Boomers and lawns

Are lawns the ultimate expression of boomerism?
>waste all arable land around house on grass
>waste gas and time constantly mowing it
>constantly maintain
>spend money to have "the greenest lawn"
>spend huge amounts of water and fertilizer to keep it green
>care more about their fucking lawn than anything else on earth
Trimmed lawns look sterile and dull. Why not grow food on your land? Why not do literally anything else with your land that isn't a waste of everyone's time and resources? Lawns are such a perfect expression of the boomer mindset: pointless, unaesthetic, wasteful and completely useless. Just a way to render perfectly good fertile land into worthless grass and spend huge money in the process.

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I completely agree.

I like a nice trimmed lawn.

That way, when the Gimmies come to pillage my home, I have a clear shot at them.

Can't do that with a corn field blocking my field of fire. Why grow corn anyway? Just to feed them and get more gimmies?

Lawns are top comfy though.
A nice green surface that feels good to walk on barefoot.
Couldn't imagine a childhood without a lawn to play around on.
Where are your infant children going to play? Among the beets and tomatoes of your little vegetable garden? In the street?


in america you get fined if you don't maintain your lawn

That's what land mines are for.

I love when they complain they can't grow they're bitch grass because of trees then pay thousands to remove them to make there yard look worse

When I was young my Grandparents had a yard like this and every family gathering we would play softball after dinner. I miss those days

What about planting an orchard instead?
>kids can climb the trees
>play in the shade beneath them
>eat fruit from the tree, as god intended
>looks way more beautiful than a sterile lawn
>doesn't require wasting gas to mow every week

What about planting berry bushes?
>kids can play hide and seek amid them
>can pick fresh berries to eat in the summer when it tastes sweetest
>again, looks way more beautiful and natural and doesn't require gasoline to maintain

Friendly reminder that HOAs are also an expression of boomerism, coupled with petty tyranny. If you own land and you answer to some HOA about what you can and can't do on it, you are a cuck.

For once a thread that makes 100% sense on this site. I am with you. This shit needs to stop.

Look at what's covering the ground, retard.

Trees are way nice than some virgin grass that dies if you look at it wrong or a Chad weed takes it over

millennial faggots, everyone.

I like a nice lawn, but the one on the OP is way to fucking big for just grass

That dude needs to plant some shit

I think you missed the point of this thread

>lawnlet detected

When will they learn?

Yes the religious lawn mowers drive me crazy,I let half of my yard bloom wildflowers one it was beautiful whilst my neighbors had dead brown yards I had a lush green yard with minimal watering due to the longer grass retaining moisture,in the south we gotta keep it somewhat trimmed cuz of snakes tho

There's fucking grass on the ground, and he's talking about "not requiring gas to mow".

Also, most lawns have trees in or around them.

>posting that pic
How does any of that apply to me and my thread? Boomer hate is a staple of this board, you would know that if you didn't blow in from reddit 20 minutes ago.

That shit is good for the ground, waffle.

You know how forests sometimes have these clearings?
Open areas covered in grass?

You know how these clearings are often the places people pick to have a rest and something to eat?

That's because open patches of grass are nice to be in.

Insightful and accurate

>the point

>your head

HOAs area necessary evil to keep niggers out.

Well he was wrong about the gas part but won't need to mow it as much as other lawns. Also theres a lot of lawns here that are just grass or have one stupid palm tree or similar

why are you so passionate about lawns?

Grass is one thing. It looks nice and natural when its allowed to grow, and it is even softer to sit down on. What boomers have is constantly mangled and chopped grass because they can't stand it not looking mechanically processed.

You do realize it's not boomers that are the problem it's the 1 percent who hold all the cash and that cash will end up with there children when they die and those children will do the same thing as before. Just hold assets and charge interest, rent, etc on those assets to you, the sheep

No one is saying there doesn't need to be grass, op's pic is literally what we are talking about which is very common here

Somebody quick make a Virgin grass and Chad weed meme,
>has never even seen a lawnmower b4
>grows where he wants no seed required
>seed beds for years, no amount of round up will remove him

Better ask OP and a lot of posters in here why they're so passionately against lawns.

OP is talking about lawns in general.
Also, if you let your grass go for a bit, weeds and moss will take over.

OP is talking about lawns in general.

I wanted to but phone posting

>Trimmed lawns look sterile and dull.

This, they're the most cucked landscape imaginable. I get a serial killer/horror movie vibe from them.

Because they look nice, calming and relaxing and you can lie on them and play on them.

Nothing more American than a lawn, if you have one you're not
>Some city dwelling lib fag
>Euro who shares walls with loud fucking faggots
>Asian who shares walls with 500 other people
>African because your lawn doesn't have 100 starving Ebola aids nigs on it
>Australian because your lawn isn't filled with poisonous shit or wild animals or wild poisonous animals
>South American because you're not in a favela
>Mexican because there's no headless corpse outside

They're built to help make you rely on the system. Lawns could easily be replaced by gardens for growing vegetables and stuff.

But no goy, buy chemicals that go into the water table.

I'm passionately against lawns because they squander two very valuable resources, gas and fertilizer. They make neighborhoods look bland. And HOAs exist to fine you for not participating in this bullshit exercise in wastefulness.

the short manicured lawn is a product of nuclear war.
I'm not kidding a US Army study found that there was less of a risk of firestorms in neighborhoods if a lawn of short grass was maintained in front of a structure with minimal trees and shrubs.

Nah mang, he's talking about the lawn in his pic. No one is against green because it will literally grow if you don't live in the desert

They really love killing beautiful old growth trees and shrubs. Fucking sadistic apes is what they are.

>they squander two very valuable resources, gas and fertilizer
How autistic do you have to be to worry about this shit?

>plant trees
>you die of old age before they grow

Yeah it's pretty fucked, then they plant some stupid non native plant that doesn't match anything

Boomers love anything that is wasteful and destructive.
>chop down trees that existed before your parents were even born
>just to have a shitty lawn that you never do anything on anyway
Yup, that's a boomer alright. My theory is that they hate nature because it doesn't exist to serve their shitty whims.

My front and side lawns look like OPs pic. Lush and green. But I built a greenhouse in my backyard where I grow all the vegetables me and wife consume. I don't treat my backyard grass with chemicals because I don't want them to leech into the vegetables I grow.

I'm 27 btw

How moronic do you have to be to not worry about squandering non replenishing resources that are necessary for feeding people... because you wanted grass?
>inb4 feeding niggers
Maybe, but feeding you as well.

Then don't plant seeds

Daily reminder grass isn't native to North America and if you're a true patriot, you throw out that colonial garbage and let real plants grow on your lawn.

>if we run out of gasoline and fertilizer we'll all starve!!

Top autism.

This is how ecowarriors and by extension SJWs are born.

>Lawns could easily be replaced by gardens for growing vegetables and stuff

I have a decent-sized lawn. I have a large garden where I grow fruits and vegetables. The other half of my property is all wooded.

You seem to be implying that having a lawn and having a garden are somehow mutually exclusive.

I'm passionately against lawns because they squander two very valuable resources, time and energy.


>grass isn't native to North America

Congrats. This is the most retarded shit I've heard so far today.

>grass isn't native to North America
not your typical lawn grasses

I wish I had a lawn of cannabis plants


>Lawns could easily be replaced by gardens for growing vegetables and stuff.

Fuck off faggot. The last thing I want to do is come home after working 50 hour weeks and tend a giant garden.

>"lmao who cares about what happens to our grandchildren"
>"we'll all be dead by then :^)"

>itt: sheltered shitheads making excuses for being lazy

Take care of your lawn, hedges, and home retards. You don't live alone in your neighborhood.
It's what differentiates us from animals and other non-whites.

I am talking about the shit you grow on your lawn, dipshit.


Stop autism pls.

Holy fuck OP is right. Lawns are the ultimate boomer yard.

No, you're right. Think only of stupid shit that doesn't actually matter, like having a greener lawn than Gary across the street. Glad you got your priorities straight, Mr. Boomer.
>inb4 hurr autism
Try learning new words sometime.

>owning a yard
>paying taxes on all that land you never use for anything
>being required by law to waste money mowing that grass
>not living in a comfy apartment or trailer park instead

You re what's wrong with this country, and you're sounding like a selfish boomer right now.


>it's not boomers that are the problem it's the 1 percent
yeah, the boomers who had less wealth than the 1% who needed to be responsible with their money decided to squander their money on status and comfort but oh yeah the rich are at fault

Even if he isn't, he definitely shares the mindset.
>"Why should I do anything that doesn't directly benefit ME"
This is a generation that reverse mortgages their homes so they can live large before dying and leaving their children nothing for inheritance, not even a house because they fucking reverse mortgaged it. Families build up wealth by passing it along to their children generation after generation, and then boomers come and waste it all on themselves while calling their kids lazy and entitled.

The boomers made us the sheep, you retard. They are the generation that embraced being sheep just to get laid. They are the generation that put their own children 20 trillion in debt.

>being this clueless about nutrient cycling

The judization of the Aryan man is on full display in this thread. Working the earth and planting trees are some of the whitest things you can do these days.

>They are the generation that embraced being sheep
They're the generation that "rebelled" against the greatest generation and gave the world the fucking hippies.

White people went from warfighting orderly badasses to whiney crybabbies because of boomers.

>not leaving a better world for your posterity

Are you a nigger or a jew?

>Working the earth and planting trees are some of the whitest things you can do these days.
Having a lawn does not prevent you from doing that.
You need places for work and productivity, and you need places for calm and rest and barbecues.

were there any contributing factors to this? like any (((changes))) to the educational system when boomers were growing up?

(((Something))) happened alright.

The US was a white country as a matter of policy until 1965, which is right around the time the snowflake hippie crybabby mentality started taking over.

Only an unrefined savage won't maintain his own property.

Mow your fucking lawn, shitskin.

>Better ask OP and a lot of posters in here why they're so passionately against lawns.
Because spending thousands of hours of your life to manicure a monoculture that would not exist in nature is fucking dumb. Because people grow something with minimal benefit when they could be reducing resource consumption by growing food. And yes, I have significantly reduced the size of my lawn and grow lots of fruits, veggies and even grains. I'm going to reduce it even more until it is gone.

It not a question of mo wlawn vs don't mow lawn.

Its suggestion not having a lawn but instead doing something either more aesthetic or more functional or both.

Time to make 11 inch high grass.

boomer lawn represents full extent of boomer imagination and drive: total war against nature, beauty, and life, in pursuit of absolute nominal utility

Fuck HOAs. Hippity hoppity get off my property.

Sepp Holzer is a fucking genius.

>lawns do not exist in nature
So we should only live in purely natural environments?
Get a load of our hunter-gatherer over here.

Like I explained, lawns are miniature upgraded versions of forest clearings.

Front yard lawns and golf courses are abominations against nature.

If you expend tons of time and resources maintaining it without any comparable benefit, you are a fucking moron. And that's exactly what lawns are. And if you have ever been in a real forest that hasn't been fucked over by man, the clearings will have a polyculture. If they don't, I guarantee that you're looking at either a very small clearing, or a damaged ecosystem.

You've never once grown food. If you had, you'd know it's a great deal more work than maintaining a lawn is.

That's because you're a faggot who doesn't know how to garden.

>lawns have no benefit
They're nice places to be in.
Like grassy forest clearings.

>real nature doesn't have lawns
OK mister hunter-gatherer who appreciates only fully natural surroundings.

I bet OP dreamed up this thread while he was mowing the lawn as ordered by his dad.

Forest clearings are not monocultures. They always have several species.

You've never been in real nature if that is your opinion. Or you are one dense motherfucker who doesn't observe shit. Go into a clearing in a healthy forest, and you will find dozens, if not hundreds of species of plants growing.

>Forest clearings are not monocultures.
And caves don't have roof tiles or glass windows.

OK mister hunter-gatherer who appreciates only fully natural surroundings.

>Watering plants that sit out in the sun is hard!

Amerimongrels everyone.

>OK mister hunter-gatherer who appreciates only fully natural surroundings.
You keep on saying that like its an insult. It's not. You are reveling in ignorance. You should take some cues from nature. It doesn't grow monocultures unless something is wrong. The successful farmers/ranchers who are profitable without synthetic inputs don't grow monocultures either. But if you want to spend thousands of hours maintaining a lawn because "it's a nice place," then go ahead, be a fucking moron.

Corn? Stick to perennials (fruit and nut trees/shrubs) for now. You can always start growing annuals when the SHTF, whereas perennials take many years to get established.

10/10 thread

Enjoy your wilderness cave, Mr. nature man.

I'm not knocking your way of life, just pointing out that human habitation is about improving nature to suit our comfort and needs.

Like turning natural sand into unnatural glass panes. Or natural ore into unnatural wiring for computers.
Or natural grassy areas into unnatural lawns for max comfy.

Growing food has tangible benefits. You save on your groceries, your food tastes better because its as fresh as can be (not driven hundreds of miles to reach you), and it is also just satisfying to eat something you planted and grew.

Lawns provide none of this. The only way they can possibly of any real use is if you have sheep or goats that eat your grass.

More fun to play in the woods, and spending too much time in direct sun = sunburn and skin cancer, but of course you'll need grazing area for livestock. Doubles as sporting field

>Growing food has tangible benefits.

I have an ecowarrior niece who doesn't even have a day job, and even she fizzled out on growing her own shit.

>More fun to play in the woods
For infants?