
>girls who have done everything wrong edition

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>last episode Mike attempts a heroic rescue
>this episode she retreats
Well that was anticlimactic

The funny thing is a proper captain would have locked her ass up in the brig for all of her insubordination and insults.

What? 80°F=26.7°C is hot? Where are you from? It have been advised that never turn your air conditioner below 28°C=82.4°F

What? Never heard of that salt/ice mixture in my life

Human body tempeature was supposed to be 96°F but then later it's found out to be inaccurate

You know, medi is not part of science. Well, Med is her interest on her profile. Thus the scene were probably draw for effect.

less part mean mean less redundancy


meh, mind control rats really killed the fun out of Haifuri threads

No bullying Kuro. She's just speaking her honest thoughts.

It really did, I loved the grimdark memes

but that's not torpedo-chan

So are trump posters that post MAGA image macros. Should I not bully them too?

>can genetic manipulate rats
>flight is impossible!


What a slut.

It was the right thing to do. The only reason she fell off her skipper was because it was dangerous to board the Musashi. Now with the antibody, however, it might be finally the time.

This anime really isn't good.

So what type of ships are Kaga and Akagi if there are no carriers?

The people in their world are actually saner than ours.

The only one in the wrong here is the Captain for not throwing insubordinate fuckers in the brig for the rest of the cruise.

They have blimps. Get a brain Maron.

>Captain Mike will never personally save your sorry ass after you fucked up
Why even enlist?

Are you saying man was never meant to fly?

Why must you ask what should not be asked, user?

Do haifuris have a space program and satellites and shit?

They have cellphones so they must have satellites, right?

I thought technically cell phones communicate with a coverage tower, so only the towers have to be connected to each other. Satellites are just convenient for connecting towers.

Well I know that Kaga was originally supposed to be a battleship, so maybe they both became BBs but I still would like confirmation

They could just be using balloons and radio towers

I'm glad those fuckers left.

Maybe they carry these things

I haven't been watching, did explain why the teacher whatever went full retard?

What did he mean by this?

Battlecruisers probably. Akagi was originally an Amagi-class battlecruiser before she was converted into a carrier due to the treaty.

This still has the potential to go grimdark even if the chance of it doing so are really low.

Yes. Evil rats that control your mind.

I would imagine if those things would make impressive bombers if it ever went grimdark.

Never happening. It was never going to be grimdark. Anyone that actually expects it are just being delusional at this point. Just sit back and enjoy the cute girls on cute battleships doing cute naval warfare things.

You need an 18 inch dick for a 18 inches tits

They were apparently good counters for submarines
>During the war some 532 ships without airship escort were sunk near the US coast by enemy submarines. However; only one ship, the tanker Persephone, of the 89,000 ships or so protected in convoys escorted by blimps was sunk by the enemy.[4] Airships engaged submarines with depth charges and, less frequently, with other on-board weapons. Airships were excellent at driving submarines down, where their limited speed and range prevented them from attacking convoys. The weapons available to airships were so limited that until the advent of the homing torpedo they had little chance of sinking a submarine.[5]

Did Minami kill herself in the end

Well, duh. What is the submarine going to do to it? Fire it's torpedoes at it?

Onee airship, a K-class airship from ZP-21, was destroyed by U-boat. On the night of 18/19 July 1943 K-74 was patrolling the coastline near Florida. Using radar, the airship located a surfaced German submarine. K-74 made her attack run but the U-boat opened fire first. K-74's depth charges did not release as she crossed the U-boat and K-74 received serious damage, losing gas pressure and an engine but landing in the water without loss of life. The crew was rescued by patrol boats in the morning, but one crewman, Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class Isadore Stessel, died from a shark attack.

Goddamnit that ending fuck. Fuck spoiler that shit.

The better question is what Ikoma is. The WW2 Ikoma was never completed and was meant to be a carrier from the ground up. Its predecessor was a battlecruiser scrapped in the 1920's. It's a mountain, so following Japanese warship naming convention, it's another heavy cruiser?

Since there's no treaty, it probably is just a battlecruiser in this verse.

>not Fleischpflanzerl

You had one job, Japan

>died from a shark attack

Dude 80°F is fucking horrible, especially if you're inside so theres no breeze

>not Fleischküchle
user bitte

Why is Takao/Atago so menacing-looking in this pic?

And where did her chrysanthemum seal go? Cruisers historically got them.

If that's not an imperial commission, then the chrysanthemum crest wouldn't be there. The show saw Musashi/Yamato use the cherry blossom crest instead.

They aren't wwii time's ship. They're something along the line of battlecruiser

>cherry blossom
Was that what it was? Huh. Neat.

We say Fleischpflanzerl in the holy land of Schweinshaxn. You silly Franken and your silly words.

I’m still baffled where you’d both eat Schweinshaxn and say Frikadelle, though.

Shitlibs leave


I didn't remember it right then.

...I am now staying in my room with neither fans nor air con on...

Not related. I prefer Schweinshaxe even if I normally stay at NRW.

Harekaze curry

shoot it with its deck guns

Do you import your Schweinshaxn?

No. I am so fair-weathered that I walk to the local Rewe or Kaufhof and buy the stuff there.

Well they had at least 1 Flak.


Interesting. Good to know that the Schweinshaxn-rape that is Eisbein isn’t spreading too much, even in less civilized areas.

>posting inferior chink chart

>less civilized
>most expensive place to live in krautland

Thanks for telling me that.

That's a Taiwanese weeb chart, with Isoroku being best Teitoku.

>being a Neanderthaler

>anything more expensive than Munich
Yeah, sure.

You waifu is doing drug, wut do?


I wonder if the crew of the Harekaze failed mostly in ethics? Maron's test score got low due to repairing without using all the parts provided in the exam, and Doc Minami there has no qualm with body experimentation whatsoever.

Torpedo chief's very, very trigger happy without getting the bubonic plague for one.

Suddenly, the decision to make Mike the captain seems so very logical.

Kuro, Shima, and Rin all seem like ethical people.

Anyone got a chart of the person linking up their names to their faces? Because I have no idea who Shima is.

Don’t bully Torpedo-chan. Torpedo-chan is love.

Rin and Tama are absolutely horrible in communication though/ Kuro is grating as an individual, although I don't know if it's Maron who was responsible in dragging her scores down so she's stuck on the Harekaze.

Shima aka Tama is the white haired Artillery officer.


She just wants to murder some fools.


Artillery? Well, she's guilty of friendly fire. It's a matter of when, not if, she hits one of her own and gives no fuck about it.

I was disappointed they went through that rapey buildup only for her to inject herself.

Kuro's a bitch, Tama's actually autistic, and Rin's answer to everything in life is running away.

She looks super nice here.

I was totally expecting it since it's obvious she cares too much about the crew to actually experiment on them.

But Rin stopped running away. Now she's on a one way N-TRain speeding toward Mike.


I hope she continues loyal to Shiro.

Why do you assume that Kuro will want the Mike later on? This isn't one of those harem show.

It's ridiculous, Mike already showed that Moka will always be number one in her heart.

I'm just worried Mike will save her or something like that and she will think that Mike's alright.
I want her to keep bullying Mike for Shiro's sake.

She's melting pussy left and right though

Not even close. Only Rin seems kinda infatuated.

Mike is just being a Kirk.
I wonder if Kuro and Shiro are just being tsun at Captain Mike at this point in time.
Mike clearly has realized that he needs to expand his family to solve this problem.

>I wonder if Kuro and Shiro are just being tsun at Captain Mike at this point in time.
It's pretty obvious they aren't. Shiro has issues related to her trying to live up to her family name. Kuro is obsessed with Shiro since they meet in middle school (there's a one-shot side story about that) so she wants to see her succeed.

Shiro is getting power hungry. This was the moment that sparked it.

Why is it so dark? Is that really curry?

See first pic on top of Japanese Wikipedia article for curry rice: ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/カレーライス