Remember the thread a few days ago about your anime equivalent?

Remember the thread a few days ago about your anime equivalent?

Lets try it this time with opposite genders. If you're male then answer female, vice versa. Obviously, make sure to say pick yes if it asks you are you in a cartoon, animated, japanese animation, tv series

To make it interesting, try to answer until the end and show your multiple answers, just keep selecting no and yes for 'continue?'

Feel free to judge other posters. Yes, this is no longer a bully free zone.

P.S. Arkinator is now a jew so you can only play the game once before it asks you to pay for the app

>my waifu

Then you got two girls who are completely opposite to each other, one is a loser neet, the other one is in a happy stable career

Is this good? I haven't played Catherine.

Fuckin' Zoids. I never even watched Zoids so I couldn't comment on accuracy.

No, she's a very straitlaced and boring person who fakes pregnancy when she gets desperate with her relationship.

Oh boy, I got an Usagi.

Apperently I can't read worth a damn, I'll go back and answer fully if I can.

>I think of
>the insufferable hamster
Honestly this is the meanest thing that has ever been said to me

Uh, alright then.

Wait so for the other thread we answered as if we were an anime character? And in this we do the opposite answers.

No in this we do the same thing but for the opposite gender.

>is your character over 17?
>is your character over 18?
>is your character an adult?
>is your character a child?

>I think of loli

She is saying that she is legal, so that keeps akinator veracity fine, right?



Ayy same here

Well fair enough

Literally who?


Even though she doesn't fit any of my answers.

So, is this good or bad? i haven't seen the anime yet.

This is shit, I keep getting loli

Well... this is gonna be good.

Got her in the end. Not even from anime. Haven't played the game, but she doesn't seem to have facial hair. Would be an interesting "disability" though.

Found the poorfag. I'm actually jealous, Sharo is a cutiepie.

>There are people right now in Sup Forums who haven't seen Ranma 1/2
Also, you are best girl so horay.

And it only took 3 guesses

first I got a boy from some fujoshit and next I get this

Cant stop laughing, literally because I have black hair and dont live in ancient times or fight with a sword?

What is this lineup trying to say about me?

B-but senpai, I thought everyone on Sup Forums's a little girl?

You're a smug motherfucker.

>Is your character addicted to the Internet?

Does this make me a slut?

It make you best girl.

>literally who?
user, it's like you haven't seen memes.

I've only watched shows/movies from one of these characters.


What does this say about me?

I am OK with this

It means I want to fuck you, user.



I got this too.
It's funny because I worked at civil service some years ago.

Well, I haven't heard this name in a while

First it was some tomboyish cheerleader, then it made me Umaru. I'd say it's accurate.


Normalfag territory ;_;

>Touching Feeling


What the shit.

I have mixed feeling about this

> Is your character in hentai?

Have not watched this anime.

Don't bother. It's not very good without the threads.

>Meg Griffin
>Any female human

I did answer yes to anime...

Here are the other answers. I also got Nanba, Mutta but forgot to screencap that.

Now that's more like it.


Do you want a sandwich, user?