Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Friendly Reminder
How to tell if something is a shitpost:
>calls the community made guide/whatever method a piece of shit with no reasoning given why
>insults someone giving helpful advice with no reasoning given why
>attempts to create arguments over virtually nothing (eg opinions without facts)
>"spam questions" that are easily answered via a 1 second glance at the guide
>uses obtuse Japanese fragments interspersed with English to attempt bypass people trying to filter the shitposts
>any mention of anime being shit, or "real Japanese"
>spells the word as romaji
Just started reading 人類は衰退しました. Time to see whether Romeo is as good as everyone says.
What happened to the guy who used to post
「てんてこ舞い」 huh? thanks
I would have never gotten it on my own
I don't know about the original material but the anime was pretty bad
I killed him
neck yourself senpai
jintais ok but its also not a eroge which is what romeos best works are
t. someone who hasn't even read it
So I'm supposed to be N2 with my 4k words? I don't really feel that way.
90% of the current shitposts are the anti-anime or anti-kanji ones though, you really should update this.
He turned into a lazy bum. He's the guide guy, btw.
give me a break why would i even bother then
also idk what t. means
cos u are a memelord
The first line covers the anti-kanji shit, and the sixth line deals with the anti-anime spam.
Know how I know you don't read?
i mean i liked aura better than jintai just purely because of content and general enjoyability if you wanna talk about his heavenly light novellas
Why, what's wrong with it?
You may be a bit late levelling criticisms towards the statement you have isolated in your image, considering it has been used in the OP for over two years.
you mean djt has been one giant running joke for all this time まさか爆笑
It's not really to grade language skills. It's just a way to visualize how progress in RtK translates to coverage on vocabulary words.
For example, you could potentially build a vocabulary of a thousand words at or below N3 using only the first 700 kanji from RtK.
Hurry and study/read what you want to right now because before you know it the day will be over.
I have an acquaintance who says he learned more from 3 weeks vacationing in japan than he did self-studying at home
is there something to this or just hyperbolic bullshit?
do you really think ive been telling you to hit the streets of tokyo just as a joke
theres literally nothing better you can do unless you happen to know of a japanese community near you that you can throw yourself into
It's bullshit.
>I have an acquaintance who says he learned more from 3 weeks vacationing in japan than he did self-studying at home
>is there something to this or just hyperbolic bullshit?
he wasn't self studying at home properly, too busy drinking, giving lengthy orations to the cat, and beating the wife bloody
I have a cousin living in japan who says he regrets the two years he spent studying in his home country
It's not total bullshit, but not everyone has plane tickets, money, a visa and/or three months of vacation handy out of nowhere just whenever. Otherwise you're really wasting your time by not going, especially if your goal is to eventually speak.
I have an uncle who works for Nintendo and he says your acquaintance is full of shit.
On a more serious note, without knowing what, how and for how long this mysterious other person was studying by himself, it's kind of hard to make any real comment.
but i just want to play visual videogames surely i can just read a couple grammar books and peep a flashcard or two and skip the whole human element and still become fluent
My uncle who works for Nintendo and says your uncle is full of shit
Well played user.
he said a little over 2 years of self studying
don't worry, going to japan is a waste of time, studying by yourself is way more efficient
I learned all the kanji in a single year when it would take a native 15 years, that's literally 15 times more efficient
if I keep up this pace I'll be 15 times more fluent than Abe shinzo
Then he was slacking off big time
I'm trying to get back into learning Japanese with some easy literature or manga; could someone recommend something easy for beginners but enjoyable?
There is a massive database in the op.
Also, I had fun playing "Dot Quest" on my iPhone. It took me forever but I could play/learn literally anywhere.
Going to Japan doesn't grant you super powers. Plenty of people go there to teach english and never learn the language at all. Your friend either didn't really know much Japanese in the first place or overestimated how much his Japanese improved while he was there.
>Going to Japan doesn't grant you super powers
Use plastic wrap to delay
I'll check out the database, thanks for the advice!
kill yourself to solve your problem permanently
That doesn't really say anything about what was actually being done. You can use Anki for Japanese vocab for two years, adding 5 new cards a day and reading a volume of manga every three months and still be "studying" for that long. There is also the option of "studying" Genki1 and Genki2 for one year each.
Yeah well my uncle works for Super Nintendo and he's going to fire your uncle friendo
so we're uh, going to the くうこう, are we?
i will if you do first ゆびきり promise all the needles in my eye or w/e
haha wow what a crazy coincidence
>i stared into the abyss, and the abyss was delayed
How do you know when to read onyumi vs kunyomi? Just pure memorization?
I get fucked so hard.
>pure memorization
I use dirty memorization myself.
jukugo is usually onyomi
Good reaction image.
Convince me to take J-Cat. I haven an irrational hate for tests because of school so I can't get myself to take a test of my own volition
You aren't a a man if you don't even try.
Sounds legit. You should contact them
>learning jukugo without learning individuals onyomi
so are you chinese or retarded?
Shit I knew I was forgetting something
the rule is that 2 kanji (jukugo) next to eachother you use their onyomi
there are exceptions to this, but most often the exceptions are very common words that you'll end up learning through sheer exposure
It would be fun. The chart you get at the end is pretty. You can join the cool J-Cat club with the rest of us senpai.
it's short as shit
registering literally takes longer than taking it, and I'm not exaggerating
to anyone struggling with the kore2k/6k
I recommending adding cards to it with the onyomi's of jukugo you come across in the kore deck.
I went from being stagnant for months to being able to plow through 20 cards a day easily in 20 mins.
It takes a lot of prep work each week but it's totally worth it.
I look up new word's kanji on kanjidamage; then I take the 3-5-star jukugo listed on the website, and then find them in my anki deck and move them to the front.
This way I learn vocab while simultaneously using and reinforcing the onyomi pronunciations I learned.
So after learning:
実 jitsu's onyomi - I'll move all of these kanji to the front:
真 (really) + 実 (truth) = 真実 (the truth)
現 (present time) + 実 (truth) = 現実 (reality)
事 (action/ incident) + 実 (truth) = 事実 (fact)
>i hate bitches though
Every time. I wonder where Nobu is at now. It's hard to find fellow men of culture.
This is why the Core10k deck is better: it is arranged to introduce different readings of the same kanji so by the time you work through them, you already have a basic intuition of how unknown words are at least read. Not as effective as individually studying kanji alongside, but it saves time having to alter the 2k/6k deck.
>you will be sorry when you miss this big chance
Alright thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
Just gotta read more I guess.
A lot of people say it takes like 40 minutes. That's still kind of long. Maybe I'll try it tonight though
aww shit I wish I knew about that deck sooner.
I'm not sure I have it in me to switch decks this deep into it.
has imouto finally run out of 苺ましまろ images
It isn't really a huge deal. If you are adding 20 new words a day, after six months of consistent review most of those reading issues shouldn't big overwhelming. At the end of the day it is a matter of fine tuning something that already works pretty damn well to begin with.
anyone switch from the 2k/6k to the 10k?
any advice for switching?
There's not like a deck combining process or something, is there?
Has anyone from these threads ever become fluent? Or is it just beginners posting advice from their 3 weeks of learning?
I'm thinking I should switch.
Is the 10k deck better/more accurate than the 6k deck or is it just the organization that's better?
I'm only around 700 cards deep into this deck. So if the other deck is a significant upgrade from this one then I'd rather switch now while I'm not that deep into it.
also do you use the DoJG deck? I'm just trying it out with the default settings and it's pretty unusable atm.
the joke is actually that everyone is fluent 爆笑
Not me
>Has anyone from these threads ever become fluent?
yeah imouto can now fill out restraining orders in english
>There's not like a deck combining process or something, is there?
It is matter of matching fields, exporting and importing. An user provided a diagrammatic set of instructions not long ago.
I'm trying to find it in the archive at the moment.
>also do you use the DoJG deck?
Yeah. It's been the best thing for my Japanese.
>I'm just trying it out with the default settings and it's pretty unusable atm.
Not really sure what you mean, but what I did was split the deck into two seperate decks, based on card types -keeping recognition cards in one deck and the cloze delete cards in another- and review them separately. New cards are reviewed from recognition cards first, reading through everything on the card, followed by the cloze delete cards, testing my recall of what I just read, more or less. On subsequent reviews I review the cloze delete deck first then move onto reviewing the recognition cards after, reading through all the example sentences (but rarely bother re-reading through the notes, unless I really need to). For any new cards on the day, I switch back to the original reviewing order of recognition then cloze.
yee everyone except u
I've never taken any formal japanese classes, but I spent a few months in Japan and was actually very surprised at how well I could communicate with non-english speakers.
As an example, I went to club mogra there - befriended a group of japanese vocaloid fans - and went after with them to a special miku karaoke thing. They even helped me figure out a capsule hotel to stay in for the night. All without speaking a word of English.
My japanese is still pretty shit though; I'm NOT fluent by any means, but just because you're not fluent doesn't mean what you know isn't helpful/useful.
And what do you fucking know, for some reason that exact post with the image is broken:
Turns out Fireden's data has the image.
oh sweet, thanks so much
I took it a year ago. I'm gonna take it again soon to gauge my progress.
that's not imouto