Which one had the better soundtrack?
Which one had the better soundtrack?
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Both are great but CB has, in my opinion, the better overall OST.
I mean, it had like 6 total soundtracks that you could cherry pick from to make a single one better than FLCL's.
do you prefer top tier blues/jazz or top tier jrock?
CB's is good but FLCL's is more memorable.
Also the scenes in FLCL are set to the music perfectly.
I haven't seen CB in a while, and I just finished rewatching FLCL so my opinion might be tilted by that fact.
I think FLCL had the better overall soundtrack. As I recall CB had a ton of songs on it where FLCLonly had a handful, but all of the FLCL songs IMO are very memorable and are the type of songs you would actually listen to by themselves... I don't recall CB having much like this. Real Folk Blues is better than anything on the FLCL soundtrack and I listen to it all the time, but other than that I don't recalling CB having many other songs that I would do this with.
Tank is great as an opening, but once again it's not really something I would listen to away from the show.
Bebop has the advantage of having a fucking massive soundtrack.
Bebop, but FLCL's OST was top tier.
This user has it right.
FLCL's soundtrack is great all the way through but CB's is so massive that you can pick out all the best songs and make a god-tier soundtrack.
>FLCL's soundtrack was more memorable
Time to prove otherwise.
Game, Set & Match. Checkmate. Final whistle.
You. Cannot. Win.
Cowboy Bebop's is more varied and comes more alive because of it whereas FLCL while very good is basically just one very long music video for the Pillows.
Don't forget
Well one's almost entirely vocal while another, while heavily vocal as well, still includes several dozen tracks and in various genres. So I wouldn't say they're too comparable.
More importantly however, you're probably an annoying newfag who should most likely lurk the fuck more.
To bad FLCL was just shit with people acting like it had a "Deep" message in it.
Flcl had 6 episodes compared to CBB, so way less selection in comparison.
Both are great but you would have to compare how CBB had some fluff to flcl
Nah, you just have shit taste.
Hell, even if you don't care about deeper messages FLCL is a masterpiece on the surface level alone.
user, nowadays, one could literally bring in a canvas with shit all over it and people would still call it a "masterpiece".
FLCL was good but six episodes can't compare to 26 episodes, a movie and two video games, and live performances, etc.
What do you mean by this? Are you saying that a deeper meaning is necessary for a work to be good? Or are you saying that FLCL isn't a technical masterpiece? Because while the first is debatable the second is undeniably wrong.
What makes FLCL a "Masterpiece" then, user?
The only thing FLCL did was turn the animation up too eleven. That's about it. Everything about it though, was just randomness for the sake of randomness.
Answering what makes something a masterpiece is a difficult question. The easiest way to answer it would be "everything" but that answer isn't very helpful.
So instead I'll explain what that "randomness" you're talking about really is.
That "randomness" is intended to make you feel a certain way, and the way it's supposed to make you feel is like a kid going through puberty. It's supposed to replicate that feeling of growing up, seeing the world in it's full light for the first time and being both overwhelmed by it and disenchanted by it at the same time. It's not just for the sake of randomness, it's to disorient the viewer and put them in the proper mindset to experience the events of the story and the characters, which are the real center of the show.
Fuck that whole "Undertone/message about puberty" bullshit. You know what other series i can say has that same bullshit message? Fucking Steven Universe, should people start thinking Steven Universe is a fucking masterpiece?
Reread your post and realize that it means nothing.
Also I can't believe both of you are having this retarded argument that happens every time a FLCL thread pops up on this board.
You've said literally nothing. I'm sure there are plenty of coming of age stories that you also like. That's not why the show is good specifically, I'm just trying to describe and aspect of the show that you clearly don't understand. It's just one part, that alone can't do it. The accuracy of the portrayal of puberty is why I like it so much, not simply because it portrays puberty at all.
Bebop, definitely. And I love both.
bebop easily
It's not my fault retards think a hidden message about puberty and how that message is handled is their definition of a "Masterpiece".
The message isn't hidden in the slightest, it's clear as day.
Gotta say Bebop
The Pillows are amazing but Bebop OST is in another level
Space Lion wins over everything. That's all I need to know.
There's not some hidden message in FLCL. FLCL was mostly an experiment in what would become Gainax's signature style of direction, pioneered by Anno on Kare Kano and codified by Tsurumaki. It was a proof of concept. Which isn't to say that you shouldn't enjoy it, of course. FLCL was just about character and mood. It evoked a sort of wistful nostalgia and longing, and it did it effectively. And I think that was the whole goal. So you either enjoy it for what it is or you don't. Trying to read the tea leaves of this show looking for complex theme is just a waste of time. If you like FLCL, it's because you find the direction evocative. It's all direction.
user, we all know FLCL is just a series of abstract music videos for The Pillows.
No time for love, post more the Pillows
This, Daft Punk had Interstellar 55555, The Pillows had FLCL
No, FLCL was good for the animation and atmosphere.
The movie was GOAT
>it's a nujabes song
>Space Lion
Mah nigga, I came here just to list that song.
I really enjoy the FLCL OST as a standalone, but the tracks also fit really nice with the scene.
CB had some pretty good tracks, but nothing terribly memorable except for the OP and ED.
What people mean really when they talk about how DEEP (or not) FLCL is is basically just the character development and story which includes some fairly clear symbolism sandwiched between a bunch of non-sequiturs and jokes.
And it's not a "hidden message" to debate whether or not it exists, or a secret interpretation, or a super deep metaphor in the story, it's literally just plain old symbols. Tsurumaki pretty much just took things he liked, like baseball and guitars, and put them in the story as important things.
I don't know why people continue to argue about whether or not these kind things actually have any meaning, because Tsurumaki literally explains what some of them mean in the commentary. It shouldn't be the focal point of these arguments anyhow, because whatever interpretation the fans come up with for whatever strange thing happens in the show has little bearing on how important it is.
You should be able to understand and form an opinion the characters and the story without having to think about the symbolism anyway.
Kill yourself.