Your turn Germany

How does this make you feel Helmut? Does it hurt Otto?

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How the fuck are we supposed to read this subtitles if they're covered with another one? Can't you find proper video? This is top notch shitposting.

Not very bright are we Boris?

>mfw krauts literally think of themselves as the worst pieces of shit this world has ever seen, so much that even this niggers has the audacity of talking like that

well germans, if you're so dead set about killing yourselves and dragging the rest of europe into abyss with you, then give me one of your women before you cease to exist, i might actually kick some sense into her to not do stupid shit like that and contain her SJW-ism. Seriously, i may be a taco, but jesus christ this shit this nigger, or rather a shit tons of people talk about is laughable and bizarre at the same time.
>mfw germans went from being confident about themselves, brave and cold-blooded soldiers to becoming cucks
it's not even funny, but fucking creepy.

Should I find one in your funny language Ivan?

>whoever recorded this thought this guys was trying to cheer them up
>being this fucking cucked
holy shit

Is this total Kraut Killer Vid - where are you, Dieter? Why do you hide Hans - come here and say what do you think about this nigger? He clearly is long in your shithole country because he speaks German. Don't hide Krauts come here ...

Winter and 14 hours of darkness a day are coming. I tend to make use of said darkness.

Who cares?

Sure Krauti good speed to you - you did this already

what good did it do tho? Merkel went ballistic and flooded you with even more targets ...

Germany please wake up!

That was a group who published shit and groups always tend to be found out. Especially those who brag with their shit.

We are to be genocided and replaced with Africans so that Britain's holy Jews can live more safely here, served by the rest of Europe. We were in both World Wars outnumbered and overrun and now have no means left to stop our genocide unless any of the next three big elections yields a miracle.

>''muh'' the post

seriously, kys.

Read the article if you can. The crimes were lower this year despite the refugees.
Hermann even said that most of the perpetrators were in fact Germans.

That's it use the darkness, batman. Then pass it to your girlfriend.

>somebody said
>the German believes

Well will be rooting for you - the world needs good serial killers!

Nice, I know what to do in the winter now.

hes pole-

no hes uncle tom nigger acting this way. hes pro germany actualyl

Polish monkey.

I can only laugh at the arsepained Poles posting shit like this. Where do you think you'll stand once Germany collapses? You'll have a shitskin nation to you left and Russia to your right with no EU to hide in. What future do you think you're gonna have without Western Europe?

no one fucks with our little brother

With you great white hope cucking out on the mexishit illegal, I'd say the chances of New burgerland standing up for a near white ethnostate would be approaching fuck all.

This guy speaks german too well and his speech is too well formulated and thought out, i don't know the context of this vid but he seems to just give the general immigrant mindset, he himself probably working and integrating and is pissed at the immigrations policy and the new migrants leeching off and destroying the local culture.