Do you like explosions Sup Forums?
Do you like explosions Sup Forums?
I have 8 in int and str. I don't like per.
My dick will explode in your vagina.
>you don't truly walk the path of explosions if this is not your main DOTA hero
Discount Lina Inverse
I want to explode inside that crimson semen demon
I want to explode inside Megumin.
I want to explode all over her
Megumeme's husbando for sure.
But Megumin hates scientific/mechanical means of creating explosions because they make her completely redundant.
His pure love of EXPLOSION is what she is attracted to. She could never deny his means of attaining his love.
You could be sure everyday she'd nag him to learn how to bakuretsu and leave those toys behind though.
I do, but I don't look at them.
Would you drink Aqua's piss?
I want to explode inside Megumin!
No, she's ugly and has saggy tits even though she looks like a teenager.
Forget about explosions, something better over here!
Does anyone wear a bra in the fantasy world?
Why doesn't Megumin focus on casting multiple small explosions instead of splurging on one big one?
pretty sure that was a character in w2 before being dota shit.
Why don't you ejaculate just a little bit at a time instead of exploding all at once?
s-small... e-explo...sion?
Sappers were a dumb gimmick unit in WC3 before they became a dumb gimmick hero in dota.
her tits are a bit big, compared to the anime, but it´s still so fucking hot, dorkness and slutgoddess a shit.
Is it true that her HP goes down to 1 after te casting?
I mean, that sounds dangerous, kazuma could kill her just with kisses.
I'm getting a degree in civil engineering focused on geotechnical mining and blasting techniques. I work with explosions all the time.
I used to rush gold and buy some of them, when my brother attacked my base I had them run straight into his hero. haahaha
I do. It's not like I fapped once and let out an entire lifetime of cum in one apocalyptic money shot onto the face of planet earth.
Suddenly I find myself thinking it would be very easy to talk Megumin into using herself to prime my explosion.
I want to explode deep inside megumin
(skip to 5:35)
dotard pls.
That actually sounds pretty awesome. I can't even imagine the bliss.
>refuses to acknowledge the ferocity of techies explosions
shit taste
Is that the Omagh bomb?
Why are bakuretsu threads always infested by Sup Forumsermin?
I want Megumin to explode on my dick.
I think they said using more magic than you are able to dips into your health and can be potentially dangerous. And also she can't move.
because there's really no difference between Sup Forumsermins and Sup Forumsssholes and Sup Forumsutists
But this board isn't Sup Forums - anime and vidya. Keep that shit on Sup Forums.
It's always /vg/ autists.
she's a fine, strong independent woman
>she sees your dick explode
I liked Chris.
Then the show betrayed me.
>she makes your dick explode
Witches must burn and their hats must be stomped on
But user, she showed up plenty of times, you probably just didn't know it was her.
It's pure water, you know. (If she even does go.)
She gets partially eaten by a giant frog.
Arch Priests don't go to the bathroom.
I'm sure they do, but she's also a goddess.
She does barf, though.
every. single. day.
That's because she just pisses in a bottle and drinks it again since it's all pure holy water
>you will never be a giant toad
>The Era of Yunyun
>Sup Forums switches over to the better-endowed Crimson Demon mage
>larger and therefore superior bosom
>dere-dere for Kazuma
>actually useful magic
Accept your fate.
>useless bags of fat
>Jam it in
>spooky music starts to play
>look megumin straight in the eye
>I am the alias of lust incarnate
>In accordance with the principles of all creation
>Let the hard-on of eroticism descend unto me
Their aspirations, right to left:
>tavern proprietress
>make a soccer team with Kazuma
>magical imouto
>Clan chief
>nothing in particular
Megumin is made for involuntary anal sex.
Should probably save that for an Iori thread.
me on the left
>sucks the dick of anyone that gives her the time of day
But user, you're welcome to her.
Just understand one thing.
We Meguminfags do respect various qualities of Yunyun... but when it's time to choose, we STILL go for the flatter, useless mage who casts explosion and then needs us to hitch a ride home till her mana recovers... or until we draintouch-rape a convenient victim to pump our Megumin up to full again.
Me on the second from right.
So you're planning to bang her?
Is this her pet?
The carrying is my favorite part.
I imagine she isn't fond of slime.
What was the doujin that had the "You got mindbroken after only 3 panels" page? I seem to have lost it.
There's only like 3 in english
When did you realize Eris > Aqua?
>O sincere cultist, I will bestow you with a holy incantation that will spare you from the clutches of the devil. ‘Eris stuffs her bosom with pads’— Whenever you feel lost again, just repeat this incantation. If you see someone troubled like you, do tell them this too.
Has Nerimaki ever spoken? She's got a cool design but I think she was in the background the entire time.
Maybe Megumin's spinoff. I'm reading the unofficial fanfiction now.
No,i'm not muslim
I looked through the first volume again. Her name is called out and that's it. That's disappointing.
Am I a jerk if I want to explode on her face right after doing anal?
no, you're a man
I'm not a fan of doormats. Plus, Kazuma needs people who will disagree with him and get him to actually work.
Thanks. It's just I think I developed a Pavlov reflex when it comes to Megumin. I get an erection quickly and have these nasty thoughts about her asshole and my dick automatically popping up in my head.
>I laugh in the face of danger. HAHAHAH
Can someone explain to me how somehow Megumin became the main girl?
She's not the first girl. She's not important to the plot. She doesn't have any special relation nor interactions with MC at all, in fact. Looking objectively there's absolutely zero reason to consider her main girl. And yet this is a fact the entire fanbase just seems to innately accept, and it's universal. It's just bizarre.