you guys said it was shit
why did you lie to me
you guys said it was shit
why did you lie to me
>Trusting Sup Forums
The manga is much better.
I own this on dvd and I still haven't watched it.
Sup Forums rejects any anime that has become accepted by normies, regardless of its quality. Sometimes this is okay (SaO, Fairy Tail are trash), but they also throw out works like Akira, Bebop, and Miyazaki's entire filmography.
>he thinks Sup Forums is a single entity.
I didn't care for Bebop and only saw a few Ghibli films (Totoro, Spirited Away) and while they are nice to look at I didn't like them to much because they were just too comfy for my taste. I like a little conflict.
compared to the manga, the anime is shit.
I remember the first time my friend said he wanted to watch the anime dubbed instead of reading the manga cause he hates reading. Told his ass the anime ends with a bang.
Nice blog
>Sup Forums said it is good
It was actualy pretty good
I had it lying on my hard drive for about four years before I went and watched it. You should probably get around to it.
i've tried watching it 3 times (once when it came out and my brother brought the vhs home and i was little) and i've fallen asleep every time. it's just so boring 2bh
>Complaining about trusting others
It's your fucking fault for not realizing that you yourself have a brain that you can use.
I'd had this sitting on my hard drive for years and just got round to watching it a week or two ago. I hadn't really heard anything about it from Sup Forums prior to watching it, but I really liked it.
What faggot said this GOAT film was shit?
>I didn't care for Bebop
>I didn't like [Totoro] much
Finally, I have found another sane person.
Me not liking Totoro was nothing to do with it being "comfy" though. I really like the SoL genre and some of my favourite anime belong to it. I just thought Totoro was shit. I think whether or not you will enjoy that movie really hinges on whether or not you like the Totoro character, and I didn't. Honestly, the cat-bus thing was more interesting than he was.
>Lives in a hellish cyberpunk dystopia
>Her only friend is her asshole boyfriend
>Gets physically abused by a bunch of bikers
>Boyfriend would rather beat up the bikers than see if his girlfriend is alright.
>Later ends up looking for her boyfriend out of concern after seeing him going on a rampage.
>Gets absorbed and crushed to death by her boyfriend's disgusting masses of flesh, in what is arguably the most horrific death in the entire movie.
Being Kaori is suffering.
They probably meant this movie.
I like SoL like Aria and NNB. Totoro fell flat to me.
Her death scene was fucking intense, I felt bad seeing it because it looked painful as fuck.
Also the MC became an omniscient, omnipotent, higher level plain of existence type being at the end, right? He's like talking through a galaxy/space and shit.
In the manga his lieutenant fuckin' shoots her and he spends a very short time stable trying to bring her back to life.
More or less.
It's not properly conveyed in the anime, but if he'd kept taking the god damned drugs he actually would've recovered and been able to control his full powers without causing a horrifying impact event.
He was tricked into going cold turkey by some other espers who didn't want him to achieve this.
Nausicaa too
Unpopular opinion, but I really like both and think they each have something unique to offer.
Obviously the manga has more time for worldbuilding and the post-apocalypse arc in the second half is awesome. But the movie changes some of the character relationships and interactions significantly and I find it really interesting to see both. I think the ones that are most obvious are Tetsuo and Canada's relationship and Tetsuo and Kaori's. Kaneda and Tetsuo are far less antagonistic toward each other (for obvious reasons) and their 'best friend' dynamic is a lot stronger in the movie, especially with that flashback. And with Tetso and Kaori, I actually like the fact that they were already in a relationship instead of Kaori being some random hooker/Akira's babysitter that Tetsuo ended up having a soft spot for. I don't think that either is better than the other, I just like seeing the changed dynamics that allow us to see different sides of the characters.
Because Sup Forums only likes onee-chan shitty animes
He is forcefully transported to the beginning of time and explodes in the Big Bang. What is later shown is the expansion of the newly created universe.