Swiss referendum on banning the Burka

Soon there will be a referendum on the banning of Burkas in Switzerland. What is everyones thought on it? Should we support or oppose the ban?

I myself is against the ban since the banning of such obvious and clear defining distinctions between tha native population and foreigners is obviously a bad thing and must be pushed by crypto-leftists and civic-nationalists that aim to create a multi-ethnic goo.
>we're all the same
>as long as they wear western clothes and believe in the constitution then everything will be fine
>immigration of third worlders is fine
>they just need to integrate

Are there any good arguments FOR banning the burkas?

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>Are there any good arguments FOR banning the burkas?
So you can tell which one of them just bombed your city

race war now

For safety reasons and to show them their customs are not welcome here

for security checks and to generally oppress them desu

They should ban all those private bank accounts mostly used by drug dealers, arms runners, thieving politicians; pedophiles and other slime.

>we'll be safe as long as they wear jeans and cute swiss styled tops
>let's import more of them
Don't you people see that integration of these people is a bad thing?

Africans in America stopped wearing African clothing, look how well that turned out. If they were wearing African clothes today then you'd be able to spot them from a mile away.

If i have to take off my hat when i walk in a church, put a kipoa on when i walk in a synagogue, take off my shoes when i walk in a mosque, then they have to take off their burqas when they walk in my streets

they hate it tho, might even make some of them explode with rage

I don't know mang, every Muslim walking around in western clothes is a PR dream for leftists wanting to import a few million more.

We should all support Muslims wearing Burkas, segregated swimming pools and segregation in general.

Not sure pham, I just like violating their religious freedom desu

Nigs can still be spotted easily

blacks still dress like niggers

Let's keep Muslims dressing like Muslims then.

I don't know about Switzerland, but it's rare enough in the US that it should remain legal here. Seeing a trashbag walking around is still an unusual and shocking sight in most place.

No freedom for Islam to spread on western lands pls, it's a religion of conquest, violence and blood, why would you allow that foreign element to spread domestically?

If I'm oppressing it, then I'm clearly not allowing it to spread you numbnuts

Ours are all descended from the old models, they didn't come with clothes

Who knows what people are hiding below that.
They could probably fit and conceal an assault rifle below it

Banning the burka is just as good of an argument as building a border wall.

Its not the law that counts, its the intent behind it. Showing foreigners that they are shit is the mission, not banning people to wear elaborate garbage bags.

If someone wants to wear chains, let them - but always remember they don the burden.
If they want to dress like persian prostitutes let them.

I could exaggerate this a bit further.
"If someone wants to follow sharia law by their own volition, let them".

"If someone wants to start a voluntary Sharia patrol, and the people like it, let them."

Libertarian practices will not work against a group organizing to subvert all.

Good. I hope the based Swiss vote yes.

Yes, either they adopt the host culture, customs and religion or... GAS

>Commit crime in burka
>blend into crowd of burkas
The perfect crime, no one will ever know

Support it, and then commit crimes while wearing one.

It's an attempt to stop them enforcing their barbaric dress code on the natives. If no one is allowed in burkas then there can't be places where women are not safe without a burka. It has a certain logic but I don't see it working in the long run.
They're trying to stop the no go zones that don't exist from spreading.

It doesn't do anything in the direction of solving the problem.

It's like putting a bandage over a tumor.

The dress code is honestly the mildest shit muslims are up to. Wearing a ninja mask is nothing compared to the criminality that filth gets up to.

But it is a sign, that people are beginning to connect the dots, and connect rampant criminality and dysfunction with the muslims. It will either curb their behaviour in the short term, and cut of their migration a bit.

Ban it.

1) Anti social ... if large groups of men from a less than well integrated group were constantly wearing ski masks in public people would rightfully support banning it.
2) Supporting oppression of women. Women constantly remove burka given the chance in muslim countries.
3) Remove kebab.

A referendum in the Canton of Ticino had already banned the Burka in year 2015.

Now those sandjews are bypassing it by wearing scarfes and medical face masks.

>civic nationalist with a natsoc flag

Careful what you post Sven.

t. muslim

Fuck off, muhammad

It would make them feel less welcome in coming to your country, but it's probably too late for that anyway.