According to this /vp/ user, we (Sup Forums) love dubs the same way we love Seo Kouji.
Is this true?
According to this /vp/ user, we (Sup Forums) love dubs the same way we love Seo Kouji.
Is this true?
If there's one dub Sup Forums likes, it's Ghost Stories.
>Seo Kouji
Fuck him.
>Create manga about Suzuka's daughter, Fuuka
>Joins band with MC
>Everything's going better than expected
>Loltruck comes and kills her early on
>A fucking literal lookalike with the same name and hobbies shows up
>Also sings
>Asks to join MCs band
>He later reveals that Truck Driver was Fuuka 2.0's father
I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. It's 2016 and I'm still getting SEO'd.
>space before punctuation
>dumb esl poster speaking for Sup Forums
>going on /vp/
go back to and stay there retard
Coming from /vp/, I would actually expect this level of retardness. Anyway, fuck off.
I'm about 60 chapters into Fuuka so far and I can already see that MC is going to fuck Fuuka 2.0.
Seo is a bastard.
>he actually did it
Holy shit, get the fuck out of this board and stay on the fucking /padt/, you unworthy piece of shit.
Well, both are garbage.
Also >/vp/
Check out how utterly autistic the /vp/ thread is:
What's wrong with these people? Is there some kind of mental condition associated with watching Pokemon as an adult?
What? That is literally just a general.
>look at linked thread
>see 400 raging shitposts trying their absolute best to kill any attempt at discussing anything at all
I feel bad for /vp/
That's OP after resetting his IP.
>he doesn't see the problem generals cause
I suppose you're one of the autists from there crossboarding here.
I'd rather have you all take a look at how stupid this guy is: There was not even a mention of Serena.
>this butthurt falseflagging
What the absolute fuck is wrong with you?
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
How can you be so new you don't know what a general looks like?
I see a general being invaded by shitposters, the most prominent of them most likely being you.
Woah, you're so stupid you completely failed to comprehend my very clear message. Allow me to reiterate even more clearly: all generals are cancer, and you're a complete idiot for not seeing any problems with them.
Yeah, you're definitely the guy sitting there shitting it up.
I know generals are cancer, but that general isn't on Sup Forums you fucking retard.
>implying generals are a good thing
Fuck off back to /vp/
I didn't say that. But that's definitely what that thread is.
I posted What is it about that very simple post your tiny brain can't understand? You're quite the idiot.
Looks like a typical general to me, just more people whining about the thread itself than usual.
Oh, you're that faggot that always shits up Pokemon threads, aren't you? I take it you're shitting up anime threads on /vp/ too, then.
jesus christ you're a retard
The /vp/ general circlejerk is officially in this thread. For those unfamiliar, it's literally far worse than the Madoka ones.
Stay here if you're interested in contracting cancer, otherwise leave right now.
You're doing a hilariously bad job disguising the fact that you're on some autistic witch hunt against some general you're most definitely primarily shitting up yourself in order to make it fit your claims.
>/vp/ is filled of autistic retards
Breaking news
By defending generals, you might as well be holding a sign up that says you're a crossboarder.
Such is the nature of a stupid newfag. You should really lurk more.
The /padt/ is fine as long as you're not here to shit up, you idiot. We don't want you there and you should just kill yourself. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should ruin it, you self-entitled spastic motherfucker.
>All dat shill
Digging your own grave, huh?
>The /padt/ is fine
>shilling his own board's general
>all this butthurt
hi if you're from /vp/ please go
please go and stay gone
I'm willing to bet more than half the replies in this thread are all the same guy.
Even /vp/ despise them
>containing a specific topic to one thread to avoid cluttering the board is bad
You should follow your own advice.
>/vp/ faggot trying to defend his cancerous board
>in a thread that was apparently made just to falseflag against that particular general in the first place
Try again, OP.