What should I know before moving to Russia?

What should I know before moving to Russia?


the russian sentence for: "I'm from greece don't beat me I'm not a nigger"

buy a dash cam

How to wrestle bear


Listen to this man.

Chances are by the time you learn it you will know everything else you might want to know.

Learn Cantonese

You're stupid

Don't move to Russia, would be the 1st thing...

>the russian sentence for: "I'm from greece don't beat me I'm not a nigger"
You probably forgot that Greeks are Orthodox like the Russians idiot.There's already 2 million Greeks in Russia.

Greeks look like niggers tho
definately not white

1. Learn Russian.
2. Be religious
3. Pay debts

>Greeks are Orthodox
He shoud wear 1 decimeter-size wooden cross 24/7 on streets, or he might be mistaken for muslim.

Ukraine has sexier kids

bitch needs some chap stick

That you should keep your homosexuality to yourself.

fuck off were full

Enough blackheads running around
Also fuck you for joining mark and being historic unthankful backstabbers and cowards
Orthodox """"brothers"""""""" riiight

We should take Constantinople then give it you, then wait 50years till you repopulate then sack it again like we did during Knyaz Svyatoslavs and Igor's time
You think yourself higher than non Greeks and are lying scum

Can't wait to gtfo the gayreek again

Pathethic med kikes

Probably the opposite. Because the places where the Greeks live there's no Russians.

Have a nice aids

>Live in comfiest part of Europe, with climate optimal for human existence, cradle of THE civilization.
>Want to move to a cold depressive land devoid of sun
Just why?

>No Russians
>Half the country was "liberated" by it

Stop lying

Summers in Russia are hotter than in Europe

That it is an absolute shithole and expect to bribe people to have anything done.


Nothing, it's an idyllic wonderland of rainbows and dreams.

Don't. Basically all of Central europe is nicer, whiter, and safer than russia and EU citizens go move there without a visa. America is better than russia in almost every quality of life index and we are fucking 60% white

Yes, but these are rather short and there is nothing pleasant in overly hot summer as well. Continental climate is far more more harsh for human living. People say that Russians are autistic/depressive/drink a lot, and Finns even more so, and lack of sun is among main reasons of that.

Dont bother. You will be dead soon anyway.

My main problem is this. Greece is pretty corrupt, but sadly I expect Russia to be much worse in that respect. In fact, you can live like a law-abiding citizen in Greece without anything bad happening to you. I'm not sure if that is the case in Russia. I expect the mafia/police to be all over my ass (especially as an immigrant) if I start a business there.

you should know that the poorest greek has greater wealth than the average russian.


How to sqaut

You would have none of these issues in essentially central europe and places like Poland already speak English in cities. The V4 is comfy, don't know why you would even consider moving to Russia

The biggest reason is probably communism. You can erase it inside the state, but not inside the souls. And then you have no choice but to develop stockholm syndrome for it and say it was good.

Stay snug, smug

>falling for the povestvremenykhlet meme
dima, pls

stavros, just go. i spent the best decade of my life out there.

Thanks dude. Is there a Russian imageboard?

Don't look like gypsy. Oh shit...

You should be aware of the crippling corruption on every stage of their society, even on the most basic level of interaction.
Very few people speack english(even in Moscow).
If you are hoping to find a job your russian must be very good, and expect to get paid much less, yes even if you are from Greece.
If you end up outside of Moscow or St Petersburg, you will find all public services, roads, streets, public transportation, housing, hospitals, etc in a cuasi post-apocalyptical state.
People look gloomy and rarely smile on the streets. If you smile to some stranger you can expect agression towards you, since it will be interpretated as a moking from you.
Alcohol and drug abuse, abortions, invicism, and violence is wide spread and on the rise.

Of course there is but I will not fucking spoonfeed you

That it's a shithole

Is that Voldemort's sister?


Why Russia of all places?


When visiting somebody, give them multiple bottles of vodka (one for each member of the family, even the underage, the dad will still drink it himself) and a jar of pickled cucumbers.


Solid advice ty

>My main problem is this. Greece is pretty corrupt
Your solution to living in a corrupt shithole is to move to a daifferent corrupt shithole?

>Lamenting others corruption

STFU mood

We're doing goog
The ebin corrupsheen is a meme by western propaganda
Officials are jailed weekly now
You can't just give a policeman shekels and let free at a Trafficstop like 10yrs ago
Sure there is corruption but it's wayyyyyy overplayed by the westcuck media and actively combated

Stop talking shit you know nothing about

BTW ignore flag

No, my reasons for wanting to move to Russia don't make much logical sense, but I personally feel like it will be an accomplishment for me to learn the language and do it.

It is a bit of a meme, but I haven't had anybody deny the gift of vodka. But not the cheapest vodka for gift tho, something slightly above average in a nice bottle. Giving cheap gifts would give an image that you think they don't have 'taste'. Ofc this depends on the situation. If you are going to informal visit (i.e. group up for a sports game or something), then cheap is good enough. On formal visits (meet new people, especially if they are older than you) you need something bit more sophisticated. It is the same stuff essentially, but the bottle is more decorated.

You better learn Russian. In my experience the Russians abroad have decent English language skills, but 95% of the natives can't or don't want to speak a word of English, and of the 5% most don't speak it fluently.

>pickled cucumbers
This. Also breads. Lots of bread. Russians eat bread to everything. If you don't eat a soup with bread you are an uncultured swine.

nice feet
i wonder how they smell

15 will get you 20

Yeah, I'll spend at least 3 years preparing. I love the language though (hearing it). That's one of the reasons. Also eading prototype Dostoyevsky would make me tear up. We have a gift culture in Greece, mainly pastries though. I'll visit Finland for sure, you are also great.

how 2 bay denbts )))))

Be aware that they don't have lip balm, to judge from this photo

fuck off shitskin

>What should I know before moving to Russia?
That is is a shithole of corruption, violence, alcoholism, and bad drivers.

little you know that we target pontic scum and want them gone

There are many swarthy asian migrants in major european russian cities.

- That you are here, fuck, nobody needs

That contrary to American fantasies of Russians being devoted nationalists re-embracing tradition and their Orthodox roots, most are whitenigger scum

That sucks really.

op being another swarthy asian mongrel wont make much difference lol

Visit during winter.

You have no frame of reference for how different life is in a frozen hellscape where you will literally die if you're outside too long.

You might be fine with it, you night not be fine with it. You should determine this before you commit.

Good advice, thanks

Is that Chelsea's hotter sister?


Y'all need to praise the sun

They don't want Greek shitskins in Russia.

>You probably forgot that Greeks are Orthodox like the Russians
Doesn't make a fucking difference. Armenians are orthodox too, and they're fucking hated all over Russia just like Azeris and Uzbeks.

That you're probably not wanted there. And to wear a big-ass cross on top of your shirt so you don't get mistaken for a Turk.

The language, cyka

>look guys I fit in

You WILL have that problem, I lived in a country in eastern europe with a similar aituation, they will be all over your ass trying to scam you and get your money.