I'm quite happy that haifuri escaped the grimdark shit many expected to befall the girls

I'm quite happy that haifuri escaped the grimdark shit many expected to befall the girls.

Probably the most enjoyable show of the season.

Other urls found in this thread:


How's the MC?

>he doesn't know about episode 9

What animu?

Yeah, but they instead went with the retarded electronics blocking, rage hamsters angle.

>unironically enjoying GuP's retarded special needs sibling
lmao smfh tbqfh fampai



Do you like Kirk?

She's more and more becoming the best character.



>stupid gaijin from enemy ship doesn't like your food
>offer to try and make something more to her tastes
>earnestly put in all your effort despite not knowing anything about gaijin food
>she fucking clicks her tongue when you mispronounce their shitty smelly cabbage "" """food""""" and whines about all your other dishes

why is brown sugar such a bitch?

Because she's a pureblood Arian not some other shitty human being.

Mike a shit

I concur.

Only if you are a Shiro-shitter.

Trashposting is prohibited.

She doesn't seen to have any qualms about bathing with other people she barely met for a couple days. Is she merely pretending to be German? She seems quite insistent on reminding the crew that she's German all the time but her pronunciation is terrible and she has that ridiculously antiquated German name.

>She doesn't seen to have any qualms about bathing with other people she barely met for a couple days.
It surely cannot be worse than the things Doc did to her.

So she isn't from Germany?


She didn't have problems using chopsticks either, even though she didn't like the food.

Using chopsticks isn't rocket science

Though it's possible that in this setting superior nippon culture has been accepted around the world and things like public baths are normal everywhere.

It kind of is if you never did it before. Using fork and knife is even easier and chinks that never used them before have some problems.


>pronunciation is terrible
What? It wasn't bad for a Japanese VA


You don't see that everyday

There are Chinese restaurants where you could practice it around.


That was pretty good besides the o at the end.

You literally just twist two sticks around to pick up shit. It's only difficult to pick up small and slippery shit.


Public bathing sounds reasonable on board of a ship

Yes, let her shoot things.

The subject of public bathing between only women is a point to question one's nationality?

>how's the MC

>106 cm
>190 cm

Reminder that this is CANON and true history

Wait, what?

>those obvious editing artifacts
it was funny the first time, now fuck off.

Where's the original?


>106 cm

Nice, also, for those who like brown cutie.

>Kaga and Akagi are docked
If they don't have planes, then why do they have aircraft carriers?

They were originally planned as BB.

Presumably it's Kaga and Akagi as they were originally laid down: A Tosa-class battleship and Amagi-class battlecruiser.

Akagi was not planned as a BB.



She also wasn't planned as CV

Pretty accurate.

I still want to eat Mina's shit.

Trash should be the captain

Sauerkraut farts can be pretty evil.

So she has to go down with the ship? Good plan.

She is complete shit.

Amagi Class Battlecruiser

Not when they come from this semen demon.



Which twin would you cum inside?

Alright, I don't understand why people talk so much shit about Kuro. Kuro has a lot of admiration for Shiro, and probably feels pity for her because she's the 'underdog' in her family. Then comes Mike, who does practically nothing except be cheerful and have ridiculous amounts of good luck, and has to do nothing to become the captain, she isn't even competent enough to be one since she decides to leave her crew behind whenever someone's in need because she has a massive hero-complex. Kuro is absolutely justified in feeling frustration and disappointment towards Mike, but no, Mike is the Mary Sue, protected by thousands of foils of plot armor, she's almost as bad as the average shounen protagonist.


She would be a horrible captain.
Stop that!

Whatever you say Trash / Shiro.

I have a horrible feeling that Maron is the only competent member of the crew, and as such is going to die because Acting Captain Shiro did something stupid, all so Kuro can have "character development" and become the new Chief Engineer.

Which twin, user?

>Be the ship's medical officer
>Test the experimental drug on yourself
If anything goes wrong, the Harekaze won't have a doctor, yet people are too busy shitting on Mike for rescue operations.


You know you have a preference. You'd cum in them both, but which do you want to impregnate more?

No one else was willing to do it.


Nah, she'll just almost die when Kuro fucks something up so Mike can put herself into danger again to save her.

Shed be a fine captain. Look at how commanding her presence is.

biggest disappointment this season. I really want to like it but it gets worse every episode, what a letdown and waste of qt characters

I bet Mike would.

>not welcoming our new hamster overlords
Plebest of plebs

Kuro is liteal shit, they should keelhaul her.

>filename not "machine-washing the torpedo"
One job, user. ONE JOB.

she is right, all of their dishes were abominations and a disgrace to the superiour german cuisine

>from south germany
>pureblood aryan

She's a pureblood Aryan in my heart.

She's the embodiment of Nordic type though.

Kuro has done literally nothing wrong.

Can anyone upload the wav version of the OP single to mega or mediafire, please?

I can't download from baidu and nyaa doesn't have that version. There's one in flac but it seems fake.

remove mike you are worst captain

You only make me post her again.
Wait, was that your plan all along?

>brace yourself, I'm going in dry

What did this poor girl see?

Help, she's about to get cummed upon!

Blahaj find their way to the japanese.

It's certainly not intuitive the way forks are.

Like, in any bigger city?


Way better

Why are they so small. Japanese nowadays are not much smaller than others. At least that's not what I'm seeing on the streets.

Fiction isn't real