Fire Punch Chapters 1-3 translated on Batoto.
Fire Punch Chapters 1-3 translated on Batoto
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>the straggler that is with him is a guy
Fucking dropped.
someone do a large flaming dump on this thread
I don't get the hype for this series.
dump chapters 2 and 3 we've already had threads for 1
It feels good to read and it's entertaining.
I don't know if some people have overhyped it but like I said it's very enjoyable.
Lot of rape tho.
>I don't know if some people have overhyped it
i think it's because the mangaka of Tokyo Ghoul tweeted about it. Its fanbase did the job.
The first chapter was hyped because of the entertaining edge, at least here.
Fucking figures
Really? What did he say about it?
The edge maybe.
Ishida recommend this?
Added to my read list then.
>Ishida recommend this?
I doubt it, I don't remember that being posted in a TG thread, and most TGfags on Sup Forums can't into moon.
>ishida twitter
>How does your manga and its great success make you feel?
>what is kaneki's favorite color?
>Kaneki's snake kakuja?
What the fuck is wrong with this fanbase?
look at the post above you.
I am aware that Ishida recommended it, but I don't remember it being posted in a TG thread, so there's no reason to think the TG fandom would've jumped on it.
I wouldn't mind a growing cast of characters on the move, all following Agni to witness his glorious incandescence when he defeats the Ice Witch.
What if Ice Witch is a beauty? and look like his little sister
>Chapters 1-3
You mean 2-4, whoever translated chapter 1 fucked up and called it 0.
rello did you fuck
I was faced with the choice of naming the chapters 2-4 but since rello named chapter 1 as chapter 0 I thought it would be really confusing if I put 2-4.
Shouldn't it be "Sun" instead?
Okay, so rello fucked up.
It should be and in my first translation I did write Sun but when I got to the fourth panel of this page I realized I couldn't say "The name Sun has the meaning of 'sun' in the old days." or "the name Sun means a giant celestial ball of burning fuck floating in vacuum in the old days."
So I went with the literal phonetic translation of the name. Should be okay. I think.
>or "the name Sun means a giant celestial ball of burning fuck floating in vacuum in the old days."
I think I'd have preferred that. Not so exaggerated of course, but keeps his name slightly more intact. My first thought when I read it was that he was the opposite of Luna or something.
It's gotta be a one-time thing anyway. Just go with "Sun... Shares the same as the brightest star in the sky"
Wanted to cash in on that One punch hype.
Alright I'm going back to change it. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.
I prefer San.
Wait, San is a guy?
The fuck? I thought little autist's brother refered to him as female.
God damn you all. Not going to change it then. I've got like 41 chapters of Nanoha Yougashiten no Ii Shigoto I need to do.
I'm just throwing a suggestion, it's all up to you. If it comes back to bite you in the ass later, just do what I'd do: Say "fuck it" and just start using San again. Consistency be damned.
Where's chapter one or is that the one marked 0?
San is good.
0 is 1. It's a 60 page prolouge that is listed as chapter 1 even on sj+ site.
Have no idea why everyone picked it up as 0.
Alright thanks
So is it he or she?
Could have tried "Sol", if that were an option (to play off Latin, like Luna for Moon).
>guys try to rape san
Still not answered about san's gender, maybe they were a shota gang.
>draw a girl
>call him a boy
I'd rather have a girl.
Is the edge still at rendez-vous?
chapter 1 was sick
Tuned down a bit.
I dislike this change, because unless the Japanese actually says "brightest star in the sky," you're just changing things for no reason.
He is called サン, and they're saying it means 太陽, it makes more sense to just leave it as is, in my opinion.
If you commit the change, calling it the "brightest daytime star" is much less of a clusterfuck than "the brightest star visible during the day"
Who cares about stars.
Yeah I gave up on the idea. I prefer sticking to what the author wrote wherever possible anyways.
I'd liked it better if he was named Sol. But I'm not the author so my opinion doesn't matter. Plus there's that matter of not being faithful to the text.
You TL user, do you still have the EBJ script?
Never had it. Viz user does though. You can ask him next time he shows up. Pretty sure he was the one that asked for it in a thread and ripped the WT BBF.
His name is obviously supposed to be Sun, while I don't think it really matters too much if you romanize it as Sun or San, the intention is obvious, especially when you consider what is said to him and that the sister's name is Luna. It's not like anyone would agree that "Runa" is more correct than Luna when we obviously know what the intention of the name is.
Sure, rewriting that one line to make sense might be difficult to word correctly but the nuance of the name is lost if you keep it as San.
That said, since the characters themselves tell you the name's etymology then every reader will get the connection even without them having to be told it explicitly. So it really doesn't matter if it's written as Sun or San, since anyone with a brain will known that it's supposed to be Sun.
He praised it.
>What the fuck is wrong with this fanbase?
user you have no idea. I feel bad for TG's author because he gets stupid things like that everyday.
How I miss the days when TG was barely know here and there wasn't shitposting aside from some people dropping by and saying how much of a wimp the MC was, when did the whole thing become so fucking horrible?
Anime. It's always the anime adaptations.
better scans when?