Is he gay?
Is he gay?
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No, just Greek
I wish he fucks Iri.
Like other user said, he's greek, meaning bisexual. It's even historically stated for who is suppose to be based on.
What about this guy. Is he gay?
Obviously lusts for Saber but also is totally in a relationship with Kirei.
Why is Type-moon fanbase has lots of gay people? I'm not really against it, just wondering.
Because Type Moon is for faggots
Straight as an arrow. The gayest he had was the first bromance with Enkidu.
The guys are just as attractive as the girls in most cases.
What is this strange, nippleless creature?
Nah man, he's as straight as they come.
Wasn't he confirmed for being pansexual in Fate/HA?
Tsukihime has no gay. Kara no kyoukai have Lio, who MAY be bisexual according to Nasu. Original Fate has no gay except Issei I think.
Seriously I never thought Rider and Weaver relationship as gay. They are more like brother or mentor/student. Before Gen 's word that they had sex or some shit most people only take it as bromance.
Macedonian, not Greek.
Big difference. It is like you cancerous underage faggots never read Alexander's bio and how his Macedonian roots clashed with his Persianbooness which ended up with him murdering his childhood friend.
Cancerous fujoshits shitting up fanbases like always.
They don't represent the TM fanbase at all because most are secondaries who don't even know how to load a VN.
There are plenty of us that have read the VNs. Stop being such a salty fag.
I want to fuck Rider.
Just a sword
>implying I should bother loading shitty het VNs aimed at teenagers
No thanks.
Back during his time it was only gay to recieve.
Wasn't that just for the romans? I thought the greeks didn't mind much either way.
>Before Gen 's word that they had sex or some shit most people only take it as bromance.
When did he say that?
Probably depended on the age and city state. Spartans fucked men all they wanted where as I think Athenians didnt care for it much. Not really sure on Macedonians.
I don't sure, read from Sup Forums that in some interview he said that they had sex in the night before final day of grail war. I don't interest in homoship so maybe some fujo here can give you a source.
>being ignorant
>brother and mentor/student
This relationship and a sexual one isn't mutually exclusive, on the contrary
Basically it was customary back then for young elites in military training to be taught their trade by their seniors in exchange for sexual gratification.
Back to tumblr, fujoshit.
Ironic when you been playing yaoishit VNs for teenage legbeards like yourself.
This particular VN was written by a man, and I'm willing to bet women are but a periphery demographic.
>Alexander the Great will never fill your boipussy with his boiling hot macedonian cream before an epic battle
There is an awful lot of Bi people in Type Moon though. Maybe not full gay, but half-gay,
Fuck off moron. The Macedonians were Greeks; they were allowed to participate in the Olympic Games that were open only to Greeks.
Greece wants its name back
probably, doesn't he turn into some fuckboi?