Why lolis are always ita?


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Why are JAV lolis so great?

Maybe one day good things will happen and lolis will stop being hated by certain people.

I never did finish Gosick, is it worth finishing?

2D can afford to be ita; it doesn't make them look absolutely cringeworthy and horrible. It just doesn't translate well into 3D.


>it doesn't make them look absolutely cringeworthy and horrible

That's only because they are intrinsically cute.
But as someone with a huge lolita fetish and lolicon, sometimes I find hard to fap due to some really horrible outfits.

Ita? Italian lolis?

I'd give that loli something she can smoke.

Sure why not

They're designed by middle-aged men who don't follow any of the trends or know how to make a coordinate, it's just, "This one is gothic lolita, so, black frills on everything!"

No, someone broke their portmanteau

There wouldn't be any problem if they google lolia and copy the design.

I really doubt that anyone would mind and I'm sure a lot of designers would love it.

That's gravure, not JAV.

R-18 is JAV

Why are ancient demons and vampires so sexy?

Because you're a little girl.
Females are attracted to power.

How many little girls are ready for the end of next month?

how long until this gets deleted you think?

In the /qa/ there was something about some random mod that comes to fuck with Sup Forums.

But I still blame Troid.

Is that fag reddit mod still deleting loli threads? I know he wants to make the board a safe space for his JoJo generals but it's starting to get out of hand.

Where the fuck is Hiroyuki? This guy should have been kicked out the minute he said these threads were okay.

That fucking Jap doesn't deliver on anything. Does he even visit any of the boards?

>Rogue mod comes to Sup Forums to fuck with it and violate what every actual Sup Forums mod has ever said
Why the fuck are mods global?

>Run two super popular websites
>Both taken over by rogue mods in a hostile takeover
He really is the OG VIPPER.

Hiroshima wants Sup Forums to be more open and accepting of others. He said that he wanted it to be more mainstream because that means more money for him. He being a newfag wants more newfags and a environment for them to flourish and create cancer and kill everything we hold sacred.

Got sources for that? Like like your average Sup Forums conspiracy.

If he wanted to make Sup Forums mainstream he would have strictly outlawed all NSFW. Not just the pictures, but links as well.

Why are lolis such good fertilizer producers?

Which is the opposite of what he did, he seems to want to let Sup Forums be more NSFW but the rest of the staff won't let him.
I want his camels that say it's fine to post spoilered NSFW back stickied.

Fucking pedos

Looking for easy places to shitpost, huh?

shh! lolis are sleeping

Sup Forums

>Calling others shitposter

All lolis are of legal age, shitposter-kun. I checked to be sure.

what did he mean by this?

Can you fucking newfaggots stop replying to sliding retards?

Because of their love for fluid exchange.

Mahou Shoujo > Gothic Lolita


>japanese ADULT video

Adult lolis are the best kind of lolis user.

Overdosing on lolis!


When was this colored in?

Have we ever discovered who pulls up the covers in the last frame?

2012 I think.

Wouldn't it be Yomikawa Aiho?

The police officer they're living with I think.

I like this gif. Mine!



Thinkin' about tomorrow.

I recently saw some ads for some shitty mobile online game with characters that are straight up ripped off from Elins, even the silly ahoge on one of the hairstyles was there.


Whats going to happen next month that pertains to little girls?

What's happening?

Why did i never see this before?
This is cute as fuck.

Who is your favorite artist of characters of the lolita persuasion?


Yukiu Con, probably

Any artist who does good /ll/

>this thread

Season 2 when?

I want loli frank to punish me.

Mountain lolis are the best variety.

Towako user.


Lolis punishing people is the best.

This thread is pushing good clean anime discussion off the board. Take your pedo shit and get out.

>you will never have a cute loli wet herself in your lap

Also, post leaky lolis

is there any doubt?

Gosick wasn't a masterpiece but it certainly had its moments. She was just so cute.


Too bad they dropped the ball so hard in S2.

I didn't know about the tiny seiyuu back then but she definitely made Victorica/que much cuter.

Lolis trying their hardest to hold it in is better



I need more old man lolis.

I need more loli sluts

But frank, you like lolis?



What did she mean by this?

kid panties are primo.

>U-15 Idle video
Why is this allowed?

What, you want it to be all audiences?

Because she's not a real idol

Elder loli h-magazine

you said it, bro.

Bosshi or Asanagi.

Why is Sachiko so ugly?

>Those hands...

I want to watch more loli anime, but can't stand yuri. The current loli market is suffering.

theres a great father / daughter anime coming out soon.

baka desu senpai

Exactly, Sen to Man anime when?

Undead lolis are the best.


I just wish the show had gone full /ll/, or gone anywhere really it didn't even have enough fanservice to just sit there spinning its wheels like it did.

Underrated loli. Perfect body.

Haga Yui is literally the only correct answer

Interesting. I really like Asanagi, he's one of my overall favorites but i would claim that he has never done loli. Girls with flat chests sure, but not loli.

Still hoping for hiking loli third season.