Is this the only 10/10 in anime?
Is this the only 10/10 in anime?
it's a solid 8/10
No its the shittiest and most overrated mecha in existence.
Having a faggot like the dude on the right already lower the show by 3
>Muh LGBT in anime
Until the time skip it was pretty damn good
but no not 10/10
overall id say 7-8/0
I didn't think that Kamina was gay. What gave you that idea?
What's wrong? Can't handle a bit of okama teasing?
what are you using as your standard?
Its the epitome of good anime.
A 7/10 at most. Watch more anime, son.
Sorry dad.
It's just a plagiarism of various elements of some prominent 70's and 80's super robot comics/cartoons that your average dumbfuck millenial lapped up because of ignorance/better production values.
The only good thing that someone who knows better might be able to say about it is that it might have encouraged some of its viewers to educate themselves about the genre and to understand why Gurren Lagann is almost entirely derivative and unremarkable outside of its visual presentation.
I'm fucking your mom tonight son.
I know dad. I know...
10/10 = end of evangelion
1/10 = evangelion 3.33
Kill yourself my man.
0/10. Never watched it. Hate mecha.
Don't you just love Sup Forums? When someone asks if a show is good, all the losers come into this thread and add their own little contrarian post. Otherwise nothing but praise is given to this show.
>When someone asks if a show is good
That's not what happened here at all.
10/10 Revolutionary Girl Utena
1/10 Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica
>waaaaah anyone who dislikes things I like is a contrarian
Quality father-son relationship.
Its not a mecha
Probably a high 7 to a low 8. IMO it's vastly overrated but is still a very solid show.
Yes. Shin sekai yori is a solid 9000+/10
Fuck of you cheeky bastard, I'm not going to recommend you anything.
I thought that show was honestly mediocre as hell
I just finished Utena recently and I'd say it's a 9/10.
Is Adolescence better?
>Otherwise nothing but praise is given to this show.
>muh ad populum
Yeah, MAL, reddit, crunchyroll streamers, Toonami apologists, MANime fags, dudebros, and various other varieties of knuckledragging subhumans who know nothing about anime excessively praise Gurren Lagann. Their hivemind opinion is only further proof that the only kind of people who think it's in any way outstanding are idiots and plebians who don't know shit about super robots.
Gurren Lagann, not so good
I subscribe to the Piero Scaruffi school of thought and believe that a 10/10 is unattainable
no shows are above a 9.5, and only a very small few even reach that mark
Adolescence is just a big gayfest for the first hour and then Utena turns into a car.
Depends on what you define as your 10/10. I don't bother with this rating shit, what I like changes over time.
It was a pretty fun ride, it had its' fair share of flaws and I still like it for the loving homage and showcase of Gainax's Greater Hits it is. Sometimes I think of it as a disney movie in anime form.
One thing I don't like is seeing a dead horse beaten. I'm cautiously pessimistic about the new project for it being teased.
Better not be another fucking pachinko machine.
The only 10/10 in anime is the K-On! movie, and is in the same league as other masterpieces of art such as the Mona Lisa, the Sistine Chapel, and Starry Night.
>over 10 seconds in google
Fuck's sake, I spoke too soon.
I despise almost all shows focused on cute girls doing cute things with a burning passion. However you are entitled to your opinion.
>rehashed ending with less emotional impact
You're not wrong but I'm pretty sure he's just bullshitting because the show has his waifu(s).
>entire movie was about the writing of Tenshi
>even highlighted the meaning behind the lyrics
>showed how nervous the senpaitachi were just before singing it
>less emotional than it just coming out of nowhere
>muh rehash
This is why plotfags are cancer
I'm genuinely curious-what do you think the highlights of K-On's plot are?
>Preferring the rebuilds
Probably the first and only anime you've watched
This. 1st was a clipshow, 2nd was pure fanservice, 3rd was a fuck you from the creator I can't even blame him for at this point.
EoE was the perfect send-off.
Definitely 10/10 but there are about a million others.
>less emotional than it just coming out of nowhere
Yes because it was the second time we saw it, and the first time was basically the viewer, us, being Azusa
If you don't rate Utena a 10/10, you're a 1/10 to me.
The entire cast learns and grows from one another, from Azusa's learning from Yui, and Mugi experiencing the commoner life she always wanted.
What makes K-On a masterpiece, however, is that you see so many sides of these characters and you grow fonder of them as the series progresses, akin to real life friends. Then it ends with one of the most emotional climaxes in anime because you have to say goodbye to these friends you've made over the series, and then the movie takes it up an entire knotch, making it one of the biggest achievements in human history.
K-On isn't entertainment, its an experience.
Fair enough. Thank you for justifying your point of view. I'll never watch it because its' genre is anathema to me, so I'll have to take your word for it.
The limit of cute girl shit I can endure lies somewhere between Miyazaki stuff and Nichijou.
Evidently my tolerance for cute man shit is higher though, given I at least started on SamFlam and enjoyed OPM.
Not even the best mecha-anime.
Have you actually /tried/ watching it?
This guy gets it. Past Nichijou, things get too """moe""" for me to actually enjoy.
Did you even try it?
I recommended the series to three people, two fucking loved it, the third said he enjoyed the first episode but never bothered to check again looking back I shouldn't have recommended it to him, he's the kind of person that'd prefer shounen entry level shows
you're only mad at 3.33 cause it raped evangelion.
if it came out from nothing you'd have rated it at least 7/10.
The only bad thing about the Rebuilds is that they took Eva and stripped it of all the best parts it had and created a product made only to appeal to the biggest audience possible
I saw the trailer.
The type of show it was, was not my cup of tea.
That is all.
As I said, I have not and given the subject matter I have no inclination to.
My condolences about your friend, though. I'm more a fan of stuff like Paranoia Agent, Sidonia and Death Parade. And I'm ashamed to say my gateways were Deadman Wonderland and Elfen Lied
This and Cromartie are probably the closest we will ever get
First half is really good, but still not 10/10. Second half is unadulterated garbage. Go watch more anime, especially more mecha.
No one in Japan gives a flying fuck about TTGL, but all the other mech shows that the "contrarians" on Sup Forums praise are loved in Japan. The only "contrarian" is you.
Also, that stupid fucking word needs to warrant an auto-ban.
The only piece of media that gave me a boner from feeling pure manliness
>Paronia Agent
I love PA too, I love most of Kon's works Magnetic Rose is shit though
That doesn't mean I don't like K-On. I like all kinds of shit. To be honest I don't watch too many SoL moe series either Japan shits out too many of those genericblobs every year, but K-On was interesting and good enough to keep me interested at the time. I understand you're not gonna bother with it; but don't give up on everything that doesn't seem like it's gonna be your thing. You'll never know what you might end up finding. I can't even remember what made me pick it up.
Why not put aside your prejudices for a second and actually try it? I don't get this whole mentality of telling yourself over and over again that you won't like it. Like no shit you won't if you run on confirmation bias that hard.
I know where you're coming from. I liked Watamote and Carnival Phantasm for what that's worth but I'm aware it's not exactly the usual fair. I just know by now the only thing that can usually keep me watching a SoL in general is cringe comedy, unintentional or not.
I've never heard an SoL defended so coherently before, though; people usually jump to accusations of hating fun, being an edgelord or start shouting about how cute their waifus are. Once my finals are over I'll try to sit through the first episode to see what the big deal is about.
I watched OniAi and NGNL. NGNL was actually kind of amusing in a badwrongfun way, but I'd never rewatch it. I forced myself to sit through GATE, KLK and MonMu beacuse Sup Forums told me they were great, the fucking liars. I dropped MonMu, at least.
I'd rather not waste any more of my life.
Spotted the contrarian.
It's fuckin trash.
Anything that's "artsy" and homoerotic will always be lauded here. But it's shit compared to real art like Kaiba
>I didn't like TTGL because it wasn't refined and original enough for me
You can say the same thing of most anime now being a blatant plagiarism of former elements
MonMus is literally just waifu pandering. The word gets thrown around a lot, but MonMus is the real deal. OniAi and NGNL are both garbage, no idea why you watched those.
If you want to try a SoL, Aria seems to be the one that most people who aren't into SoL like. Its more focused on world building than the characters (which is why I didn't really care for it, despite being a huge SoLfag) but it's a good starting point.
The difference was that he was a mechanic first and a gay second instead of a gay first and a mechanic second.
>No one in Japan gives a flying fuck about TTGL
Huh? There's been advertising for new pachinko games to celebrate its anniversary for months now.
It isn't easily marketable because robots aren't moe but it's pretty well loved here.
He's stupid anyway for
>falling for the TTGL wasn't original meme
You can find pieces of it in a lot of work. But nothing even comes close to TTGL's narrative. Getter is the closest when it comes to Getter Rays. Everything else is different.
Ashita no Joe
Cutie Honey
I was honestly bored to fucking tears by it.
>Once my finals are over I'll try to sit through the first episode to see what the big deal is about.
Good luck. Don't expect too much though - it's exactly what you think it is, and very generic. But it has a lot of charm, and it's part of the reason I think it gained such a big audience.
MonMu and NGNL are shit. I don't think anyone here is telling you to force yourself to watch something all the way through, but just give it a go. An episode or two is usually enough to tell if you're into something or not. Unique cases are when the show is so shit you can't even make it through the first episode.
If Sup Forums weren't all fatherless noodlewrists nobody would give a fuck about this trite, speechifying trash.
>TTGL in 2007 was a 10/10 for me
>in the meantime tried out various mecha shows it apparently has 'ripped-off'
>Giant Robo and Shin Mazinger are amazing, but everything else is meh a best
>Getter Robo, which is always praised in TTGL hate threads has no good anime
>years later TTGL is still 10/10 for me
I have pretty much given up on ever finding something that will top it. Sure, there's a number of equally great shows, but none made me change my opinion on TTGL, even though I rewatch it every 2-3 years.
>just waifu pandering
>both garbage
No. Argument. Here. Like I said, Sup Forums fucking tricked me. NGNL's animation was flashy enough I decided to disregard the plot and try to enjoy the animation, while finishing OniAi pretty much cemented my perception of SoLs in general.
I've heard some vaguely good things about it on other sites. Might try it after at least one K-On episode.
To me TTGL is to the stuff it references what the earliest Discworld books to D&D.
Ironically I feel like the Anti-Spiral was one of the best original ideas in the whole show. TTGL had some based endgame villain confrontations because they were repressing all their spiral energy, so when they finally get to cut loose they start getting more and more hyped for the fight as it goes on instead of giving up or freaking out.
A pity the superior Lordgenome fight and the superior Anti-Spiral fight are seprated by the show and the movies respectively, though.
Gotcha. And yeah, I was just lifting the most blatent examples I've ever watched to explain why I'm terribly cautious about what I watch these days. I only kept watching those because I kept hoping there would be a Good Part like Sup Forums said, but well. Yeah.
This guy kind of looks like Leeroy. Or rather I guess Leeroy kind of looks like him.
>no sideburns
>no ultra cool commander/scientist
>no JAM Project
>not MotW
>doesn't even combine every episode
>the OP doesn't play in the fight every episode
>main mech doesn't have a wide array of questionably useful abilities like spinning tops, yo-yos, or rocket punches that don't return
>MC isnt a snarky asshole and/or hot tempered
An insult to super robot anime desu
can confirm
Found the retard.
No one cares, and it hardly gets coverage in the actual anime community. Walk into any shop that seels figs and at best you'll see maybe one Kyouko. Look through a Mandarake and count the TTGL media/merch and you'll hardly find anything. A poll/ranking came out the other year about the most influencial mecha, and it wasn't even ranked on the list. They really don't give a shit.
>I'm a child with shit taste who can't even read manga
That's ok.
>Anywhere near a 10/10
It's a 7/10 overall, 8/10 if the second half never happened.
This fag praising K-On as an "experience" is a deluded motherfucker, though. If you want the K-On "experience", just get a playlist of pet videos going like small puppies running in the park or kittens investigating a cardboard box, and make sure there's one "sad pet story" video in there too and it's the same exact thing in less time.
TTGL is shit compared to any of the getter anime
TTGL is my personal favorite, but even I can recognize the flaws that keep it from being a 10/10.
>A pity the superior Lordgenome fight and the superior Anti-Spiral fight are seprated by the show and the movies respectively, though.
That's not a pity. It's awesome. More content means more fodder for the imagination when constructing the world. Even parallel works has some definitive must-see shit.
It all reinforces how you view the story in your mind hy creating a network of possibilities.
To be fair, I'm a huge getterfag and the Getter franchise got pretty shafted when it comes to animated stuff. The original Getter Robo anime was a pure toy commercial, Armageddon had Imagawa walking out and taking his notes with him, and Shin had terrible animation (but a cool as fuck artstyle).
SvN maybe, but that's more for established fans rather than a standalone like the other Getter anime.
You've got fucking awful taste if you legit believe that
Armageddon's first 3 episodes were the best Getter has been in an animated form. I wish someone would just adapt Getter Saga and finish off Arc, honestly.
No because nothing is perfect and therefore there can never be a 10/10. Also rating systems are stupid
no because ultimate best boy dies within first couple of episodes
how do you think the show would've went down if Kamina didn't die?
simon would have been a stunted little manbaby and kamina would have a harem
Kamina would instead gain confidence by learning from Simon's tenacity and the show would have more or less played out the same except with a way better protagonist. Oh and Yoko gets laid.
Sure if you're fourteen and seen a grand total of less than fives series.
Also the second half was weak compared to the first half.
It's pretty good for the action fist-pumping genre. Hell, I'd go as far as to call it the representative of that genre.
Can you really compare it to story driven plots (Code Geass, Steins;Gate, Death Note, Monster)? Not really. Apples and oranges
I though the experience was getting to be autistic right along with the characters, and with everyone else on Sup Forums?
>as he says while realizing the post was about anime
that one time they were slacking off instead of spending 8 hours a day practicing music to actually get half decent at it yet somehow still manage in the end to release B level record label release music
why work hard when you can have caiku
>Idiot says he only watched the anime in response to the claim that Getter Robo was better
>Call him an idiot for not reading manga
You're not bright, are you?
But people recommend specifically anime versions of Getter Robo as an example of a mecha better than TTGL.
No one said to read Getter Robo in the direct chain of replies. Reading Getter instead of watching it is common knowledge.
I know you think you were being clever with you comment, but you weren't. It's ok though, we don't expect TTGLfags to be smart.
Not my fault Getter is so bad it doesn't even have a decent anime version.
It is your fault that you're an idiot, and the Getter OVA (especially the Imagawa episodes) are better than any of TTGL. If you think TTGL was 10/10, you have shit taste.