
>implying they wont all feel indebted to Trump and vote republican from now on
legalizing DACA is a huge good move for him

>700k becomes 5million

It is obvious that Republican House and Senate are 100% useless. So Trump is handing them a loaded gun called DACA and says "go ahead if you want to kill yourself do it, I don't care I can work with the dems".
He is trying to wake them up. He is trying to apply pressure to get the reasonable Republicans to kick out the rino traitors. SO HE CAN FINALLY GET SOME FUCKING VOTES DONE

How can you retards not see this?

>what is Reagan amnesty

Reagan was our last great president, whats your problem?

>Dreamers and thier immediate families


>they keep defending this
holy fuck you people are beyond saving


He totally fucked us over with amnesty, started no fault divorce and didn't bitch slap his retarded wife when she brought mystics and psychics into the white house
So pretty much a complete failure is still the best president we've had? Go fuck yourself.

silly OP, hispanics are natural conservatives.

> posting this in every thread

its over

Literally everything you list is tabloid trash. Amnesty was an important step in unifying the country that was literally broken, it was a huge problem. Those people were not criminals just like the DACA people are not criminals. Trump is making the right choice and if you're comparing Trump to Reagan then thats a great thing. fuck off shill

Get in here

>trump offers them a pittance
>dems offer them free gibs
yeah i don't see that happen senpai

the only real hope i have is he using this as bargaining chip for now, with the intention of contesting or remaining neutral in court later

Somewhere, at some point in the near future, Trump and Clinton will toast and laugh evily as they fuck on a bed made of a literal trillion dollars.

Lol yall fucking thought.


B-but they are BASED megapedes!! Surely they will vote Republican because a Republican let them stay! :D

Where the hell are you getting the 5 million number?

Trump is going to use this to buy good will with the democrats to get important legislation like obamacare reform pushed through. I think this will be a great way to unite the parties moving forward.

Lol theres for sure +1000% brown niggers usinh that New Trump Loophole that shouldnt use it.

You should riot against this orange idiot, he breayed you guys to the max.

6 million, actually. Are you shlomocaust denier?

They'll vote republican for sure.

Didn't happen with Reagan when he turned California forever blue but this time for sure

The last time I've heard, Reagan approved amnesty in exchange of the wall which was never built.

you're fucking retarded. they will vote democrat

Just like they did for Reagan?
Oh wait.


>Trump playing 69D chess, you fucking shills!
>You don't understand his genius! How can't you understand!!??!
>New republican voters

Trumptards are worse than stalinists. Stalin brainwashed and used terror to get loyal followers. Trumptards defend anything Trump does, because they are just FUBAR retards.

It was literally such a huge swing to blue it made california go from a swing state to the bluest place in the world.



Maybe if you read the art of the deal you'd understand is negotiating strategy. Either way Trump always wins so get used to it retard.

>Trump's party blocks him from getting shit done
kill yourself you retard

>Trumptards are worse than stalinists
Oy vey
Yes, my fellow white people. Surely you now can see that a civic nationalist cuck is way worse than literal communists who killed millions for a retarded religion. Hehe, anyways my fellow white people, doesn't this make you want to support communism instead of civic boomer ''nationalism''? :^DD

Nobody ever thought he'd just end DACA. His official campaign stance was to deport illegal immigrants who have committed additional crimes. It wasn't ever a dramatic position. Threatening to end DACA is likely what the base wants, including myself, but I expected it to be a bargaining chip for something.
Congress is full of kikes and globalists. Literally the only chip Trump had to dangle in front of their noses was deporting a million mexicans (((they))) worked so hard to import.

So you're saying that he's a cuck. Right, this is your masculine nationalist leader, powerless cuck. Enjoy losing your country, brown people don't vote republican and Reagan turned California blue. You have no future

Touched a nerve did I? Go back to your escapist magapede fantasy world.


>muh reagan

how cucked can you be....

It's bait. It's gotta be bait. This can't not be bait.

>implying they will all feel indebted to Trump and vote republican from now on
The hispanic voting block isn't nearly as unreachable as the black voting block, but
You might actually have a point. Trump used to be a Democrat. He isn't necessarily invested in the demographic future of the GOP. If GOP national leadership can't understand how their interests intersect with the interests of their nation, maybe they don't even deserve to win.

Everytime a shill posts a thread a nigger gets his chains

Reagan did mass blanket amnesty aka literally giving all illegals free citizenship and no anti immigration laws put in place.
THIS is 800k out of 16 million, aka 5% of illegals, in exchange for border security.

Reagan alone probably did more damage to the republican party and to republicanism as a whole than every democrat president. He gave a free 1/5th of every election to dems and cali is now the hive of most leftist bullshit.

jesus christ

guys uhmm we're still winning right?




Trump a Dem sleeper agent confirmed.

>no muslim ban
>no wall
>keeping DACA
>hillary free
>no proof of voter fraud
>no health care
>hasn't defeated isis in "30 days"

This is what burgers actually believe

>being this fucking retarded

Dreamers + immediate family

>No fault divorce
>tabloid trash
You would vote for your own death as long as there was an R behind that candidate's name

This hypothetical bill didn't kill the wall, its just a bill that isn't funding it, which isn't odd since this bill has nothing to do with a wall. This bill wasn't supposed to be some grand omnibus spending bill to fund a wall, it was just some dreamer bullshit with just the barest of increased border spending tacked on to try to win a few left leaning Republicans.

Trump wasn't scrapping Dreamers totally, he doesn't have the political capital to do that.
He said in detail he was giving Congress six months to save it through direct legislation which is what Obama was originally supposed to do, as amnesty isn't supposed to come from a president, only Congress can do that permanently.

Trump dared Congress and Pelosi and Schumer took the challenge. Trump did fuck all besides agree with them that he'd not veto it, no doubt with a quid pro quo deal, to sign it if they managed to get it passed. IF IT PASSED.

what anime?

Dems hold slightly less than half of the Congress, they are only part that wants Dreamers to stay. Trump's role isn't getting shit passed, he just placed the onus to kill it on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who both previously were talking shit to Trump about him being an asshole for threatening to deport dreamers. Either those two legitimately act like republicans or else they willingly pass the first real piece of substantial legislation for the 115th Congress, which is totally Republican controlled, to get democratic legislation passed. The ultimate defeat.

Trump is president, not fucking God Emperor, not dictator. As president he controls foreign policy, runs the executive branch. Nearly everything he wants to do domestically he needs congress to run point, he can try to shape agenda but Congress controls it. Current repub leadership have already made it clear they will fight him on everything, NOTHING he wants done is going to happen with current leadership. Not the wall, not even gun shit.

So now Trump can pull an Obama and do nothing but bitch about Congress fucking him or he can do something. He is doing something, specifically going to start working to sink those fuckers for the next election. He's playing politics, forcing Republicans to either commit to anti immigration policies openly or else the rinos piss off their base enough that they lose their seats and influence to other Repubs for 2018 congressional election. If Trump can't get shit done right now he can't get anything done until enough changes happen that Ryan and Mcconnell get the boot, which means waiting till the 116th Congress is in, which hopefully favors him.

He's going to turn the 2018 election into a fully fueled debate on immigration, guns, economy, healthcare, all the shit necessary to fuel an angry voter base who'll actually be pissed enough to vote, to get fuckwits like Ryan and McConnel, who control the Republican party in Congress, broken from power. Besides launching a coup, that is basically the limit of what Trump can do. Don't like it? Launch a fucking coup yourself.

Some of you seriously need to watch that old school house rock video on how a bill is made. Hell, watch House of Cards. Fuck it, watch Game of Thrones.

Ask yourself this: Who benefits from writing articles like this and presenting the info in this way, trying to make it appear Trump betrayed you? Holy shit, its called fake news for a reason. ANYTHING the nevertrumpers or Left say about Trump is designed SOLELY to manipulate you, to break your morale, your trust, make you doubt and fear him, then hate him as much as they do. That's their whole damn game plan. Stop helping them be better at their jobs. Think for yourselves.

And at least read the fucking article before you pass judgement and form your permanent opinion.

Why did He knowingky destroy his attempts at re-election like this? I'm beginning to believe Alex Jones was right & He's being drugged.
The West is truly lost...
I know where I'm going..

Ann gets it.

Ann on fucking fire today. And she's absolutely right. We, his central core fanbase, has been what's kept him propped up against a constant barrage of attacks from every direction. And now he's shitting on the only group that's actually loyal to him. Does he think we're retarded enough to just stick with him through this?

someone smart told him deporting the dreamers wasn't practical or realistic, and this is probably a desperate attempt to salvage some optics for bipartisan points

I think these posts are bait at this point. you cant be this stupid


Or they're just severely autistic and actually think this is some sort of scheme on a grander scale lmfao.

How dare this tranny insult our great leader.

>Daca aka Dreamers are 800k
>Somehow now 5 million
>30 minutes ago 3 million

You are on the same level as leftis with their slippery slopes

Muh 6 gorrilion

>what is chain amnesty and incentivization for others to come illegally

based future rocket scientists


September 14, 2017 10:56am EDT
Trump: "We are not looking at amnesty"
President Trump arrived in Fort Myers to deal with the aftermath of Irma, but he first spoke to reporters on the runway about DACA and the border wall.

“We are not looking at citizenship. We are not looking at amnesty,” Trump said. “We are looking at allowing people to stay here. We are working with everybody.”

“Ultimately, we have to have the wall. If we don’t have the wall, we’re doing nothing

Letting them stay is effectively the same thing as amnesty. These DACA kids are young. They are getting older. They're starting to have CHILDREN. BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP MEANS ALL THEIR KIDS BORN HERE ARE CITIZENS. Even if the only thing you care about is voting rights, their descendants are a fucking ticking timebomb waiting to go off. Getting rid of these dreamers before they shit out any more babies is TOP PRIORITY, or else 800k DACA kids becomes 3 million LEGAL beaners on top. Plus incentives for others to flood in as well.