Shill tactics and why they fail

>ITT: How to recognize shills

In this thread we state and explain the most obvious, irritating, and pathetic shill tactics in the hope that they read this thread and update their playbook. I'll start.

>1. The use of meme flags
The funnies part about this is that the left is so taboo-oriented that they'll only use Republican, An-Cap, or Gadsden snake flags. They are afraid that choosing any politically incorrect flag is a transgression against their internalized morality. They would never dare choose a Nazi or even a NatBol flag out of fear of offending an audience that doesn't exist.

>2. Capitalizing the first letter of every word in a sentence
It's a dead give-away that they are thinking in slogans. While the normal Sup Forums shit-poster would type in all-caps to express their rage, or just abandon capitalization altogether, shill posters' dependency on Writing In A Headline Style betrays their dependence on easily-digested, pre-packaged rhetoric.

>3. Traitor rhetoric
Shills conflate the nation with the state. Opposition to the government or liberal values are portrayed as rejection of some vague sense of nationalism.

Which tendencies have you guys noticed?


Defending jewish occupation of government

Yup, keep up the good work and keep shining the light on the shills.

Reminder to Sup Forumsacks everywhere and loyal MAGA supporters that legalizing DACA is a brilliant move to buy political capital.

Odds are these kids will grow up to be yuge trump supporters too and will give him a 2nd term.


>trump literally says DACA will stay in place
>is allowing all migrants to stay
>will renovate the fence that is currently at the border, not a wall.
Check his twitter, unless you think Trump is a shill, noone is shilling. Your just retarded.

you retards literally vote a fucking jew into the white house.

>meme flag
That bit of confirmation was helpful.

>This is my thinly veiled attempt at advertising my board on 8ch
Fuck off.

This isn't about Trump, you fucking idiots. This is about shill tactics. These tactics existed before Trump (to a lesser degree) and will continue after he's gone. This is about shilling tactics, which appears (sadly) to be a permanent part of chan culture.

What the fuck are you going on about?

Snippet of the photograph you used in OP.

literally just chose that picture for the "hey guys! hey guys!" message of Christ-chan. I see your point, but I'm honestly just wanting to discuss shill tactics.

> Mods don't follow their own rules. They allow multiple threads on same topic.

Another sign of a shill attack.

> Copy Pasta of same threads over and over throughout the day/week.

Shills are lazy. They tend to use the same images and text. This is why newfags need to lurk more. Jumping in to post on every hot button issue is their goal. Don't fall for it.

I see shills use the Nazi flag all the time.

You have to take everything with a grain of salt and hew to the RNC platform.

Nice sets of digits.

Maybe some shills have used the Nazi flags, but I still think there's some taboo among shills concerning meme-flag usage. Maybe the Republican and Kekistan shills are just more obvious. I would say that, in aggregate, Kekistani posters are the least intelligent, and shills who use that flag are also going to be pretty dumb.

>55D underwater chess

>retarded plebbiters are actually desperate enough to believe this

Newly identified shill tactic:
>Respond to the stupidest post in a thread
Make the thread about Trump's latest political move/blunder, even when the thread isn't devoted to talking about Trump.
>second new shill tactic
be a leaf

the most effective way to shill on Sup Forums is to heil hitler as often as possible. Preferably at least once every sentence

>Make the thread about Trump's latest political move/blunder
yet you're not shitting your pants at the user who i replied to that did post about goy emperor. so sorry thread police!

Pirate and Cuckistan flag are the most retarded edgy underage posters.

Don't forget one of the biggest and most obvious

>1 post by this ID

Thank you for training the new guard.

>They would never dare choose a Nazi or even a NatBol flag out of fear of offending an audience that doesn't exist.

I'd disagree on that.

Die with your rage

> image belated

>the republicans should want to build a base of minorities
>not understanding that's how the democrats ended up in their current position as they had to appeal to their shifting base

Great example that those who cry 'shill' at everyone who steps a toe out of what they consider acceptable Sup Forums opinions are misguided retards

Just because shills exist doesn't mean the majority of people disagreeing with you have an agenda or are getting paid

Have a meme flag to trigger autists who don't want to engage in cognitive dissonance

>correct grammar is now a shill tactic
Eat a dick, nigger.

>This Is How People Write With Correct Grammar

>Gadsden isn't considered politically incorrect

I noticed this
They're always the first to reply negatively to a new thread

>Just because shills exist doesn't mean the majority of people disagreeing with you have an agenda or are getting paid
That';s true.
And this shill identification guide makes it easier to divide the shills from those who are genuine.
It's odd how regular liberals employ shill tactics without even being taught though, almost as if it's inherent with their worldview.