Watching Code Geass for the first time

hey Sup Forums

fairly new to anime, finally started watching code geass, about halfway (14 episodes) through the first season. supposedly this is one of the best anime ever, and while it has me engaged, it feels like it has too many genres slapped together to appeal to as many groups as possible. there's mecha, military strategy, supernatural elements, school comedy, and even fucking harem elements, and i don't feel like they all mesh together that well

without any specific spoilers, does it tie together any better later in the show?

image unrelated


No, it gets far worse, particularly in the second season, but the idiots will tell you otherwise.

Yes, I really enjoyed it. Season 2 is a litt;e bit meh for a bit but it gets better. However there are better shows, including mecha shows out there but geass is a good show to start with, along with guren lagann

It was good when it came out. The first big trainwreck for its time.

>supposedly this is one of the best anime ever
Who lied to you?

You are completely justified in your criticism. I can't say they tie together at the end, but the school comedy and harem elements pretty much vanish

okay, good

i actually do like a lot of high school SoL shows, but they don't mesh with the military/political core of this show

i'll watch a few more episodes later

>supposedly this is one of the best anime ever
It's one of the most entertaining and enjoyable shows out there, but not because it's good.

When you're done, start Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

Code Geass copied its plot structure, but most people who aren't peasants acknowledge it as genuinely outstanding.

i saw more resemblance to 1984? britannia = oceania, europe = eurasia, china = eastasia

The first half of season 2 is pretty rough, gets better once someone dies.

Dont watch it its a running circlejerk. Its nothing special and will just disappoint.

How do you see this as anything like 1984? They having really nothing in common. You are an idiot.

>most people who aren't peasants acknowledge it as genuinely outstanding
For you.

If you're watching it worried about how the genres clash instead of just digesting the show, you're doing it wrong.

also, it's not great, it's just fun.

To truly enjoy Code Geass you have to try to take it as seriously as possible and not give in to your instincts to start calling it shit or get upset about where the plot is going. Its a literal rollercoaster, and Sup Forumsnon at the time it was airing was able to fully understand this with a week between each episode and full on discussion of absolutely every single part of the episode.
>slapped together to appeal to as many groups as possible
It's clearly not. It does one thing at a time and just uses the magic and science parts interchangeably and ultimately the magic is responsible for most of the drama while the mecha is responsible for the action.
You could call Suzaku the 'mecha' MC and Lelouche the 'magic' MC if it makes you feel better.

Watch it for yourself and find out.

Lurk for 2 years before posting.

I'll open a bottle of champagne the day you get banned.

It has plotholes or just straight up writing convenience so the plot can continue, but its themes are really good. I watch all sorts of anime, be in SoL/battle harem/romcom and Code Geass despite its flaws is still one of the best and entertaining anime for me


He's desperately trying to suck up to the moderators. It's his dream to be a moderator one day because his life is so miserable.

I thought he just wants to be worse than Lelouch.

I wish there was a button to kill everyone who replied seriously in this thread

>this thread has been up for 3 hours

There is no saving this board.