Next chapter we will get to see Sanji's brother.
Any predictions?
Also what is best girl Robin looking at here?
One Piece
already a thread. Use search option next time
Reminder this is canon
Luffy is probably about 1.5 x stronger than Zoro.
Zoro and Sanji are evenly matched.
>not a nigger
it's better you check your privilege, senpai
She is suppose to be Russian user.
>5 replies
quit samefagging newfag
This is the REAL THREAD
not on this color spread :^)
Indian actually, it's a reference to the multi-armed thing
>calls others newfags
>doesn't even know how to use ctrl+f
>doesn't even know the time is blatantly displayed next to a post
There's a thread here.
Without a cancerous waifufagging OP.
In real life, that's how they look
Why do you keep posting your thread. You are literally showing how new you are.
Fuck off to Reddit faggot.
You posted your shitty thread 3 times here already. Are you really that desperate newfag?
you just copy pasted my post, faggot. Your thread will be pruned naturally by the mods.
>You are literally showing how new you are.
You created your thread way after. No one but you thinks your low hanging baiting is worth anything.
so this is the right thread right ?
no. this is the designated shitpost thread
Yes, look at both of the threads. Notice how that guy is going on a tantrum because he wants his shitty thread up. He is new here just ignore him and his thread.
>Also what is best girl Robin looking at here?
her future with luffy
This looks fucking ridiculous.
I feel you user. Why does she always look so good?
They can't keep getting away with this
Jesus... What's with that head on that body? Shit looks ridiculous
>be the first to throw a tantrum
>spams and parrots replies
>calls other people on it
Why are you still here? You're just making yourself more new. You sound so desperate for attention.
I don't even have to tell people you are new. I'm sure they can tell how new you are
I like the new speedline colors. I hope they'll keep this.
Can we have faith that they won't fuck up Zou?
Anything with more than 50 episodes is shit in my book. Even 30+ is shit.
Let's not get carried away from one nice addition. The rest of the episode was just as bad as usual. I don't think it'll be any different from Dressrosa. It'd be pretty hard to make this any worse, so I'm guessing that they'll at least keep this quality.
Zou is one of the best if not the best arc. They have to try their best.
They are hopeless sometime though
The preview made it look like they're going to spend the entire next episode just getting Rebecca to Kyros's house
Yeah, it didn't even show the reunion. Let's hope they'll pad it with semi-interesting shit at least.
>Why does she always look so good?
because oda spends extra time on her
he found the piece
Do you think Zoro will ever challenge Luffy? Maybe he thinks he's become stronger and doesn't want to follow orders of someone weaker than him. I think a fight between the two would be amazing but I don't see it happening be Zoro is so damn loyal.
>Do you think Zoro will ever challenge Luffy?
I don't see it happening unless they are put under extreme circumstances
Doffy did nothing wrong.
Dressrosa and everyone in it belongs to the Donquixote family,
the Marines had no right to take him into custody.
Sanji bro will job
>best girl
I don't think so.
for (You)
Post original Nami, not some figurine plz
more like reminder that tumblrards are deluded as fuck
Epic foreshadowing
I am the only who ship them?
No. I doubt it will happen but its still the best pairing.
I wish they were a thing
It's an exaggeration no matter how you look at it
there's no way having a family of assassins that h's not involved with will make him a bigger threat than pirate king or greatest swordsman
show me a bigger asspull
Best girl at the moment is Carrot.
Worst girl of all time is Rebecca, who will hold that spot until the Manga ends or we somehow find a even worse girl in the upcoming Whole Cake and Wano arc.
It's unknown who will be the best girl until the manga ends.
fucking right
no,there's a small handful including myself
The best things are the things that will never be
Gear 2.
try again
are you retarded or just trying to be funny somehow?
probably when zoro tries to stop luffy doing something incredibly stupid, and luffy fights back
he's the third most powerful in the crew, so he's the third biggest threat in both ways
oh shit waddup