Also my first anime was PSG even though I tell people it was GuP (which was actually the third anime I ever watched through to the end after Nichijou)

Worst of all though, before I ever seriously got into anime and manga, I used to love reading Hetalia.

I think posting bait topics has gotten too rampant.

stream fag

>Sometimes I skip OPs or EDs if they suck
who the fuck doesn't? I ain't gonna sit through cringy ass OP's like netoge's.

Same. I only ever download when it's shows I really like.

I stream and pay for shit cause I have enough money, I don't rewatch shows, I don't care too much about quality as long as it's watchable so why waste the effort torrentint. All people I've met who torrent are poor and that's understandable but taking that as a badge is a special kind of retardation

When I post I think I'm the smartest guy around.

Stream fag.

I don't care about being elitist anymore and just stream when it's more convenient to do so.

I don't like Ghost In The Shell. The animation, soundtrack and sound design are excellent, but everything else is so dull.

Also, SAO was good for the first 14 episodes.

Why would it matter if you watched GuP before PSG?

Breaking one of the secret rules of BnHA threads, but I prefer to talk about anime on reddit like the rest of us do.


Stream fag

>Like the rest of us
Speak for yourself.



and a filthy secondary zero babby redditshit to boot

because PSG is entry level shit it and I'm an elitist. Again its a cringey fucking reason which is why I'm confessing it


stream fag

stream fag

>but I prefer to talk about X on reddit like the rest of us do.

Getting real fucking tired of this shit.

and this is the rule I broke, we're suppose to deny it.

stream fag

Doesn't really matter what kind of anime you discuss on that website, as long as you don't behave like an overtly politically correct reddit-user who tries to tip-toe around each issue and is being melodramatic when discussing a show on Sup Forums's Sup Forumsnime & manga board.

I too only view stuff in 1080, I also only stream because I couldn't be damned waiting for a torrent or download. I don't care about visual quality because 1080p already makes that look fine anyway and its easy to spot 720p upscales from a mile away.

I don't watch any moe shit and anything that has dumb cliches like lewd sexy moments out of left field I just stop watching because it ruins anything about the character that could have been valuable. I don't know all the Sup Forums memes on here like NTR and other stupid shit because I don't really care. Also comedic relief is bad in virtually every scenario and any girl with ridiculously big boobs I stop watching

stream fag

>stream fag

Let me see those (You)s

The people that reply are just as bad now.

I hate little demon loli's that claim to be 12000 years old but are really like 8

>tip-toe around each issue
So every "logical ruse" poster?


This. Even when there are general character or design threads, everyone only posts girls. No variety on this board.

Holy fuck these people are truly the cancer killing Sup Forums


I fucking hate you people.

Don't worry user. I also stream anime. The only anime I download are those that I consider to be anime of the season, and which I want to post screenshots of to share and discuss about on Sup Forums.

I rate all my anime, for the sole purpose of ranking and organizing shows I like based on enjoyment.

10s are my personal favorite shows
9s are shows I really enjoyed, but aren't quite my all time favorites
8s are satisfying watches
7s are enjoyable
6s are shows I barely manage to finish, but had a couple things I did like like character designs or the OP
5s are shows I pretty much force myself to finish and are completely forgettable but not outright terrible.
4-2s are a bit muddied, I just rate them depending on how much I hated it.
1 is Guilty Crown

>visiting reddit
ISHYGDDT baka'ing tbtqhwy familia

>overtly politically correct reddit-user
You must have a sterotypical view of Reddit.



Thats why I go for the original loli vampire who actually is a loli. Honestly noone on Sup Forums ever even mentions Hazuki anymore. Its sad.

>I don't watch any moe shit and anything that has dumb cliches like lewd sexy moments out of left field I just stop watching because it ruins anything about the character that could have been valuable. I don't know all the Sup Forums memes on here like NTR and other stupid shit because I don't really care. Also comedic relief is bad in virtually every scenario and any girl with ridiculously big boobs I stop watching

You're me.

Moeshit is a waste of download ratio and time. Any anime that has a major point about tit size (except Slayers) is garbage. Fanservice is garbage.

This is exactly how you should rate anime, and the only reasonable way to do so.


Same user. Luckily Magi threads celebrate best boy discussions... /cm/ is so dead. We should post more there. You and I! I am sure there are plenty of cute boy aficionados on Sup Forums who could post on /cm/ but don't.

Also I hate gay. Homoshit and slashposting are trash. Soooo half of /cm/ hates me.

I like watching anime.

Same thing if you like yuri, have a specific waifu (looking at you, rei), etc.
Streaming looks really shitty is all.

stream fag

every other thread I try to mention these things I don't like everyone calls me a fag because I only watch "mature anime" for some reason

This is what happens when you get early scans and translations posted here first. Redditors flock here, then complain how much better they like reddit.

>every other thread I try to mention these things
No wonder people call you a fag, nobody wants to hear about your opinion.

Moeposters are just the loudest moron in the room. They're faggots, user, ignore them. All of them are khv who haven't spoken to a girl since elementary school, that's why they're caught up on "pure" girls and lolishit. Straight out of Lolita.

>cute girl anons doing cute smug girl things
I legitimately love those of you who aren't newfag cancer. You're shit but you make me smile.

>getting rused by clear samefaggotry


>wants to discuss cute boys
>hates gay


went from downloading to streaming shows
holy shit the convenience

Why are these types of threads allowed? They are newfag attractions.

This is why people hate plotfags.
And I'm a plotfag.

>the only two shows that exist are plotheavy or moeshit

Said the guy who has seen less than 80 anime.

Seriously though, the plot and character development should be one of the more important aspects. But largely moe shit and other anime have fallen to it aswell, its just easier to make up a cutsy shit character and advertise it for marketing. Casual audiences are so shallow because they buy it up and Anime creation as a whole is largely determined by demand and these shit casual audiences demand garbage anime with little substance.

I use confession meta-threads on Sup Forums to honestly confess shameful anime-related things.

I wish I was a mod, I'd ban half of reddit which is in this thread. Seriously they're all here.

Hiro is reddit. He wanted Sup Forums to become more popular and wants it to be more "open" to newfags.

I suggest applying for the position of janitor and then work your way up towards becoming a moderator, or paying Hiroyuki a large sum of money so that you can become a moderator and exercise your power on the Sup Forums board.

I'm a streamfag

I've never watched EVA or Cowboy Bebop

I thought Phantom World was decent

I skip OPs and EDs unless I really like them

The anime you are interested in to discuss on Sup Forums is most likely to be late-night stuff for hardcore anime fans, who by their very definition are not casual anime viewers.
