Maybe some HELP over here??

Niggers btfo

flint has had clean municipal water for literally years now. It is not the municipality or the state's fault that the pipes in your house have not been upgraded for 100 years

Niggers don't pay their landlords so their pipes never get fixed. Imagine my shock.

It's 2017. Flint is still black.

Maybe some ROPE over there

same shit's about to happen to all of us, dumb nigger


Maybe niggers should pay taxes and not rob tax paying businesses, driving them all away from nigger cities. Having clean water is not a hard problem to solve if you aren't destroying your own neighborhoods.

Guess Obama forgot to help. He was too busy giving free shit to illegals and Iran :(

>Niggers take over a city
>Suddenly it goes Africa-tier where they don't even have drinkable water

You can take a nigger out of Africa but you can't take Africa out of a nigger

Wow if only the people who ran Flint, MI (Democrats) cared about their citizens.

Then crucify your city leadership you worthless niggerfaggot.

>20+ years democrat majority state government

Get your shitty state government to fix your states shitty public utility systems

Fuck you're pathetic

Why haven't you guy said fuck the Government and just all chipped in and replaced that atrocious piping system?
Dig, nigga, dig.
Not like the residents of Flint have jobs to go too.

Or what about that fat neckbeard hambeast moore, where's the video diatribe against Flint's leadership?

Fuck, I was having a good morning...

Fuck you op, I honestly hope every man, woman and child of Flint is dead with 5 years. You're worse than California with your self inflicted misery projection

Couldnt even use the red eye remover to make the fucker look like he didnt just toke up?

Ummm it's 2017 and vaccines have been contaminated with the sv40 monkey virus since the 1940. Cancers from this virus will decimate the population and shed it of the intelligent thinking people that make civilization work. What will be left will be unthinking, instant gratification masses that the AI will have no trouble at all killing off.

Best of luck Flint. I think you are on your own. I'll try to help but I don't have much time left.

A 150 dollar water filter removes all lead user.

Your welcome.

How you're happy op, I just slapped the fuck out of my wife because of this thread. She's crying on the floor of the kitchen. You fucking misogynist



Ugh, we will send more purple drink.

I know a guy who sells a LOT of water filters...

Blacks drive out all the whites, and their community devolves to Third World standards, then they beg for whites to come back and save them.

They have pretty much zero tax base because all of the white people moved out. Same reason Rhodesia went to shit when it became "Zimbabwe".

If they can't create a civiization in the first place, what makes you think they'd be able to sustain one?