Claims to be best country in world

>claims to be best country in world
>sewerage system comparable to india


Other urls found in this thread:

we were founded as an explicitly white nation

That's the kooky thing about everyone getting Hep C from home-made tattoos, that you only get to "fight the man."

If you've got Hep C then a Hep A infection can kill you in a few hours.

US is on Brown people's land. The only white people's land is Europe. Crackers have to share all the rest with others or BTFO.

I don't get how everyone is so alright with the slow slide into third world status. No one seems to really give a shit.

oh please dont pull that shit. i dont have time, but history is 100% about conquest. we fought for 400ish years a savage tribe that was killing eachother for territory
and they got genocided and replaced by a more advanced and better culture
its the worst argument ever but i have to go to bed so just please understand that you deserve cancer

"We" don't "live" there.

America is becoming a third world country

>san diego on a Saturday afternoon.jpeg

I'd still think the people of San Diego would want to be more proactive in cutting down on shit in their streets because it's getting into their water supply. Instead they care more about letting people shit in the street with no consequences because to punish them for endangering the public health would make them feel bad for them.

California is not part of the us.

Why does it seem like the daily mail exists mainly to shitpost about america?


oh please its not even racially motivated. its literally the fucking homeless people. they are EVERYWHERE and they are treated like pigeons by the locals.

eg: they are fed outside so they just hang around areas where people just give them food etc and they just shit and piss outside and hang out.

its not even specifically racially motivated you dunce.

The bums are getting out of control.


maybe the fecal matter is spreading through other means

so ah... does fecal dust have hep a? can someone get hep a inhaling dust with fecal matter in it?


t. Juan Arturo Martinez

It's probably Mexicans, san diego had to pay for almost entirely and build a huge wastewater treatment center right on the border with mexico.
Because so much shit was washing up on san Diego's beaches.

its 5 things

1) numbers issue = logistics issue
2) space is a premium here
3) funding issue (obvious)
4) other states dump their homeless here
5) were basically mexico at this point and already at max capacity

There is no solution to the homeless problem. Just endless ways to half assedly deal with the problem and waste more and more tax payer money

I've been to San Diego. It's overflowing with the homeless. Not uncommon to see 2-3 per block. The only other place in the U.S. Where I've seen as many is Washington DC. The reflecting pool is full of birdshit and garbage and the homeless are on every street corner and bench in the city.

It is actually much worse

We don't really claim California, you know, with all the beaners and degeneracy

>if you witness the machinations of a societal flaw; you must also be the flaw

I never eat food prepared by someone else... and all my food is either baked, boiled steamed, simmered... toasted, etc.

My kids were never told that fags spread aids

you're using btfo wrong

At least you can admit that being a beaner is a flaw

Has California begun hosting designated shitting streets?

American cities are like roller coaster rides that havent been properly maintained since 1965. Its just a matter of time until a wheel flies off. Will the track hold? Hopefully it does one more time..

So let the hepatitis take care of them.

Solutions are all around if only society would make use of them.

Top kek, capitalist US is looking more and more like a third world shithole every day.



California is basically South America at this point. Crumbling infrastructure that kills the local population is part and parcel of living in a brown city.



how can there be so many homeless people when places in california have 15$ min wage

So why Cry about White Genocide shit? Just enjoy the ride as White die off because white women prefer BBC.

Yeah I know. OP doesn't realize that India doesn't even use their sewers.

This is funny because San Diego is reddit's darling city. Every other city has problems but not precious San Diego. Perfect everything. Which is an absolute load of dog shit. The "nice" ends where the money ends, which is near the coast and affluent neighborhoods. Then it's brown town everywhere, homeless all over the sidewalks a block from the busiest street downtown, everything was paved over so there's almost no green spaces left. And Mission trails sucks ass. Every movie theater I went to was a dirty piece of shit. Anybody who talks San Diego up is either a rich asshole, a tech/biotech/medical faggot bilking the government out of tax payer money, or somebody born there and has no perspecfive.

Nobody is crying about it
We are saying its going to happen unless we do something about it

>falling for the porcelain jew
Yeah we already know you are vessel state but this is pushing it

>Dying from Hep A
How shit of an immune system must you have? Or are all the dead old geezers?

>US is on Brown people's land.

and no
treaties and exchanges of monies were made wherein that land no longer belongs to said "brown people"

Hep C is most commonly spread by dirty needles and unprotected anal sex among homosexuals.

>Anybody who talks San Diego up is either a rich asshole, a tech/biotech/medical faggot bilking the government out of tax payer money, or somebody born there and has no perspecfive.
Is mostly people that the only thing they have to compare it to is their 3rd world homelands

>US has regress to developing nation status
That's clickbait horseshit. We're the most prosperous country in the history of Earth. The problem is that we've got millions of poor people flooding in from the South bringing down the average because they come here illegally with little to no possessions.

And yes, certain areas of certain cities are turning to shit, but that's because of the brown people there preventing any real development. We've got to wait until they're priced out of the area or the majority of their men are in prison before we can safely fix their roads for them.

>This is funny because San Diego is reddit's darling city.

lmfao really? San Diego is a fucking dump ahahahahahahaha. Some of the nicer cities I've been like Portland or Fort Worth make San Diego look like Somalia.

Back to your designated shitting street Mr. Poo!

>No one seems to really give a shit.
We are all for Cali-exit.

The water that comes out your faucets is not for drinking, you retards.


>illegals are the problem

Have you happened to have stumbled into Detroit or Chicago anytime in the past 30 years?

We know what letting land alone to the "brown people" looks like. What a fucking waste of land. Can you stomach that?

San diego bro here. Can confirm. This place is full of disguisting bums. I never go downtown because it smells of piss

In Australia it is.
Tell me why America isn't considered a third world country?

No one besides the burgers considers this failing melting pot to be more than a second world country slowly descending into the third wolrd.

You're right. Non-whites in general are the problem

left cost literally getting shit on

I actually live here and you're not quite making sense with your post. First off, most of the people who are living here right now are not from here. They come, act like an asshole for a couple years or as long as they can afford, and then they leave. There is no public outcry because the people who aspire to live here don't give a shit about the common good. Native locals like myself implicitly understand that strangers and everything in the inner city is diseased and should be avoided. And if they are killed or blinded by hep-A then all the better.

>tfw born in San Diego but moved to flyover nowhere
>tfw visit San Diego and realize I'd be stuck in the shitty part because not rich

I never understood why my parents moved to the midwest until I was 20ish. I was naive.


I wouldn't live in Portland, or Seattle either for that matter if my house came free. The traffic is worse than LA. There's scads of homeless dopers, the cops do nothing, and the down town stinks of human waste.

The suburbs of both those cities are alright
Even the nice areas of San Diego are full of human garbage

Nah, the brown people were on bison land. The American Indians need to fuck off back to Siberia. If we're playing the repatriations game we might as well trace it all the way back to the haplogroups instead of being a bunch of historically illiterate and retarded faggots who cordon off certain parts of history to apply double standards to.

Portland is fucking ugly. The city, the people, the culture. It's all trash.

I'm speaking more generally about the country. San Diego isn't some isolated shithole. A lot of America's cities are shitholes and everyone just sorta shurgs and figures it has to be that way.

That is a relatively recent development, it should be noted. Back in 2007 I would occasionally see weird characters but it was nothing like having a permanent, visible homeless presence.

That's the Coronado bridge if I'm not mistaken.

>Right by the Mexican border

ya don't say

>'fecal matter'
Why put it in quotes - IT'S FECAL MATTER.

You need somewhere to live in order to have a job. Rent is very competitive everywhere here. San Diego has terrible public transportation if you don't have a car.

It isn't a matter of just walking into mcdonalds and asking for a mcjob. So many of these homeless are so far gone mentally that the idea of them maintaining a normal service job is laughable.

Chicago is full of illegals. Same with NYC. That's why both those cities went to shit.

Poo in the loo Pajeet!

I've lived in the north suburbs of Chicago and now I live in the north suburbs of San Diego. I can confirm you are incorrect, the nice parts of SD are really, really nice. SDPD does a good job of cleaning up rif raff

Yeah Portland is pozzed but it's not a criminally infested crime haven like the rest of the country's major cities. Streets are quite clean and never once did I feel like someone was going to jump out of a dumpster with a knife and stab me.

>That's the Coronado bridge if I'm not mistaken.


Joke doesn't seem to be that funny when it's happening in your own country ;)

When will America be installing designated streets for the poo?

A ton of California liberals who couldn't hack the cost moved to Oregon. They literally received an influx of our liberal garbage.

Sorry bout that

Maybe rancho. You been to la jolla recently?

they are still full of trashy new money foreigners and #YOLO retards


Yeah, plus the ocean currents move Tijuana sewage spills (a constant) into our water. It's fucking disgusting.

When I was living close to San Diego I saw more bums than in skid row in downtown LA

It was outrageous, all I could do was stare and think of how the city just doesn't care. I saw a bum that built a train of shopping carts for all his stuff, an entire street filled with tents and the stench of an open sewer wafting in the air. They live in the middle of SD not far from all their supposed landmarks, Coronado island, Padres stadium, city hall and so on

I don't understand how they can just let people die on their doorstep and just walk around them to go to the beach without a second thought. Society there is fucked up, the rich do not give a shit about anyone other than themselves

> isn't some isolated shithole.

Mexico to the south, L.A. to the north with rich buffer zones in the middle, ocean to the west, and desert to the east.

You would really need to go out of your way to come here to be a loser.

And I have always assumed it was way, way worse in places where niggers historically lived.

Somehow we're catching up.

I guess we're shrugging.

Aren't you aware of the shitting streets in Sydney?

all streets here are shit

seems more like a homeless beaner problem

No one gives a shit about anyone bet themselves. Who are you kidding man. Thats a loaded statement

Yeah I'll give you that. Where I lived in Chicago was all old money. Incredibly, unapologetically WASPy. It was awesome - I'd move back if it wasn't for the snow in the winter and mosquitoes in the summer.

How wonderful it would have been to have been a pre-boomer living in California in the late 40's, early 50's. Birth year 1935 or so. Lower middle class... By 1955 you'd have had the world in your palm.


>Biggest road budget in the country by far
>50% of roads in disrepair

Yep, but to be fair it's kinda tough when the fucking earth is shifting all the time.

>mfw you don't use a train of shopping carts in your daily life
Fucking pleb lmao

San Diego has had a homeless problem for a while.

Shut up and pay reparations to the abbos.

The vast majority are whites
Even so I still felt sorry for them. I guess that's the difference between you and everyone else