Is becoming an anime critic a realistic dream? Would I be able to sustain myself economically?

Is becoming an anime critic a realistic dream? Would I be able to sustain myself economically?

Fuck no you stupid weeb

No that's retarded.

If you're a Jap, maybe
If you're white, 0.000000000001% chance
If you're fat at all, 0
you have 0


>making a living for saying you're favorite anime is shit
I'd be millionaire, it's easier when people like OP have such a shit taste.

no you fucking idiot

Depends on what you mean by critic.

You can literally be an entertainer that focuses on reviewing anime on Youtube, you could. However if you mean like be Keima and start a blog, then no. That's impossible.

lmao white ppl just be inventin jobs and shit lmao

anime critic nigga pls haaaaaaaa

Fuck off.

>anime critic

At least he's thinking about work.

9 times out of 10 I can't stand listening to English speaking people talk about anime

The cringe level when they pronounce certain words is just too painful.

Either say it with whatever your natural accent is, or pronounce it correctly. For god's sake don't over-pronounce it in some misguided attempt to sound authentic. It's like some Alex Trebek shit.

Isn't your own opinion the only one that matters, Why do people care about critics/reviewers.

Most popular anime internet faggot I know is DemolitionD, but he also streams on twitch. If you can top that guy, then I say you'd have a chance.

Have you really been on the internet for this long without noticing how much people love to have their own biases confirmed?

Isn't posting your opinion the only thing that matters here? Why do you care about attaching a name to your posts?

I feel bad for Op, you should follow your dreams, don't listen to these internet bullies.

Wasn't DouchebagChocolat an user or am I mistaken? Anyways, he pulls about 300k views AVERAGE per video, so that's about $250 per video and I'm being conservative. Then you have your mega hits that can pull millions of views. So yes, I'd say it's very possible to be an "anime critic"

People get money out of reacting to shitty Vines. Yes you can get money out of this because people are inherently stupid.

because the last thing we need is a manchild/hambeast criticizing chinese cartoons for filthy secondaries.

get this OP, what you say; what you have and who follows you doesn't damn matter since nipland doesn't care about which or who's reviewing and only look at the damn sales if it's good to milk to death or not.

if you're just stupid enough to work and run to jewtube for money, well good luck with that.

It worked for Demolition D
The standards for anime critics on youtube are so fucking low, that anyone who knows how to edit and took Comedy101 will get subscribers.

That's an american thing desu, they say foreign words in some fucked up manner and think that's good enough.

There's nothing wrong with OP wanting to make money as a YT critic, so long as he doesn't actually believe his opinion is god. If he wants to make money eating pot noodles, that's good too. Money is money. The problem is people thinking douchebagchocolate's "taste" isn't shit.

Yes, but only if you pander to the feminist Tumblr SJ crowd and call everything problematic and sexist. In short; No kill yourself.

The difference is he did it because he felt like it, and happened to become successful. If you're trying to make money or become popular you will fail.

>since nipland doesn't care about which or who's reviewing and only look at the damn sales if it's good to milk to death or not.
>implying other industries are different

Sup Forums is fucking mad at my succes.


>170000 subscribers

>Sup Forums is fucking mad at my succes
obviously not digi and obviously bait, but I honestly don't think anyone's envious of that guy regardless. I'm sure he makes enough to get by, but that mainly because he's pumping out videos incredibly often in order to keep his subscribers appeased, and he basically has to force himself to repeatedly watch shit he hates in order to make his best videos.

>Is becoming an anime critic a realistic dream? Would I be able to sustain myself economically?
It's unrealistic, unless you're willing to put about as much work into it as you'd have to put into a much better paid job. If you want to, I'd recommend making a video or two, leaking them onto reddit and seeing how they fare. Then you'll know how receptive people are to the sort of content you can provide them. Expect no reward for your efforts.

I released a video half a year ago and managed to hit 100k views since then, but in my case it was 'lightning in a bottle': I simply happened to have a kick-ass idea about how to review a show that was currently airing and went ahead and executed it. To put out videos consistently requires sacrificing that sort of quality.

While you two are shitposting, he is posting videos and making money. You will never earn as much as him.

but that's* mainly because

no retard

est. 49k. lol might as well just go on the unemployment benefit

>he is posting videos and making money
Well, I have a job and make money. Has the added bonus of my parents not being disappointed with me all the time

Become starving artist in Patreon/DeviantArt if you don't have another source of income sounds more realistic