why does she want friends and popularity anyway?
Why does she want friends and popularity anyway?
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because she heard she'll feel okay when she gets those.
yeah but what do you think she smells like
she smells like what?
like shit
It has been too long since the last tomoko thread. It's been like what, 10 minutes?
iunno man i imagine it wouldnt be so simple. when someone showers infrequently, you get a delightful cornucopia of which shit is but a small part. theres also sweat, armpit smell, greasy hair smell, and so on.
She's a girl
ooh and dont forget crotch stink, the distinctive cousin of underarm stink
So thats how girls are wired, girls are a meme, etc
Because at heart she's a normalfag.
Its not weird they rely on other people to do things for them
Dont say it.
I swear I'll REEE. I'm warning you
Sup Forums I'm your last hope for season 2 everyone know it.
Next Saturday if someone know japanese can you go on ti nico tanigawa twitter ask him about season 2 kickstarter.
here is his twitter Please do not bug him right he working on ch 96 right now.
Don't fuck this up Sup Forums .
Remember next week.
Kill yourself.
@mokonymous on twitter is person to ask they know both english and Japanese.
I want s2
I'm working it.
I hope @mokonymous say ok to this so many want a season 2 now.
Because society and pop culture dictates that that's what she should want
Someone on Sup Forums need to ask @mokonymous on twitter to help us.
i'm gonna too busy for about 3 or 4 days working over time to help fund SEASON 2.
Tomoko is a future robot, she's currently just a tryhard wannabe normie that wants to ascend into true normiedom but doesn't manage to get anything done. As soon as she finishes high school/college she'll end up being as fucked up as any other /r9k/ regular, having given up on her childish fantasies.
She might become a NEET or even a hikikomori depending if her parents care about her situation or not, chances are that she'll attempt suicide sometime in her early 20s.
That manga Tomoko anime Tomoko not like that.
Only one can save Tomoko from this is a boyfriend from Sup Forums like ESL-kun.
Women cant be robots no matter how dumb smelly and socially bad she is some beta will take her in.
Would something like this work out for Tomoko?
This thread is dead.