Spoilers soon
Shokugeki no Souma Chapter 166 Spoilers
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Oh boy! Another thread full of moonrunes and unintelligible literal google translations!
Do you just pop out of existence when people here translate stuff?
I miss the top 8 doing shit together. Azami was a mistake.
Maybe I have better things to be doing than sitting through yet another pointless thread of Erina vs Megumi shitposters and trash translations of fictitious spoilers when instead I can pay attention to the actual translation thread of the relevant chapter when the pages get posted. What's your excuse for bothering to exist?
>reading Fairy Tail with food
have they fucked yet
The melting has started just give it time
Erina doesn't love Soma
Better question. How often does Erina masturbate to Souma's dad?
or how hard is Souma's gonna lose to Tsukasa.
I want to give Erina a taste of my dick.
She's starting to
>making a bet against seat 1
No, she started the instant she first tasted Souma's cooking. But like all tsunderes, she never admitted in the beginning.
>Spoilers soon
Haha what?
Spoilers in 6 hours
How is that soon my man?
Who hype for S2 here?
What's that?
I'm looking forward to the tears when Giganigga devours Takumi, the pool, and Doujima.
This also means the return of animeonlyfags.
Please translate volume 18 extras.
the thread is supposed to last atleast 6 hours, while talking and having fun time goes fast
I think it's a party to celebrate the wrap for S2 production. They were streaming the anime in the lobby.
Post/link them and I'll get to them later. brb pizza's here
Ok. Dumping extras from volume 18.
Some pages weren't translated.
Think a bunch of these were done a while back already.
>you will never taste her stinky fish stew
That's all.
Please translate L'etoile extras too.
Who needs her
Worst girl
Shit tier
she's hot
Does someone have all the edited volume pages? I didn't save them all.
Do you know if they were added to this collection ?
Is the manga being worked on at all? I don't think I can fully commit to it yet in my current situation, but maybe I can translate a chapter and remind people that it exists – get a group to adopt it.
Also this needs typesetting:
Shokugeki no Soma Betsubara #5
Shokugeki no Souma x Kochikame by Saeki Shun.
>Do you know if they were added to this collection?
No, they weren't.
>Is the manga being worked on at all?
So who wins?
You do.
>Eizan's Weird Faces Ranking
>Current 1st Place (Chapter 146)
>Reindeer Erina-sama
>Appeared on the magazine cover to commemorate Shokugeki no Soma's 3rd year of serialization
>Reindeer Tadokoro-chan
>M: This is real warm...
Will do later.
>For more Erina-sama versus the washing machine, see the opening page for Volume 17 Chapter 142
>E: Soak? // Rinse?
>E: Soft? // Course?
>E: Wash tub?
Never took a close look at a Japanese washing machine so I'm as clueless as Erina here. Not sure if "soft" is referring to "soft (light)" or ソフト温風.
>A rare shot of Nakiri Azami looking blank
>The Central Badge
>Motif: Thistle flower
when will he stick his food in her?
so did souma win?
Is this worth picking up? How is the Battle Shounen of food?
Its gr8
Bumpy. On and off in quality. Perfect girls is a consistency though.
It's pretty good.
Hopefully no.
>Momo-senpai's stuffed doll // Bucchi
>Where on earth did its name come from!?
>On their way to Bloc C
>H: Here! Put these on!
>BB1: Eh...!? Okay, but... w-why sunglasses?
>H: To avoid unwanted attention, obviously!
>BB2: Is Arato-chan sillier than she looks?
>Tsukuda Yuuto
>My goal this year: "Wake up before noon"
>Saeki Shun
>My wife took this picture!! It's amazing! This shot is amazing!! Seriously!
>Twist twist twist
>Sfx: Stretch
>Sfx: Grind grind
>Sfx: Rawr
>All Momo-senpai's way of showing love
I'll try to do L'etoile when I find the time.
>I'll try to do L'etoile when I find the time.
Thanks as always.
Were the previous Jump Ryu ripped quickly? I'm getting something from Amazon this month, and I could add it. The illustration isn't particularly interesting to me though.
Does Souma lose?
How often does HER dad?
Please do, I'm interested in this. I don't think the previous editions were ripped, I couldn't find them anywhere.
I don't know.
Can you repeat the question?
quads demands
This thread needs more ALICE
Please post some Erina reactions
He will tell Erina that even he knows 1st seats dish was better than his.
Wew lad, got my tapestry.
Now I can wake up to this every morning.
Why are they all so attractive?
Good doujins never ever.
I bought and ripped the Yugioh one since I wanted the card. And it's the only one with an extra illustration.
I'm mainly interested in Yabuki and Araki, but Yabuki's isn't until next month.
Do you really need doujins tho?
Where and how much? Or did you get by collecting those tickets in the BDs?
Oh, Just noticed that Hisako and Ryoko have inverse hair and eye color to Erina.
Yahoo Auction. As for price, it was way overpriced, but the penis demanded it.
Yes. Badly. But I want them to be well drawn.
>Hisako is not part of the main harem
>Nikumi is now irrelevant
Why is this allowed
>implying Nikumi was ever relevant
I am jealous
I don't usually buy lewd merch, but I wouldn't have hesitated to grab that if I was able to find it in Akiba or Den Den Town when I went to Japan last month.
I was only able to grab a Shokugeki no Souma mug at the official Jump Store at Tokyo Station along with one of those file folder things and some keychains and pins. The prize figures were too damn expensive for prize figures, but I have the Goodsmile Erina figure already preordered for this month.
>Yes. Badly. But I want them to be well drawn.
It's tough when the original artist is Tosh.
What harem?
>that figure
Goddamn she is beautiful.
Hmm, just for reference, how much do you think it would be the actual price of the tapestry? I might try to get it in the future so any info would be useful.
You need to buy the first four BD volumes to get it, so you should assume it'll be that much plus more from price gouging, which can range from 20,000 yen to 30,000 yen.
I paid in that range.
That said, you might be hard pressed to find any though, it's been more than half a year already.
>roughly 250 USD
Well spent.
HD scan when?
Well, that's expensive, although I almost bought them months ago. I might try my luck and ask someone I know over there to look for tapestry.
>still reading this shit
Sorry, mates. Someone gotta point it out sooner or later.
And yet here you are.
>implying i'm still reading this