Post your picks, I'll start
Villains who did nothing wrong
But Yoshii was a hero.
In fact, he's more of a hero who did plenty wrong than a villain who did nothing wrong.
I forgot what Yoshis point was.
He started off as a charming, sane person and turned out to be a legit psycho.
The people he messes with tend to benefit. E.g. color rangers getting superpowers they can use outside of the game.
He was charming and probably sane through and through but he was none the less a man on a mission to save mankind and he was determined to go through with it all.
He just wanted to sell drugs
As a I said, I forgot what his goal was.
All i remember is he put a machine gun out, trying to assassinate the mayor (?) and kicked a woman through glass. After which the grumpy main hero overpowered him.
His goal was literally to save mankind from decline and quiet destruction by starting a war that would force people to live again. All the main players in Texhnolyze were trying to save mankind in their own way. Everything he did was to try and incite the various groups in the city to fight each-other.
Was that stated, or only implied/hinted at?
I'm pretty sure he says it himself but it's been so long since I last watched it that I can't be sure.
It's been a while since I've seen Texhnolyze but I thought Yoshi was just doing what he did because he was extremely bored from being an office worker on the surface, so he started a conflict between all the big families because he thought it would be exciting. I don't think I ever really understood half the things in Texhnolyze though.
what he says is basically this
meaning he started the war that accelerated the downfall of the "underground" for amusement
meaning he was a psychopath
He felt like people underground were starting to become too peaceful and passive, and didn't want them to end up like the humans upstairs, so he instigated a war to liven them all up.
In the end it wouldn't matter though, not a single secondary stayed loyal to their leader and fucked it all up.
>meaning he started the war that accelerated the downfall of the "underground" for amusement
No, he was doing it to SAVE the underground from falling into the same trap the people upstairs fell into.
Yoshi literally had 100% justice and good intentions in his heart.
The way the people "upstairs" were portrayed creeped me out.
Because that is basically boomer generation pensioners in any wealthy country.
it is still debatable whether war to annihilation is better than boredom
also, given the dynamic loyalities of everyone and the two-class society, a conflict was a matter of time anyway
Haha, funny.
choose what you prefer
When I was watching it I actually thought to myself "If I was the MC in that situation I would go on a killing spree" Not trying to be edgy, lets be adults here. and then I realized exactly Yoshi's mindset with what he was doing.
It's weird how I completely misunderstood Yoshi and thought he was an asshole by time he died into realizing he was a legitmate good guy by the end.
You're thinking too extreme.
Three fractions fighting amongst themselves wouldn't lead to exiction, it would keep them just active enough to fight for survival and live on. The situation the people were in upstairs would inherently live to extinction though.
I don't understand how people can't understand this.
It's like letting someone sit in a chair and slowly erode to death or punching them in the face just to make them get up and become active again.
>You're thinking too extreme.
we all know the results of the war: total annihilation of humanity downstairs.
>It's like letting someone sit in a chair and slowly erode to death or punching them in the face just to make them get up and become active again.
this portrayal suggests that the world downstairs would become the world upstairs after time passed.
but there was absolutely no implication the world downstairs was one changing for the better.
we had a two-class society. remember the first two-three series when the prota was a prize fighter. countless people were living the way he lived. there was a broad lower class with no view of utopia.
the world downstairs already was hell, there was no rush to prevent it from becoming a paradise.
He would've made America great again...
>we all know the results of the war: total annihilation of humanity downstairs.
Wrong. The factions have had been fighting for years, war doesn't inherently lead to extinction. We have tons of groups and countries still around today who have been in tons of wars.
>this portrayal suggests that the world downstairs would become the world upstairs after time passed.
Yes, that's exactly it. Yoshi saw them becoming more passive and feared them going down the same road.
>but there was absolutely no implication the world downstairs was one changing for the better.
Except for the fact they haven't had a "spectacle" in a very long time (This was mention multiple times) and they had people in charge like Oonishi who were actively trying to prevent fights as much as possible and doing a decent job. That's why Yoshi targeted and focused on him so much, because he knew Oonishi had the potential to keep everything in check and peaceful.
>there was no rush to prevent it from becoming a paradise.
You don't call the fire department after your house is already ashes. The main factions not fighting was already sign enough things were beginning to change and Yoshi was afraid of it. No one is saying he's perfect, he had his own bias and fears from his life upstairs. Even if underground weren't going to become a paradise within the next couple of decades, he just wanted to keep the fire stoked as long as possible. You never know when it hits that point of being too late.
You have to put the pieces together but in episode 7 he expresses his frustration at the fact that nothing changes above and in episode 9 he says that he want the various groups to fight so that they can be made to believe in their own power. 7, 9 and 10 deal with Yoshii's motivation.
>we all know the results of the war: total annihilation of humanity downstairs.
Yoshii failed and another group's plan to save mankind 'succeeded' instead, that doesn't change his motivation though.
Biggest question is, how was a office worker from a perfect peaceful world so competent in combat?
Well he was a texhnolyze so that probably helps.
Yoshi can be seen as a romantic hero or an anti-hero.
A grotesquely romantic hero, that is, because the romantification of War is something post-WW1 people seldom do.
That explains hand to hand, but not his skills with guns, explosives and general strategic thinking.
That's not Kano
She just wanted to make a beautiful and pure world for her daughter by any means necessary.
if he did hand-to-hand training, he couldve done marksmanship training the same way
yoshi looked fit and prepared for harsh circumstances all around
I thought that the software side helped with all of that as well? Except the strategic aspect of course.
Uchiha Madara did nothing wrong. He just tried to make everyone happy
What did he do wrong though?
His plan failed at the very least and we can't know how successful it would have been anyway.
Dindu nuffin, he was a good boy. He wuz goin to college, gettin a law degree and gettin his life on track. Then those rich Joestars dun murdered him. We need more money for dem mercenary stand users.
Literally the best character in this shitshow
>tries to protect his home
>gets fucked over by republic
CIS scum
I don't remember this scene, is it in the extended version?
ive no idea, i have not posted anything from my psychopass folder in 2 years.
S3 can't come fast enough
Literally nothing wrong
wait what? thats a thing? I've been waiting for a buddy to get into town to watch the movie
He did it wrong. Just wasted all that awesome skills and died like a bitch.
The movie isn't very good although Kogami going full operator was cool
And yeah there's an S3 in the works apparently.
>52 replies
>no griffith
shit thread
>still no rat
His death was literally Shinji's fault. I don't understand why Yoshii didn't kill him or at least incapacitate him.
Only series villain I truely felt for.
an unjust end.
nothing wrong
>why Yoshii didn't kill him
it would've jeopardized his plans.
Apart from the whole dropping a huge asteroid on earth business
I'm waiting for the VN being released on Steam this September but never heard of S3. I really enjoyed the series so far but S2 was... well you know, so it's not like I'm waiting something really good for S3
he wasn't a villain, he was the hero we needed
Dindu nuffin wrong.
he was the man
Somebody like him was painfully missing in s2 onwards
Yeah, Kamui was a faggot.
>tfw you will never have a long discussion with Makishima about philosophy and 20th century literature
He killed best girl you fucking edgelord.
He just didn't wanna be a servant no more
Lucifer doesn't exist. It's literally a misinterpretation of the bible
This is a picture of Lucifer that Gustave Dore did for an edition of Paradise Lost.
I was referring to Satan in Milton's poem, not in the bible.
He is referring to Lucifers depiction in Miltons Paradise Lost
Oh alright, my bad
what was makishima's alignment?
>caring about human scum
I bet you also laugh at Squealer you fucking faggot
Based Treize
probably de only man i have ever loved
I wish he was still here ;__;
The real villains were the Class themselves. They drove people deemed inferior down to Lux or killed them and waited for the end to come in the city doing nothing.
Yoshii was a bit right in his mindset but could've gone about better by helping the Organo I think.
>Doc just wanted to help people with Texhnolyzation.
he wanted people to be genuine and read books
so, neutral good?
the thread is "villains who did nothing wrong" not "villains who did nothing"
I got you senpai!
trying to fuck that little girl went to far man
Guts was a fucking faggot for leaving anyway.
It's all his fault.
Griffith pls go
Then again
he saw the Racon as his ideal humanity. He picked Shinji to be his champion to bring down the Organo/Class truce that was making Lux decadent just like above ground. When Shinji later takes down the Class he comments how right was Yoshi about him.
Sup Forums is full of internet trained survivalists. The world above didn't care about regulating anything, so he was free to get guns and learn about fighting
there aren't any villains in tex, the show makes a point of portraying all of its characters as products of circumstance. Kano was just the most repulsive of those products.
Kano is definitely a villian.
No, he genuinely believes that the world is his imagination.
He was the antagonist, but his objective was to ensure humanity's survival through extreme texhnolyzation.
The only questionably thing about him were his means.
He took out the organs of young girl
Forced her to be his slave
And then that led her to commit suicide
What world are you two living in?
Because the girl was making the city insane and resisting.
She literally told Oshino to kill her because of that.
Ultimately there's no point to anything because Kano in the end is wrong, and humanity is doomed to extinction which is what happens, but he's pretty similar to Yoshii, he just has a far more radical approach.
They weren't even human. They were mutie bonobo scum that turned the real humans of the story into rats.
>tfw I have the soundtracks.
They're awesome.
I'd say that his method was crazy. They all turn into plants when they die too. They're not even human at that point for the most part, aside from Ran and Toyama.