It's basically a shit chapter besides the KanekiXArima part.
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Other urls found in this thread:
>OP is an assmad Etofag
We need a bucket for these tears.
>beside Kaneki x Arima
You mean the only shit repetitive fuck that people don't even need to know because they have seen it over and over since the last 5 chapters?
The rest of the chapter is very interesting.
The only retards who like Furuta are homosexuals and landwhales.
>liking Eto/Furuta at all
Imagine if you'd cut out all Eto and Furuta parts of the manga. Yeah, it'd be a lot better.
>it's basically a shit chapter
That rage
>besides KanekixArima
You've gotta be kidding me
Sure go to sleep user. May your Eto kiss your eye in the dream.
So deep and so cool. Ishida truly is the tokyo ghoul.
Basically this. Can both Furuta and Eto just die already please?
>anyone who doesn't like thing I like is just an Etofag.
What, do you want to call everyone who doesn't like Rize a misogynist next or something?
Go back to your hugbox:
I'm so glad Ishida didn't stall by going back to Rue Island, this chapter is perf to me
Stop projecting anytime.
Your waifu got BTFO and everyone could have it seen it coming in the previous chapter except you retarded Etofags, and that's because you're literally all dumb faggots.
What is the thing with V and Sunlit Garden? They make ghouls and normal people? Arima and Hairu are from Sunlit but they aren't ghouls yet Furuta and Rize are.
How do you know they're not ghouls?
The get the best of both worlds. Like Hannah Montana.
I have to say I love the part where he says Nimudash. It's pretty funny that lifts me up from the boring Kaneki fight.
Is there a character more complex then Kaneki? I never would have thought that the tokyo ghoul is a uncool, ugly, indecisive, weak person. And all these meaningful color changes, maybe in the end Kaneki becomes a rainbow.
Will both of you eto, future and Touka fags need there own containment thread
You fucking ruin everything's with your BTFO nonsense
Hope that doesn't indicate that Tokyo Ghoul is jumping the shark.
Meant to day Furuta
Where were you when Ishida btfo tumblr(etofags)?
Etofags are reddit though. Furutafags are tumblr.
So why does Furuta hate ghouls with a passion then?
>he doesn't know how to use the archives
Etofags are from Sup Forums, you cancerous newfag.
>being this assblasted about bestest girl being save
Hello tumblr.
Yeah until they migrated to reddit.
Hairu died and didn't show any signs of being a ghoul. Arima it's the same.
>Am I fitting in now?
Fucking cancer
People still reading this pile of shit?
So Furuta is without a doubt Kanou's buff ghoul bodyguard then. How many of these niggers are secretly Arnold under those suits?
I hate it so much when people get so assblasted that they have to use their mobile to fuck up a thread.
All of them.
How hard is it to get through that thick skull of yours that only tumblr retards who have no taste in men would fall for a bitchboy with daddy issues?
Sup Forums loves lolis. Lurk the fuck more.
Will Kaneki kill Arima or at least leave him to die like he did with Jason?
>lurk moar
Hello underage.
>implying tumblr doesn't love le edgy strong wommin
She got btfo just like you, can you fuck off back to tumblr already you dumb shit.
>being this buttblasted into thinking that anyone implies that Furutafags belongs here
>thinking etofags belong here
Both of you are foreign cancer.
Skintight suit Arima when?
I on my pc, and it's really shit, kid
I don't know whatever happens now but I was calling it even before shit.
How is Furuta's Kagune stronger than Eto's?
>etofags trying to ruin the threads because they're too buttmad about their shitty waifu getting shat on
You can't make this shit up. At least based Ishida took care of their dumbness.
Did Kaneki's hair change back to white? If so, picked back up.
>Implying that you didn't just come from tumblr in the first place to get hard over your obsession
Shouldn't you be watching Diabolik Lovers now for your rape fantasies you dumb cunt?
because the plot calls for it
>for weeks
For months, actually
It isn't. Eto got caught off guard. She made the grave mistake of getting close and personal with a rinkaku. More or less the exact same thing Kaneki did. Except he half killed her and oneshot her entire kakuja armor. Kaneki is clearly stronger.
>he still can't check the archives
Newfags are the gift that keeps on giving.
>Kaneki: Finally reaching this distorted view at the brink of death.
Kaneki: Rize-san and Hide too…
Kaneki: In the end, they were just born from within me.
Kaneki: “The person I want to meet.”
Kaneki: “The things I wanted someone to tell me.”
This is literal autism. Do you have a split personality nigga?
>Deus Ex Meme Machine is better
Furutafags are RPing avatarfagging cancer.
Judging by the way he smiles at him I'd say no
>all this assmad
Literally beyond suicide watch, lmao.
Just an assmad etofag, enjoy their tears.
Do you? You want me to tell you why it's shit or what?
I bet you be delusional enough to understand
Why are you posting MAL posts here, newfag?
The dude is kind of right, though.
He's talking about his schizophrenia. He realized that the reason why all these people have been showing up in his mind is that he wanted them to appear and he wanted them to hear certain words. So Hide appearing and telling him to live must mean that he himself wants to live after all. So now he's going to fight Arima with the intention of coming back alive.
Are you daft?
He's acknowledging that both the Rize and the Hide that talked to him in his hallucinations were just figments of his imagination, telling him what he wanted to hear, and what he really felt.
He just got self-aware of his tulpa
We only got two pages. Calm down nigga.
Etoshits are so pathetic after getting shat on that I'm running out of screencaps.
Ishida is fucking based.
But he said he isn't going to stop. He will hunt Kaneki and his friends if he doesn't die.
Furuta is forever bestboy!
This chapter showed it~
My god i feel bad for him
"After all, you are just human killer human eater"
Why don't you go back to whatever shitheap you crawled out of, newshit?
It's Ishida explaining what exactly is going on in Kaneki's head. So just more shit writing.
Are you prepared for more chapters of Kaneki and Arima doing lover dancing?
Keep crying please, this chapter couldn't have been any better in making your asspain tangible.
Being retarded on your own is one thing, but being so retarded that even the mangaka himself goes out of his way to shit on you is beyond embarassing.
He miss his tulpa,don´t he?
My body is ready for more fujo shit and Eto getting BTFO.
Why shouldn't it?
Touka & the plot armor crew are out of Cochlea now. And he can hinder Arima from going after them without severly injuring him. It's also out of character for Kaneki to hurt someone he cares about.
"Oh my, my, my! How gory! Blech"
Can you kill yourself already, you fucking missed abort.
I wonder if he still wants to bang Rize. He should do it in front of Furuta, so he can get a laugh.
I don't think Futura gives a shit about Rize. I'm sure he enjoys seeing her being experimented on.
And we have to wait another week to see more because that was the last page.
>masturbating over a memeing faggot with daddy issues
>tells someone else to commit suicide
My sides are in orbit.
Eto is gonna die?
This manga has the sloppiest pacing and writing. I don't why you eating this shit. Is it because of the xfags that got btfo? And if it was the opposite it still would've being shit.
I'm glad that I dropped it.
Maybe now Don Kaneki is back and still cares of her
You have to go back.
So wait until then.
Out on MS
Furuta confirmed ghoul?
Somebody link the old thread I am on my phone.
So are you fags ready to pick up Bleach? Might as well at this point. Look at it on the bright side, at least Ichigo is taller and less of a faggot.
He is literally accepting his borderline