Why can't

You get some perspective and stop being so fucking rotorphobic

Love = love


Then why can't they love women

Marriage you fucking spaz Marriage is about a sacrament and oath between to people to make and create a family fags and degens are incapable of love and incapable of anything they are shit and aren't human

Srsly get it under control

Marriage was desecrated long before fags became an issue.
Everyone knows this but doesn't want to admit it.

Didn't Katy have a mental breakdown?


Katy should be redpilled.
she is top tier portuguese ancestry but she is also a pop-whore-slave

No she's a strong powerful woman

lol, who can only promote faggotry by getting nekkid

I want marriage to animals to be legal

i would fckh8 her nomsayan

Marriage isn't about love or parts.

It's about money.

>Katy Perry

i would too if i was married to russell brand

i wanna suckle katy's tiddies till they become dry like raisins :3


Why is she naked

I will not allow any "parts" I don't want to touch mine to even have sex with me.Because sex does eventually happen.So yes its about parts too.Damn it I hate what my country has become.

because she's mentally ill



Marriage is about children. Fuck who you want, but when you get married it's about having and raising children in a stable environment.

It's clear how male and female body parts work together as made by a grand designer. To misuse "parts" is perverted, greedy and anti-God.

Fake charities selling "things" are brilliant. Same with all those stupid ribbon bumper stickers and magnets.

Let's say you own a small print shop and you can't afford a die-cutting machine because you just don't have enough business to justify the expense. Well, start a charity and collect shekel from virtue-signaling bastards! Immediately you have a market of people willing to spend $9.95 for thirty cents worth of material. All because it's "for a cause (and we want to make damn sure everyone knows how much better we are then they are.)"

Boom. Product starts moving. But how to charities work? It's "proceeds" that get donated to the cause. That's money left over after profits. Well, you haven't made any profits. You're in the hole in debt for this machine! Guess we need to keep ALL that money and keep selling. :^)

So you dump some money into advertising to move more product. More debt. The next ten thousand units go directly towards paying that cost. Oh, hey... you've got some friends that need jobs? Well, you pay them handsomely to operate the presses. That has to be paid too! Oh, we still haven't made any money. Sorry goy. Maybe you need to buy more. :^)

Anyone who buys "a thing" to support a cause is a virtue-signalling faggot and deserves a bullet. No exceptions. All they are interested in is parading around wearing "the thing" and posting photographs of "me in the thing" as a dick-waving virtue contest with their friends on Kikebook. Meanwhile only pennies (if anything) of that money goes to the cause. You could have just sent $20 directly to a firm handing cancer research, but how would all of your Kikebook friends know how virtuous you are supporting a cause without a t-shirt or a sticker to show for it!

This is a kike-owned company selling T-shirts. That's all it is. They're making massive adshekel for everyone involved in "administrative fees" while pumping out $1.99 shit from slave shops in Kambodia.

It's damn smart, really.


This was the inevitable outcome of making marriage be about "love" and not raising a family, it gave homos ground to argue for their right to marry. People demanding the right to marry themselves and animals will soon follow.

Libshits need to stop getting into other people's businesses.

Marriage was never for gays. Marriage was an institution of the traditional family which is core for the existence of humanity. Basically bring new children to this world and dedicate your lifes to raise them. That's why there's a holy sacrament to bind those two people together and that's why there's a civil status and Goverment aid to aid those two people in that arduous task.

Two faggets fucking each other in the ass have nothing to do with marriage nor anything to contribute to society.

Love is love huh?

Well shit...I suppose i'll just go marry a 4 year old, or how about my dog? love IS love after all.