Redpills Sup Forums refuses to take

Reagan was a terrible president

Other urls found in this thread:

> Collapsed the Soviet Union
> Grew GDP at 5% while cutting taxes
> So popular he dragged Bush Sr. to be his third term
Whatever you say OP

>was going to happen no matter what
>tripled the debt
>propped up the most disgusting person that has ever been president
cuckservatives deserve the rope for blindly letting this country go to shit

Mondale pls go

He's the reason California is now a blue state, he gave amnesty to 3 million illegals. Only retarded boomers still like the clusterfuck that is Reagan.

Reagan was president in 1991?

He was a 5/10 president. The bad he did about equaled the good he did. In the long run he did more bad than good.

Sup Forums already knows this you stupid faggot

Reagan is routinely pissed on here, are you new?

Coolidge was the last decent President we had.

Can someone who was alive at the time or who is well versed on the topic give me a rundown on Reagan's amnesty? Why did he do it, and could it have been easily prevented? Seems like an unfathomably stupid move.

>Coolidge was the last decent President we had.
JFK was alright. Nixon to a degree.

>Gave amnesty to spics
>Let some faggot cram the Hughes amendment into FOPA

He got the ball rolling for solid blue states. Fuck him and his fanboys.

Also, I'm curious about the history of California. Was it always a leftist state, or did it only become the way it is today because of Mexicans? As far as I know a lot of Mexicans are actually pretty conservative so I'm wondering how and when California's white population became so cucked, and if it's fixable.

He caused the 80s farm crisis that fucked a lot of good farm families over. What's fucked up is a lot of farmers still love him

agree 10000%, its ridiculous watching people defend him. There are multiple interviews from both liberal and conservative media that admitted Reagan had to have most questions answered for him since he had no idea what was actually going on. Definition of puppet president.

JFK would've likely signed the Immigration Act. So, fuck him, too.

Nixon is underrated.

The GOP basically thought that if they legalized illegals they would be getting their votes in return. Instead they ended up voting for the DNC because of gibs.

JFK tried so hard to end the cold war to save America billions of dollars on nukes, unfortunately the CIA blew his fucking face off for trying

the jews holliwood braiwashed the california population.

His actions led to the collapse. He didn't immediately end it through military force. He forced them into bankruptcy.

Yet another example of Trolling on this thread.

Just like I'm LARPING a Jihadi rn

1) Reagan was infiltrated by Neocons who had their own agenda.
2) Amnesty was passed with a promise to crack down on future violators, something people in the 80s were more naive about.
3) California only went to shit after the Save Our State's initiative which passed a Proposition banning gibs for illegals was invalidated by the Federal Courts much like the gay marriage ban. Which was the 1990s and after Reagan.

can I get a source on that? I thought he wasn't all to keen about making it easier

The only thing he did right was "take a bullet for the country" .... What too soon

Only commies and faggots hated Reagan. OP is a faggot. Again.

California was always Republican until the 1992 election

Well, he did let Ted Kennedy cuck him on illegals. Other than that he was great. He should be on Mt Rushmore.

Reagan sucked


Another deal Reagan tried to make with the demorats.

Amnesty for the ones already here in exchange for solid border control.

Amnesty happened. Solid border control never did. The demorats reneged, as usual, like the fucking rats that they are.

Same with Reagan's tax hike in exchange for massive spending cuts. The tax hike happened, and then absolutely zero spending cuts.

Reagan tried to make deals with the demorats, but in hindsight, making deals with the devil is never the right answer.

Cool guy shit president. Gave some good speeches

It was Tip O'Neil who tripled the debt.


Won in two massive landslides but I guess it was the Russians the American people didn’t really love him.

Things were happier and nicer when Reagan was in power.

He let Ted Kennedy cuck him. He said it was the biggest mistake he ever made. Teddy promised they would end illegals. Surprise. Kennedy was a lying fag.

Like any of these faggots were even alive during the Reagan administration. They don't even remember Tip O'Neil or who controlled congress.

Leftists trying to argue the Soviet Union rotted from within and Reagan didn't have anything to do with it are missing the illogic of this statement.

If the Soviet Union rotted from within, you lefties are basically admitting that socialism is a failed, unsustainable system. Think about it.


>Inb4 b-but Trotsky would have been real socialism!!

>passed stricter gun control
>made the debt the mess it is today
>gave rise to neocons
>allowed MLK day to become a federal holiday
>b-b-b-but muh soviet union!
And? Is FDR to be admired cause of WWII? His New Deal policies were terrible and did nothing for the Great Depression. It wasn't until conservative fiscal reforms at the end of WWII that the American economy was fixed, it wasn't even the war spending that fixed it. The 1946 Administrative Procedure Act ensured shit like the New Deal can't happen again anyway, not to mention the 1980 Regulatory Flexibility Act protects small business from that horseshit even further.

>Reagan Amnesty

>border security is suck

>Reagan and Republican saying demographic changes will never happen

>was going to happen no matter what

With Jimmy Carter, maybe? The guy even the fucking college-age Iranians openly mocked? Reagan not only scared the shit out of the Soviets, he scared the fuck out of the global leftist elite, too.

Enough revisionism, Professor Chomsky.

Trump is not some grand interdimensional chess wizard, and will never be as great as Reagan, Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Teddy, or even Bush and his father.

The truth is, Reagan _did_ put the pinch on the Soviet Union pretty hard. They were making a mockery of us during the 70s. Soviet agents were everywhere stealing classified material, infiltrating universities, and pilfering industrial trade secrets. Detente was a joke. We got nothing from it except unlimited Soviet access to all of our government and educational institutions.

Reagan clamped down on all that. Ex-Soviet government and intelligence officials in the 90s admitted that from early in his administration, he had been engaged in a major diplomatic, ideological, and economic offensive against them and generally trying to make life as uncomfortable for Moscow as possible.

Must agree.
I'm guessing you're a fossilfag like me and lived through that administration.

you're a retarded mongrel, the soviet system was absolute shit and was destined to collapse eventually, especially after Carter and Zbig coaxed the soviets into invading afgahnistan

>People still REFUSE to pay attention to how fast spics reproduce

>Reagan, Bush and his father.

What ?

LBJ ( Endless War-vietnam , Government expansion - "Great society and Civil right movement" ,
third world immigration - "1965 Immigraion act)

Bush junior ( Iraq war , Economic policy that only focus on Debt and housing market , Amnesty )

Bush and Obama was another LBJ, you moron

Mika please, nobody gives a shit about your sociopathic father anymore.

>The GOP basically thought that if they legalized illegals they would be getting their votes in return

Is that really the reasoning, what a bunch of fucking idiots, Mexicans being democrat leaches wasn't a secret back then either.

The actual redpill is that most or all leaders are set up by the elite to control an evolving narrative that suits their interest. But at least Trump is a fun "character" sometimes.

I wasn't trying to say the Bush's were good presidents. I was saying they were better than Trump. Poor wording.

>Carter and Zbig coaxed the soviets into invading afgahnistan

That's a funny way to put "look like a couple of fucking pussies who weren't going to do anything except boycott the Olympics".

But Zbig still bragged about it, even when reminded that he pretty much created al-Qaeda...

>Bush and Obama was another LBJ, you moron

Well said

Race mixing is necessary for man's longevity.

LBJ was worse because he was a piece of shit personally who'd piss on the leg of secret service agents out of meglomaniac.

>Bush imbecile who ruin america and give to Obama presidency are Better than Base Trump know spic immigrant will never vote republican

And Next you gonna say Obama is best president and Section 8 Housing was great fuck white people amiright?

Fuck Off silly

Zbig, along with the CIA and Pakistan funded and controlled the anti-soviet groups that the Soviets invaded to remove. They fell for it hook, line and sinker and it doomed their country to a costly war that killed thousands of their own troops. It was entirely meant to be their own Vietnam. In the context of the cold war, it was a checkmate. You're too retarded to realize that.

>Reagan was a terrible president

He was a typical establishment republican

>sucked Israels dick
>started wars for no reason
>let businesses fuck the country
>spent so much on the military
>'Muh war on drugs
>Muh astrology

I don't know why boomers jerk off to this dude. He fucking sucks. They get so butt hurt if you talk shit about him too.

>Only 4 percent british women having interracial relationship

>When 10 to 20 percent america white women having non-white babies

There is Reason why Africa , Asia , South america , Middle east Is Such shit-hole

Because their shitty genetic and culture

Just Look at the "multicultural paradise" Brazil

More Multicultural, The women are less hot on average

No. I'm 28 and the best president in my lifetime was Reagan :)


Because Back Than White people are every where even Le 30% California

If Reagan run for election today, He will never get a chance

You're right, but I think it has to do with how "extreme" modern conservatives have become since the 80's.

Organized religion is the oldest and biggest bluepill there is and your favorite one is not an exception and neither is spamming fedora pictures an argument.

Wrong thread.


Yale Students Demand Removal of White Authors from Curriculum

UPenn Students Remove Shakespeare Portrait for Lacking Diversity

Teach For America: Math is the ‘Domain of Old, White Men’

Algebra 1 will no longer be taught in middle school under Obama Common Core

A professor at Lone Star College in Texas required her students complete a white privilege assignment to measure how privileged they are.

Fliers advertising 'UCLA White Students Group' removed from campus

UC Berkeley ‘income inequality’ experts earn more than $300,000 a year

Democrat are very extreme Anti-Aemrcian

What did you know about "Extreme" eh?

1972 America GDP growth rate was 5.236% (85% White)

1997 America GDP growth rate was 4.487% (70% White)

2016 America GDP growth rate was 1.6% ( 60% white)

So Hardcore "extreme" that Future white kid will never experiance booming economy

And "extreme" Society Blame every single thing to future white kid

This Time-line is Suck ass "extremely"

this. he's basically a major reason for the spicification of america but cuckservatards will worship him anyways because MUH LOW TAXES which he hardly even cut

He had some good soundbites and that's still all that matters to modern republicans.

They tried this shit in the 80s but a HUGE backlash occurred against political correctness, forcing it to hide in Hollywood and Academia for years.

It was actually the plan.

Reagan was another one of those democrats that magically switched parties, convinced the retarded republican base to vote for him, then governed like a democrat.

>boomers memed reagan
>millenials memed trump
>tfw realize its a never ending cycle of memes

>70% white
>23% white
mother of god. could you even imagine growing up there and watching your hometown turn into a brown shithole in such a short amount of time?


>leftypol trying to organize another shill thread

Religion in advanced/settled societies is inevitable and serves as ethno-cultural social glue

Ah, but I remember.

> Hating the president who kicked off the acceleration of the Browning of America
> Leftypol
You retards really don't realize how bad Reagan was for the Right, do you?

Of course

If 50s Left Dare to challenge white society

Even 90s Still America was 70% white and have some White men with guts

Now, Even rural people going wigger mode

you're right OP- he was the worst president in American history because the shitty effects of his presidency still ripple on today.

They just elected a man who repeatedly told them he wanted touchback amnesty.

What do you think?

>thread subject
That's not the point. The point is that it's still bluepilled.

>JFK was alright

Only because tinfoilers insist he was on to something. If he hadn't gotten blown away, he would have been Hillary Clinton and Obama rolled into one.