Picking the losing side for no reason other than to be edgy

>picking the losing side for no reason other than to be edgy

>all that disinfo

>Summing up hundreds of years of ideologies carried by thousands of different people into the football team-esque thetroic of WE WON THE SUPERB OWL FAGGOTS HAHAHA
This is why the founders didn't want to poor to vote


Good goy, just deflect the facts. Trump was a good choice, poor people are evil, good goy

>Conservatives and liberals during the Revolutionary War
Are you fucking retarded???

>doesn't realize that this is why America is going to shit

Basically meaningless because the meaning of "conservative" changes over time. You could literally define conservatism as "the mainstream ideology 20 years ago." Any time society changes, it's a "loss for conservatism." Including the Nazi takeover.

>Australian making an absolutely worthless post and throwing in some non sequeitur about Jews to virtue signal to his fellow brain dead retards on the indonesian rice cooking forum
imagine my shock

Bait, think about the definition of conservative you kike. CONSERVE?? Progressives always search for progress which is why conservatives are thriving right now, the more policies leftist implement, the more left they must go. Modern "progress" is just socialism wanting to end capitalism and the energy sector. We must conserve what made our country great, and do away with failed progressive programs like Obamacare.

Fair comment, I'll take it

The "liberals" of the times when a lot of these things happened where more hardline conservative than what passes for a conservative these days.

Liberals of old are not liberals of today.
You would call a liberal in the 1960s a Nazi by today's standards.
Ask a WWII vet his thoughts on race mixing.

It started in the 1600s idiot

Nice bait


Yep. Liberal/leftist ideas only started being mixed up with race, gender and sexuality when the left realised it could buy them a voter base.

-First conservative=president abraham lincoln
-Far right conservatives helped free slaves and burn Plantations.
-Democrats fought to keep slavery
-Demographicly far more conservatives supported the Civil rights act than democrats
-Look at the first democrat president Andrew Jackson's social and civil beliefs/policies
-Please pay attention in school OP

Lincoln was a liberal. Please pay attention next time in school when your teacher tells you this

>judging ideology by contingent factors of history

America hasn't had a sinlge conservative president until Adams. Go learn the actual meaning of the words you use before spouting them.
I HATE American posters.


"Some people, stupid people thonk I'm not a real conservative"

Since Adams rather. Pic related, it's a conservative

So what if im on the losing side? That only motivates me to carry on harder. Meanwhile the smug liberal, crazed by his victory and success gets accustomed to luxury and ease and collapses.

I'd rather lose with Socrates, Aristotle than win with Lenin or Elizabeth Warren.

this, liberals in 1950/1960 love family, religion,patriotism, defend your country and stuff like this, look at 2017 liberals.

do you even know the difference between 19th and 20th century liberals and 21th century liberals?

This images makes my feels hurt.


Here are some of the biggest liberal experiments of the 20th century....

Prohibition was DIRECTLY advocated and passed by the "progressive" camp. Led to an absolute explosion of crime and lawlessness in america. Thanks naive libs!

Russian communist revolution - responsible for 10's of millions of deaths in russia to "redistribute wealth to the workers". Naive dupe liberals trying to reshape society quickly lost massively in very first democratic election election and immediately fell under lenins tyrany followed by stalins tyranny and decades more political repression. wholesale political murder, forced famine of the holodomor and economic destruction!

Thanks naive libs!

Chairman mao was also undoubtedly trying to "progress" his country to "more equal wealth distribution" and went on to slaughter 40 million + of his countrymen with incompetence and political murder

Thanks naive libs!

Pol Pot's "progressive wealth redistributing youth" slaughtered millions in cambodia trying a more "progressive" method of wealth distribution

thanks naive libs!

Castro wholesale murdered and jailed political opinions in order to "more fairly" distibute the wealth in a progressive was. Ended up in decades of totalitarian dictatorship.

thanks naive libs!

Progressive "War on poverty" from lbj and increased social programs have served to facilitate the destruction of the african american family to a point where 70% of children are born out of wedlock into disfunctional family situations.

thanks naive libs!

Libs like to pat themselves on the back for their good intentions while ignoring actual results of their advocacy.

"There is no single set of policies that are universally regarded as conservative, because the meaning of conservatism depends on what is considered traditional in a given place and time. Thus conservatives from different parts of the world—each upholding their respective traditions—may disagree on a wide range of issues. Edmund Burke, an 18th-century politician who opposed the French Revolution but supported the American Revolution, is credited as one of the main theorists of conservatism in Great Britain in the 1790s"

Can we please just ignore this Bernie bait so this thread gets buried? Replying is just gonna help more people be mislead by this kike


America doesn't need conservatives but reactionaries. There is nothing to conserve anymore.

Holy shit that is so much cancer and stupid

Not to mention half those things are the problems we have right now fuckface

Good job you killed America bravo.

Daily reminder liberals and conservatives are literally the same thing

And you think Conservatives are any better? Look at Hitler look at Mussilini look at Stalin and Pinochet even Sen McCarthy is an example.

cultural marxism is for useful idiots

>The downward flow of Time from the Golden Age to the Kali Yuga: the picture

>Most communists consider him the face of communism

>Agreeing with the liberals for all the wrong reasons

Conservatism is a loser's ideology. Traditionalism is the only way forward.

No I'm saying he's a perfect example of conservatism when there is no opposition

Traditionalism is for losers

You're right, (((conservatives))) are fucking worthless

Go NatSoc