OP sincerely apologizes for being late.
Welcome to the weekly sozubo
OP sincerely apologizes for being late.
Welcome to the weekly sozubo
apparently is culturalis festival
no act liek culturd peaple!
Sensei. I found it odd that you would reject cultural activities. After all, all Japanese citizens still have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living. It is in the Constitution.
then me have no chois
we allow fostivol now
but is debt, so moderate
Then, who has something they want to do for the cultural festival?
ok we do play
is too cultr
we make band
is of siht music
of storytellings
me of crying but is too cultur!
I was moved!
we hav I-liner contnes
me have no expectatio
delivr gag now
This is where the contest parts.
me have keked but this too cultrod
everything is of cultred!
yuo fail!
In that case, Sensei, try holding a class at the minimum cultural standard.
this of yodin-strach reactio
[end of part one.
you decide now,
>should OP continue in a few minutes?
>should OP continue tomorrow?]
Tomorrow might be better.
You're alright
Yes, but where can i download a good copy of the show?
Is it alright if the next part will be posted tomorrow afternoon? (european time)
I'll make sure that this will not happen again and return to normal schedule for next time
I approve