Alright Sup Forumsnon, I have you in my sights. You have 10 seconds to post the worst girl of any show so I can shoot her.
Alright Sup Forumsnon, I have you in my sights...
you already did it for me user
Ako is worst girl.
aim at pig's fucking head
then aim at eriri and blow her brains out
Kill yourselves
The reason I dropped this show
You honestly didn't expect that to happen, OP?
This is the right answer
This was just to get us to dump pictures of Ako, wasn't it?
I'll allow it.
You, Ako. Turn that gun on yourself.
pig a shit
>Most hated girl that's considered worst in most threads
>Not expecting that
You're delusional.
>Shitposting superior girls because your waifu is hated
Ako is a nice, soft girl that would be great for a hug and a night in doing nothing. She is the perfect ideal of a low maintenance gf.
Keep away from sharp objects, tho. Bitch dumb enough to hurt herself and crazy enough to hurt others.
>misusing waifu
kill yourself redditor
Shouldn't you start with yourself?
>gets triggered because of the word waifu
Oh wow.
>implying I care what other faggots think
lurk for 2 years before posting
After you, newfag.
He said post the worst GIRL user
Seriously, is there a shittier girl than Tamaki Ako in this season?
>Is a horrible healer despite that she has played the game for some time now
>Is dumb enough to use her real name online, even goes with the same appearance
>Complains about normies despite being a normie herself, essentially being a typical fake robot
>Even though she managed to get into high school somehow, she's a ridiculously unrealistic retarded waste of flesh that can't even distinguish real life from a fucking video game
>Constantly triggers everyone's spaghetti due to this
>On top of that, she's that autistic and borderline retarded at the age of 17, making it even more unforgivable
>Again, AGE OF 17
How is so much retardation even achievable in a single person? This cunt is ruining a show that could have been way better. Seriously, remove Ako but keep the rest of the show's premise and the quality would surely go up significantly.
Other than for her breasts, she has no value whatsoever because she's likely also a baby that can't do anything by herself. Ideally she should be brutally beaten up and then banned from appearing on the show ever again. That little shit probably can't even defend herself.
i honestly can't understand what people see in this girl, aside from her looks
she's a retard
I might get shit for this but I still hate this bitch
Either this is pasta or you have autism
She's a good sniper
> hating casca
Why hate a potato?
You're mistaking the strengths of her appeal as waifu bait as a flaw. She's incompitent and kinda dumb, which means she needs to be looked after and protected -- but not in any way that's difficult or could provide danger to the MC. Just with the most basic shit imaginable. So it's easy to imagine caring for her, and getting that "I'm a strong man" feeling without it ever being challenging.
Her lack of interest in doing anything other than gaming is another: she's perfect in the whole "I don't have to change much to get a gf" dream. Just keep on doing what you do, friend: she doesn't have much ambition, so she's fine with that.
And you don't have to worry about her cheating or moving on from you because all she needs is your basic affection and no-one's going to try and take her away from you because of all the shitty aspects of her that you listed.
It's not surprising she's being waifued in any way at all: her entire character's designed for it.
I hated her pre eclipse too.
Do'nt forget she likes the MC because he's kind....
He said show, Retard.
All anime girls are best girls and you know that.]
The worst girl from any animu is light years better than the best girl I know in real life.
>than the best girl I know in real life
fuck off to retard
But that is no Mio though
Yuno kill her sense she's so cliche also kill yourself.
this is pasta
seconded fucking hate this hamster cunt and the whole premise of the show
>inb4 do you hate fun ? xD
Fuck off
And so he did
Glad to see that asushit is getting the recognition that she deserves
can someone explain to me why Sup Forums hates ako so much? Its as if they created the ideal girl of /r9k/ so I don't understand the hate. Ako literally admitted her hatred of normies.
Why is she perpetually a vulgar 10 year old boy? She may have a point but as a person she's unbearable and that sudden "forced purity" she has is aggravating.
>"Ocko, Normies ree my bad bajama ai arr el"
What did he mean by this?
Good. She is centric characters so it's not point fo you to watch it
Normies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is what failed normalfags do and no one actually likes /r9k/
Hey you forgot your other card
She is isn't contrarian.
Esdese Esdese
Please do it please
Go away 76
>Its as if they created the ideal girl of /r9k/
Well there's your problem. /r9k/ is fucking shit. If they would have created the ideal girl of Sup Forums then it would have been another story.
Those are fightin words boi
This so much.
She is also a normalfag, please Ako kill her.
This so much.
She's also an unloyal bitch, please Ako obliterate her.
Best girl was Shrade, followed by lolicon alien, then Zeshika as third best girl.
I hate her too.
I was happy when she turned into a potato because Guts was finaly freed from her.
Alright, Ako. Go ahead and kill this fucking thing.
That's not how you use a scope.
No one actually think this.
Here you go Ako, rid the world of her
Not that it'll stick; it's more for catharsis than anything else.
If she is so bad then why only she has good fanarts?
Original worst girl.
Do you hate fun ? xD
This thread kinda makes me sad. I love this show and Ako most of all. Shes perfection. And yet everyone hates it and her?
The show it's basically SAO 2.0, and Ako is a retarded Asuna.
Well good thing i dont care your opinion is shit.
>Has to drag her around and care for her like a child
Yeah he sure is free.
Isn't it more like SAO 6.7 ME at this point?
found the potential school shooter
I'm not rude. Comparing it to soa? I mean come on, do a little better than that. It has very very few similarities if any rlly.
>The show it's basically SAO 2.0,
Yeah, and Evangelion is basically Gundam 2.0
No, this is FSN 2.0.
You will need an MG.
>You have to give it to Ako actually. She is such a worst girl than this thread hasn't become a stellafag shitstorm. Yet