>If the protag is shit the show isn't worth watching
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this?
>If the protag is shit the show isn't worth watching
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this?
It's the antagonist who matters
>A character that will have like 20% of screen time matters
if that was true you couldn't watch pretty much every anime ever
>If the OP is shit the thread isn't worth reading
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this?
20% is a lot.
I wouldn't agree with that but I can't think of any shows I like that have a bad protagonist.
so what, Khan was in like 5 scenes in Wrath of Khan and he was still the best character in the best star trek movie
>If OP is a faggot, the thread isn't worth
I survived various battle shonen, SAO, KLK and Shimoneta so I don't believe this statement.
Disagree, there are some, but I like it better when the protagonist is one of the most likeable characters.
>if the protag is not a dark haired beta teenager with super powers you are most likely not watching annie may
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this
This should only apply to harems
A good protrag can make a shitty history tolerable. This don't work the other way around.
I disagree.
A show most of all needs cute girls.
I think Emi is cute.
A show with cute girls need a Good MC to make full use of the cute girls and be playful or else it's garbage.
That's stupid. The supporting characters, world, and plot can make up for a shitty MC.
>a Good MC
Right. A cute girl.
It depends on what you mean by 'good MC'. The MC can't be too cool, handsome and assertive, otherwise the target audience won't be able to identify with him. And nobody wants to see some リア充 get all the girls - that's what happens in real life already.
Ageed, to me the MC have to be the most interesting character or i will dropped it as fast as i can
Fuck off you are the cancer that support MC's that do nothing with girls for multiple seasons in nearly all harems.
Stupid self insert fag.
Completely agree, Kyon is a spawn of the devil.
Sounds about right, had to drop Fate because of that, picked it up again hoping to be wrong, but fuck. It should have been dropped, edgy father, self-insert moralfaggot nice son, they were both shit.
>Normalfag/Female detected
>Muh normalfag
Kill yourself with your garbage taste. You probably watch that trash Netoge too.
Most protags are just viewer surrogates anyway. Especially in anime.
>he thinks the opinions of normalfags are of relevance
How silly.
I can't stand a terrible protagonist, but I can stand mediocre ones as long as the show has good side characters.
>Pride for being an autist
I'm very empathetic, so I always empathize with a protagonist, no matter how low quality. The problem is, empathizing with a shitty faggot is incredibly annoying, so a bad protag is indeed an instant drop for me.
this, mediocre MC are alright.fuck i, a gary stu is okay in my book,but The incompetent and terrible one are insufferable and make people drop the show
Where do you think that you are new friend?
>a gary stu is okay in my book
That's only because the term Gary Stu/Mary Sue has been so watered down that it's basically meaningless now.
>gary stu
I'm okay with an incredibly competent/borderline invincible protagonist so long as his development isn't the focus of the show. Kazuma in Kaze no Stigma is a good example of this, the show dealt with his trauma fairly early and the show's focus moved on to his cousin.
You were already told to get the fuck out. There's nothing to add here.
You've given yourself away as a normalfag and thus anything you say has lost its relevance.
It really depends on how hard the world, plot and supporting characters grab your attention and interest. It also depends on if the bad protagonist can still entertain you despite you disliking them.
Example: Raildex is my favorite series and I generally have a negative opinion of Touma. But Raildex is a huge series and despite heavy focus on Touma there's far more to the series than him. It'd be absolutely retarded to assume a huge series like Raildex with a big main cast is unenjoyable just because you may not like Touma
neo Sup Forums everyone
Raildex is garbage whether it has Touma or not, fuck off to your general with your garbage taste.
It's not necessarily true, in fact, some stories need a shitty protagonist. Though unless the story demands it, it's optimal to make them at least decent
Normalfags these days are way too uppity.
Fucking kill yourself worthless sack of meat.
Having good MC's used to be common, used to.
You do realise that people can tell who samefags ITT based on the IP counter, right?
Could care less about the MC if the girls are good and hot
I agree. If the story is shit, if the other characters are shit, it just doesn't matter what you do its a shit show.
I just watched Futakoi and Futakoi Alternative.
Now, the protagonist is basically the same fucking guy in both shows, has the same issues, however in Alternative he's older and the way his choices are portrayed slightly more mature. I realized I hated Futakoi's protag solely because he was immature, but then again that was the entire point of the show.
I think the big problem with anime in general is that they write many different types of mature characters and very few immature ones. Basically if you're immature in anime, you're afraid of doing something because bad things will happen or people will judge you. So when you see the immature type character, its just boring. If they had different types then it might be interesting but the fearful loner is basically the only immature type anime has character wise.
They are all really shinji from EVA or Rito from To-love-ru. Thats the real reason they are bad. Not because they are afraid of sex or fearful, but because they are just a carbon copy of those characters so the cliche gets boring.
And if you want to say 'well all cliches are boring' there are plenty you are perfectly fine with I'm sure. Like Sansha Sanyou's Yoko is a template ojou they took away the money and made her have weird tastes. Thats all they did, and you faggots gobble it up.
I also think that guys need to be more interesting that girls in anime to even be considered characters. Like Saru from Seto no Hanayome.
>"w-what! More than one person disagree with my retarded as fuck post"
>"Must be a samefag!!"
Depends on the type of the anime/manga
If it's story driven, a bad MC can butcher it. If it's not, it's passable.
hey fuck you, kodomo toy was fun!
shit in what way? if they're merely unlikable, there's nothing wrong with that since it provides room for interesting character development or exploration of themes. if they're poorly written, then yeah, i wouldn't like that.
I can literally tell that you're samefagging, so there's no point in arguing.
Keep telling yourself that autist
Even if I couldn't tell by the IP counter, your whole manner of posting and choice of words (see ), gives you away already.
Normalfags like yourself need to learn that you have no place in here.
Autist alert.
>Only one person is allowed to say autist
If that isn't autistic behavior I don't know what is.
>Literally the shittiest taste
A bad protagonist basically guarantees a show will be trash
>Anonymous (29)
>Anonymous (30)
I already told you, that the IP counter marks new posts. You can't samefag by resetting your router.
In fact, doing that already proves who the real autist is here.
I just saw your post from the front page and called you an autist. I don't even know what you fags are arguing about.
>Anonymous (32)
You called me an autist? How come this is your first post in this thread then?
You're only digging yourself deeper into the whole. Better give it up, normalfag-kun.
Sup Forums is a normalfag board now, you need to leave.
Probably because I'm on a phone that connects and disconnects as it pleases.
>browsing Sup Forums from a phone
Stay mad people have different opinions than you, you angry little faggot
i'm in no way a normal fag, I do nothing but watch anime all day, but it's ridiculous to have pride in being an autist.
Only virgin losers who have never seen pussy like harem anime. Get out and kill yoruself.
>Leaving Sup Forums ever
I need a constant connection to Sup Forums at all times.
>i'm in no way a normal fag
That's what all normalfags say.
>owning an NSA tracking device
>leaving the house
Normalfag detected.
Raildex isn't a harem. I don't give a fuck about retarded girls fawning over Touma. In fact I wish that part of the fandom would fuck of fans die out. But stay absolutely frothing mad
>Raildex isn't a harem.
Get a load of this guy.
>Raildex isn't a harem.
Sounds like you've never even watched it. There is really only one girl who likes the Touma and is of any importance. Two if you count the midget library but that's hardly love.
Even then, the romance is a subplot at best.
>so what, Khan was in like 5 scenes in Wrath of Khan and he was still the best character in the best star trek movie
>Best Star Trek Movie
>Not the one with Whales
But yeah, having something to look forward to and the payoff is important.
raildex is THE typical battle harem shit
go get some taste you retard maybe then you'll get laid
>Raildex isn't a harem
This isn't even all of the chicks.
Fuck off nearly all of these people wanted his dick just like any other harem even if the characters disappear since new ones will take their place.
Raildex really is one of the most garbage and delusional fanbases here.
Depends on the plot and the other characters and how shitty the MC truly is.
Half of those chicks aren't even relevant, and a harem needs constant girls striving for the MCs cock. Romance is hardly a factor at all in the series, especially in Railgun. Even in the main series there are only a handful of romance shenanigans, and it's always with Misaka.
I love harem garbage and romance shows but Index wasn't one of them. I wish there was more romance in it.
You lot need to realize most harems don't really develop shit themselves with the girls and index does the same thing.
>save a chick or work with one
>ends up liking Touma then fucks off for a while
It's not about it focusing on the harem antics but blatantly shoving it in the plot for no reason like any other haremshit.
Even 2 volumes ago you had a character bitch at how Touma for putting up with his harem so yeah keep trying to deny it being a battle harem.
It's not a battle harem though. Falling in love and fucking off never to bee seen again doesn't really make it much a harem, and the romance is pretty much non-existent.
I haven't read the shitty light novels though, so I'm talking about the anime.
Antagonist is usually who sets things into gear, if he's awful it means the things happening right now don't have a good motive which is bad.
I don't think the antagonist is the most important piece but a bad antagonist is one of the fastest ways to dislike a show for me.
>I haven't read the shitty light novels though, so I'm talking about the anime.
Clearing the air, is everyone in this topic talking about just anime, as prompted by OP? Or are we extending this to stories in general?
A battle harem is where you have a bunch of chicks liking the MC but they support him in battle instead of having the romance part developed but you till get the bullshit typical fan service an generic harem scenes.
Index is literally this so i don't see how you are still refusing it to see as such.
Depends, but when the focus is on someone that's shit it really doesn't help
It's literally not. He fights alongside maybe two girls who like him in the show. Otherwise he fights alone.
I watch a lot if harem garbage. This series is garbage in its own way, but not because it's a battle harem.
What girls in the show actually have romantic interest in him, and fight with him? Minus static slut and book.
And Index doesn't even fight.
four examples of shitty protags summed up by respective titles:
>guilty crown
>attack on titan
are they not worth watching?
raildex isn't a harem. it's literally just 1 girl (biribiri) who likes him in a romantic way and a bunch of other girls who are there for fanservice that weebs have created their own headcanon about.
guys can be friends with girls without wanting to fuck them
All these sluts wanted his dick and at times fighted with 4 of them and it even gets worse in the LN.
I'd probably push it saying Kanzaki too but she more like respects him but obviously is fap bait,
>What is Misaki
>Literally a whole fucking volume about her muh romance
The perfect mix is Shuraragi, not too beta, no Chad, but alpha when it counts and cheeky as fuck.
that's a dumb reasoning
it's normal for high school kids to have multiple romances. that's when you find out who you are, what you want, etc. touma not having any real girlfriends during high school is the weird part
>Bitching about beta protags
>Bitching about alpha protags
Sup Forums - Living the dream.
That's dumb as fuck. Most shows with a bad protagonist aren't expecting you to watch it for the protagonist in he first place.
Yet a shitty protag can ruin any series.
No, it really can't.
Different people.
Normalfags and females don't like beta protagonists.
there are some anime where the side charackters make it worth to watch it
Don't forget
>Bitching about guys in between being too normal
You can't win with Sup Forums ever.