Why is this show so great?
Because Suzuki.
Anime Top Gear
Stig is best girl as always
The girls are cute, the bikes are cool.
No, these are the best cars.
assuming that she's using actual car wash cleaning detergent, wouldn't that be really bad for your skin? not that I know anything about cars or car wash cleaner.
Girls are autistically cute.
Maybe there is something specifically for american car wash.
It won't kill her the first time, but I wouldn't do it regularly.
Cute girls, good laughs, Jesus-sama and you can actually learn someting about bikes.
This seems completely motorcycle related.
It is.
I never thought I'd see one day chaika havung sex with a motorcycle.
I think Hane is very cute with her innocent and fun personality.
Would ride with.
Onsa's face when she reach the 7000 rpm. Onsa is best girl.
I want to learn about bikes but i'm too lazy. Is this the show for me?
Hane is the best girl I have seen in anime for years.
Will win!
It doesn't hurt to give it a try.
Rin is the cutest.
Rin is too meaty for cute.
She can be both.
a delinquent is fine too.
Rin is the cutest and the sexiest at the same time.
Objectively, no.
The girls in this show except for Onsa are all meaty though.
Shit compared to the manga
You have a right to your own opinion user, but that doesn't excuse it from being complete shit.
You can clearly see which characters are made for sex and which ones are made to cuddle.
Objectively and literally, yes.
It's not as good but its still ok. I just wish they didn't cut so much of the comedy bits.
Wait, so if these are her memories, then it's definitely the same girl and not her daughter or niece or something? What the hell is she?
The Stig's Christmas Cake cousin.
Anybody else notice that Hane-chan has the face of Chaika?
Fuck off.
Is the fanservice good, the bike information accurate, and the episodes semi interesting?
which one is chisame's mother?
I would ride her.
I want to rub my dick in her eyebrows and cum all over them
Because you're underage.
You're right. Rin was specifically made to be tenderly loved and cuddled a lot.
So bitter.
Imagine her giving you a ride, and after awhile getting a massive erection from the vibration of the powerful machine. Picture the look on her face as realizes what that hard thing pressed against her ass is for the first time, while you're hugging her from behind so you don't fall off.
There are Suzuki cars you piece of shit.
>fanservice good
>bike information accurate
Couldn't tell you
>episodes semi interesting
Yes, but opinions
>is the fanservice good
She does have exceptional softness.
Only two days left.
What's wrong with her tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiits?
I see nothing wrong with them, though I prefer Rin's.
They forgot to draw the cleavage line, so it looks kinda like a uniboob.
I know, but I´m not gonna read/watch this trash just for chaika´s face.
Kill yourself.
Are these leather maid uniforms made for riding?
black or pink?
Depends. We are not talking about nipples here, right?
Black stockings
Pink nipples
Pink b hole
No other choice is valid.
Pink of course.
Pink, always pink.
What is this face trying to convey?
this show is the definition of forced fanservice starting around episode 4
Pink wins every time.
Girl > Futa.
The best.
desire to hoon
>you will never get close to Raimu-senpai
>she will never trust you enough to show you her face
You remove the helmet and she's a skeleton
Will the Bds for this be even better?
is she a 2hu?
So, is it some kind of unspoken rule to grab Raimu's raimus if you're riding with her?
Beneath that helmet is only another one.
>is she a 2hu?
This user has the right idea.
She is an everliving motorcycle yokai, is this that hard to understand
I wish we can see her armpits.
She is a speed succubus
Armpit fetish is kind of low level though.
say that to my face etc.
Holy shit you people should try watching anime with something else than your penis from time to time.
You really chose the wrong medium. I mean, I like all the mature manchild anime as much as the next guy and keep swallowing the next rehash of GitS even if it's as bad as the previous, but there's nothing wrong with occasional penis anime now and then.
Well, I'm into anime for the moe, as for me it never gets old, contrarily to fanservice and bad romance. To each their own, sure, but fanservice-fags are sometimes obnoxious.
Holy shit you people should try watching anime with something else than your heart from time to time.
so whats the plot of this series? they just hang around bikes and....
have fun?
Rin is such a fucking idiot holy shit
This show is pretty moe too.
Please, refrain from insulting Rin like that.
Is she some kind of homage to Sawachika Eri?
W are talking about a girl who wears full gear for motorcycle arcade machines
Go away from my Waifu
You didn't even wish her a happy birthday
You didn't even make her a present
Arcade bikes are dangerous, user. There's nothing wrong with caring for your well-being.