What level are you on, Sup Forums?
I've seen a lot of these posted before but they were all subjective shit with only a few animes listed.
What level are you on, Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums
Are you trying to say there is something wrong with the stuff in the top tier not that anyone would pay any attention to your shitty list
I've enjoyed one or more shows from all of those groups.
>yuru yuri
>That far down
I mean I have only watched Fairy Tailu snf it's not on there so I will have to downvote this haha
A-anyway I am on level three because of AANG and SOKKA xD
Anything on crunchyroll shouldn't be that far down.
So it that list just randomly sorted from a list of shows?
Is that the joke?
No the GOOD ones that make you think are in the proper locations if you actually look.
Detroit Metal City that Low. C'mon guys this is entry level, good for non animefags. My whole crew who does not watch any chinesee cartoons were enjoying this shit
>KissXSis in Ascended
>Yu Gi Oh! GX in Ascended Beyond the False Ascent
>watched almost every one of those in every category
Hope I still have time before I get fat.
May appear random to a idiot who sits around fapping to lolicons all day discussing subjectivist garbage that can't identify even the clearest artistic expression
SOSF please go.
>Sup Forums
> Sup Forums
That is the stupidest list I have ever seen kill yourself faggot.
Did you just randomize a bunch of popular anime into a list?
What if I watched at least one from every level? This list really doesn't mean anything
>Sup Forums
Once again the redditor stumbles into the wrong thread
Well I guess you better clear off because we arent't gonna discuss you're moe here
>Moeshit like Umaru being that far down
>Sup Forums
>That list
Please kill yourself immediately.
holy shit what the fuck is wrong with this list
I said nothing
bait: the thread
Why the fuck is toradora that low?
>Eotena Assault
Never heard of this, am I that entry level?
>Sup Forums
I don't know about me, but you're sky high.
OP misnamed The Eotena Onslaught.
I've seen some from all tiers, but this listing seems really stupid. I've only seen ~100 shows, for even me to be at the transcended god level seems wrong. More accurately that level would be some shitty show from the seventies that nobody in the West has seen, with no subs, that nobody in Japan even remembers aside from a few obscure anime listings.
>no Keit-ai
Shit pic, senpai.
> Imouto paradise that far down
Fuck off please
Where si Lain?
if you didn't have the gauges
fucking degenerate
Shit meme, faggot.
Britney Spears falls in love with Kevin Federline from 2004-2006.
Pregnant with his kid, she immediately calls him and asks him to buy her all sorts of junk food because of her hormonal imbalances. Kevin complains, asking her to not make her go to a convenience store because Lance Bass keeps bullying him. Britney reminds him of who pays his salary, and he relents, buying his wife Cheetos.
However, in a twist that no one saw, hijinks ensue as Kevin's unborn child calls him and tells him to not buy his mother anymore Cheetos just because. As Kevin hangs up on his son, it's revealed that Britney is pregnant with twins. However, a third monstrosity is revealed to share the womb with them, that of a Mutant Cheeto.
While the two go the motions of being a couple in their sham of a wedding prior to their 2006 divorce, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall out of love with each other and question the NATURE of MISTAKES.
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.
That's one hell of a troll image.
why is lucky star that low?
where would .hack//sign be on this list?
>Batman: Dark Night Returns
taking shitposting to a new level
This is all out the fucking whop.
All the anime are just strewn wherever.
For one, Death note is 1st or 2nd tier, definately not lower than something like F/0
It was ghost animated by Asians it qualifies as anime
Regular reminder that Keit-ai is already a fanfic, so stop posting this.
>replying seriously to bait charts
You mean
>no ghost slide
Where is Gods and Monsters on this list
>Implying that Yu-Gi-Oh GX, which ran on english children's networks, is one of the lowest possible series
>Implying end of EVA is literally the lowest level
To be fair it makes sense for Lucky Star to be a little bit deeper down than the top layers. It basically requires you watch a ton of other series or half of the jokes (which are references to high-up series and a few low series) won't make any sense. It's an anime for otaku who know anime already, not for fags who have seen 8 other anime and think that makes them an otaku.
Yeah, it's a troll image.
i'd agree to put it lower than other SoL high school girl shows like nichijou or azumanga, but it's hardly obscure or niche as the OP image would imply
Why is War in the Pocket so low? Anyone who's gone through UC has seen that.
So is this supposed to be another joke chart?
Daily reminder that they tried to make Keit-ai real and failed, so stop trying.
How good is the Gundam 0080 OVA ?
War in the Pocket really is a cool name.
>Sup Forums
you spelled "everything" wrong
Tier 9, this list is bullshit.
Probably the only decent one of these I've seen, aside from the Keit-a meme at the bottom. I've seen it a few times, but is somebody updating it periodically? I don't remember Samurai Flamenco being on there the last time I saw it.
Keit-ai fits in because it includes animated gifs by novice animators and animator high school/college projects.
Keit-ai is literally just an idea, making it the rarest and hardest-to-watch "anime" of the list.
If literal ideas for an anime count then there should be fanfiction in there, as well as "Sup Forums writes an anime plot" threads.
>Sup Forums
>Tumblrl:the anime at the bottom
End of Evangelion is entry tier.
Not really entry tier, more like the 4th tier, with Lain, it's really popular af like almost everything on that chart. That chart is shit. Maybe someday someone on Sup Forums will start a serious thread and try to make this with others anons. Or maybe that was done before. But that day is not today.
i dove right to the bottom, crack my head causing me to float in between level 2 & 3.
God damn I want to rewatch Penguin Drum again.
do you highly recommend it?
Honestly it's my favorite, it was such a good show.
I do highly recommend at least watching it once.
Dude get on Finasteride and Ketoconazol shampoo right now, you can still save that hair man.
>Posting your pic
>In an anonymous imageboard
I don't even know what the measurement dimensions here are supposed to represent--it's definitely not obscurantism or quality, so this is definitely a manuscript-illuminated list of user's favorite cartoons.