So, where's season 2?

So, where's season 2?

PSG thread

Yes I saw the other thread

Not for a few more years, at least.


Is this confirmed or hinted at anywhere, or is this just your speculation based on the prevalence of reboots?

A little of both. We have a pretty good idea if what Trigger and Gainax are doing for the rest of the decade, and they've specifically avoided saying there won't be more.

Spoiler that shit, famicom, come on

I hope you're right. I also hope they don't switch up the writers so often if/when S2 happens. I didn't find any of the episodes to be bad but some were just not as great as the others. Some, like the first episode, were just fantastic.

It'll probably be the same team, unless something goes horribly wrong.

It's so strange to me that PSG happened nearly six years ago; the official website isn't even up. Gainax seems to have acted very strangely with this series (read: not capitalizing on it to hell and back)

Was it just not successful enough or what? Looking at the figure scene alone, there are only a handful (and none that I have seen of characters besides Panty and Stocking, such as the demon sisters, Chuck or Garter) whereas Evangelion has thousands and Gurren Lagann has quite a few as well.

Did anybody actually like Panty over Stocking?

I did
Stocking is boring


You're boring

Stocking had more depth to her character

nobody likes this westaboo shit


Yes. Panty was based.

I don't usually get into waifu war shit, but I always thought it was hilarious how people called Stocking pure, when she canonically fucked Pantys leftovers and gross, smelly guys.

How could anyone like Stocking over Panty.

Panty had a whole character arc. The entire show was basically centered around Panty.

i suspect a lot of the show was to troll with the way a lot of otaku are obsessed with virginity and purity by making the MCs total sluts

If you can call, like, two episodes wherein she acts differently at all, sure she had an "arc"

Stocking is just joking about those guys r-right ;_;

I don't think my reality has room for that "something wrong"

Panty is a better character.

Stocking has better visual design.

I guess I can accept this

Still gonna be a Stockingfag tho

Luluco is most likely as close as we'll get to PSG both humor and visual wise, for a long while.

I want Imaishi to go back to good old Gainax days, KlK and Luluco aren't bad, but TTGL and PSG were on a whole different level.

Yeah, Luluco just isn't the same

It won't happen no matter how much you keep telling yourself.

I fucking love this show.

I came for the soundtrack.

I stayed for the entertainment.

The ending was absolute twist-for-its-own-sake shit.

Call it bias, but purple-hair bitches be best.

There were multiple figures of ask the girls, the soundtracks, the manga, plushes, folders, and so on. It was decently popular in the west, I think.