Rank Christianity

>God Tier
Orthodox, Copts

>High Tier
Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans

>Mid Tier
7th Day Adventists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Calvinists

>Low Tier
Evangelicals, (((Catholics))), Syriacs, Maronites, Oriental Orthodox

>Meme Tier
Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Sedevacantists, Muslims

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Christianity is absolute dogshit.
2. Only Catholics and Orthodox are Christian, the rest are kikes.


Jewish Non European degenerate Poison


>baptists, methodists, lutherans, adventists, prebbies, calvinists, evangelicals
>anything but shit-tier
lolno, heathens and their doctrines are shit.
also this

>Meme tier
Enjoy your negro hordes

>no non-denominational
how come?

No fence sitting allowed, pick a church

You idiots can't even do Christianity, babby's first religion, correctly. kys

fuck the church

>protestants above Catholics

I admire our Orthodox brothers though

ayy, daily reminder that orthodox are the one true apostolic church

1) Agnostics
2) Atheists
3) Buddhists
x) Christians

Christianity is jew garbage. Go be a nigger lover somewhere else.

Sup Forums constantly shits on calvinism

I have always found this odd, especially the ironic love for orthodoxy as if it isnt Roman Catholic lite.

Mainline protestantism is bewitched, the mormons are evil, baptists and lutherans are cucks...but calvinism?

No one even mentions that over half of evangelicals believe works isnt a part of true faith but rather a seperate path for salvation in itself.

Don't lump us Lutherans in with these heathens. We actually read the bible and saw the pope and his bullshit. We translated it to German so everyone could read it. Go cry Catholics

This thread is fucking hilarious because when whites were ranked by IQ there was daylight between Anglos/Episcopalians and alleged """"whites"""" such as Jews, Atheists, Catholics, and fundamentalist degenerates.
Tbqh I can't even remember if the Orthodox made the IQ cutoff to get on the list.

sauce or didn't happen


>>God Tier
>Orthodox, Copts
>>High Tier
>Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans
>>Mid Tier
>7th Day Adventists, Catholics, Presbyterians, Calvinists
>>Low Tier
>Evangelicals, (((Catholics))), Syriacs, Maronites, Oriental Orthodox
>>Meme Tier
>Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Sedevacantists, Muslims

Evangelicals are, sadly, some of the few that manage to produce some true Christians due to their emphasis on emotional love of God rather than following religious dogma - but all of the Church refuses to give up Moses as Jesus commanded.



Brigham Young was crazy. Crazy is cool.

Calvinism is instantly viewed, rightfully, as retarded by anyone with an IQ over room temperature.

>Muh church was started by a horny monk so I'm allowed to be retarded!

That retarded monk brought us out of the dark ages by showing Europe that the Vatican is a bunch of Jews with a new hat.

what's best bible version?
assuming I'm trying to get as little of Luther judaized influence as possible

>Anything but king James
Come on boi

nigger Luther was whoremongering jew-lover, fuck you and fuck him

martin luther was full 1488 gas the kikes race war now

>meme tier

Show your true flag, Francis

Settle down Satan. No matter which one is right, you still are in hell

Douay-Rheims for formal stuff, NABRE for day to day, (((KJV))) is shit.

See Also, you do know James was a literal faggot right?

Thus leading to the French Revolution and the enlightenment, the effects of which are still destroying the white race. Enjoy hell.

The continuation of the Roman Empire by other means.

Catholics are the best once we purge the Vatican of corruption.

Adventism is the only way. Watch Walter Veith!

Turning the other cheek on this sinner. we shall see what his faith gives him

> not reading Russian Synodal Bible


Is this the noob brainless ranking?


Spoken like a true cuck, Luther would be proud.

>high tier

yeah nah. i was raised methodist and all i can say is that it's thoroughly cucked. many methodist churches even perform gay marriages these days.

what can I say, you brought it onto yourself.

>salad bar "christain"
>anything but shit tier.

Scientology is more christian.

>god tier: worshipping the gods of Europes heritage
>mid tier: atheism
>shit tier: worshipping a kike on a stick

this is the ultimate church jew testing machine

>god tier
Agnostic, theistic, atheistic

>shit tier
Organised religion


This desu



atheist is nigger tier confirmed

Get out you fucking nigger.

>t. brainlet sheep
Its OK qties, the kiwi is here to Shepard you into intelligent thought.

Were any of you faggots actually raised orthodox? Do you know how many icons and hands you have to kiss? Have many candles you have to hold? How long the services are?

I was. There's a whole lot of shit that has little to do with religion, but I understand why it's there. But on the whole, protestants are more well read and productive.

Catholics are the worst though.

The one true faith tier: Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Synod (in full fellowship with WELS but made up of ethnic Norwegians instead of Germans)

Salvific, but dangerously lax tier: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Lacking the fullness of the faith tier: Calvnists, Methodists, Conservative offshoots of Anglicanism that adhere to the 39 articles, Church of the Nazaene, Church of Christ, Evangelicals and Fundamenalists...

If you actually understand and follow these denominations' teachings, you're likely to go to hell but there is some hope because you might not actually know their teachings well enough to actually follow them tier: Roman and Byzantine Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Anglo-Catholicism,

ISHYGDDT tier: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, UCC, ECUSA, PCUSA, UMC.

I can't believe this bullshit is considered Christianity at all tier: Mormonism, Coptic/non-chalcedonian Christianity, JWs.

>well read and productive
Nice meme, Chaim

>meme tier

Mormons are some of the least bolshevized retards on the market. They have inexplicably birthed white people despite the popular media narrative that white people are bad and they have provided a moral ground in which other Whites can securely defend themselves.

They are a singular antidote to a world gone mad.

>he says while posting a picture of a devout Catholic

>he hasn't read On the Jews and Their Lies
Calm down there satan.

Good people, but their religion is fucked.

Mormons are great because they're some good old fashioned corn fed white Americans. That greatness survives despite their shitty religion.

i was raised orthodox. still am. i love it. and you, my friend, are an apostate.

most protties are "muh israel" and "jews are god's chosen people" and those are the better ones. The shit tier protties support women clergy (if they have clergy) and gay rights and shit. so fuck off man, i have been born and raised orthodox and protties should go kts.

I doubt 99% of posters know the theological differences in order to rank them properly

>this retard doesn't understand the cultural completeness of it all because he is too stupid to understand the racial aspect

Bruh are you retarded? Luther specifically warned everyone about the jews.

You mean the one he only wrote after he realized they wouldn't convert to his heresy, because he was asspained?

On the contrary, I loathe Christianity for its ignorance of the racial aspect, but Mormonism is distinctly unchristian, whatever it's other advantages and to claim otherwise is ridiculous.

Get the fuck out of christian topics you fedora faggot shill. You are worse than any nigger ive ever met

Duh! I am specifically referring to them as just such a people. They are great because they haven't been introduced to cultural suicide,......... yet.

>being this stupid

did you READ on the jews and their lies? did you happen to wonder WHY he wrote it?

they fucked up his translation cause he trusted them
fucking read a book

Oh look, a shitskin. Hey Jose, come to show the world how idiotic you are, say by assuming someone is an atheist when they're not?

> inb4 pagan

This nigger knows what's up, Mormons are one of the best hopes for the white race.

Go to bed Paul.

fuck off horse

don't make me post horse abuse pics on your ass

>brainlet tier

>Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Sedevacantists, Muslims
You take that last one back user, you know it doesn't event belong there.

>Read "Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants"
>For a prince and lord must remember in this case that he is God's minister and the servant of his wrath (Romans XIII), to whom the sword is committed for use upon such fellows, and that he sins as greatly against God, if he does not punish and protect and does not fulfil the duties of his office, as does one to whom the sword has not been committed when he commits a murder. If he can punish and does not - even though the punishment consist in the taking of life and the shedding of blood - then he is guilty of all the murder and all the evil which these fellows commit, because, by willful neglect of the divine command, he permits them to practice their wickedness, though he can prevent it, and is in duty bound to do so. Here, then, there is no time for sleeping; no place for patience or mercy. It is the time of the sword, not the day of grace.
>Wonder what Luther would have had to say about illegal aliens and rioting dindus

>God Tier
Eastern Orthodox

>High Tier
Oriental Orthodox, Fundamentalist Baptists, SSPX Catholics, Sedevacantist Catholics

>Mid Tier
FSSP Catholics, Byzantine Rite Catholics, Presbyterians, Calvinists

>Low Tier
Evangelicals, Novus Ordo (((Catholics))), Methodists, Lutherans, (((Anglicans)))

>Shit Tier
Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, 7 Day Adventists, Church of Christ, Christadelphians, Muslims, Episcopalians, all other liberal protestants, unitarians


This guy needs to take his meds and stop posting

While individual methodist churches can be okay, as a denomination methodism is absolutely fucked.

>taking meds
Only needed by genetic inferiors such as yourself, friend.

>Mormonism is distinctly unchristian
>Worship and believe that Christ died for your sins.
>Not Christian


You are a virgin neckbeard that will not procreate. You are the definition of weak genetics.

They're not trinitarians. It's just Islam for white people

Not a virgin and am clean shaven, you sound mad Paco, did I touch a nerve when I reminded you that you're a shitskin subhuman, little better than an animal?

You forgot almost 30k+ more christian denominations.

Stupid protestants

Yes, I'm very offended. Please apologize, cuck boy.

Your attempt at nonchalance is utterly transparent. Go be a monkey somewhere else.

>A creed made three centuries after Christ that is nowhere mentioned in the bible that was non-unanimously voted on, enforced by a secular ruler, for the purpose of confusing and separating men from God so men had to go though the church.
>required to be a Christian

Could anyone explain to me why copts are in God tier? I'm a Copt but I never heard that people would place it that high.

Let go of your insane hate and you shall gain 10 IQ points

because us copts did nothing wrong

Unlikely given my currently tested IQ is in the neighborhood of 125. Must suck for your very genetics to limit you so terribly, Jaun.

>Meme Tier
Jehovah's Witnesses

Why? They strictly advocate biblical morality. No practising gays allowed. No sex before marriage, drugs, drunkenness, no female clergy, or degeneracy of any kind.

>unironically brags about his IQ
> engages in multiple logical fallacies


It's almost like the Bible isn't the only fucking thing of relevance in Christianity since Christ ordained the Apostles with the fire of the Holy Spirit to lead His church and they in turn ordained the bishops who succeeded them, you dumb fucking faggot

Can someone please explain why worshiping a god that spoke to the hebrews is a good idea?
I thought this place was supposed to be anti-semitic.

Except be arab shitposters

That you even can't get any medical treatment is the degeneracy

Anyone who believes that God created a fiery hell for sinners to be roasted eternally therein rejects the Bible and Jesus

Your anger is palpable, it must be hard for your tiny mongrelized brain to understand their are people who hate you for being inherently inferior.

Mostly because they were forced into it by their parents and inculcated with guilt and/or fear of hell.

They issued their own translation of the bible which abuses the Greek to promote their own heretical doctrines. For example, in the Gospel of St John, the New World Translations says: "the Word was a God." The indefinite article is not used in the New Testament Greek. They inserted the indefinite article to deliberately bolster the form of Aryanism they teach.

Anyone who twists scripture to fuel their own agenda is a deceiver and is loathed by God.