Post best bahamut
Post best bahamut
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Best boy.
best smile
What Boku no Pico season is this
Good taste user, but she's the second best
s2 wen?
Tilfur > Yes > the blue one
I remember watching the first episode to this, and when he showed up, I dropped it right away. Something to do with his lips. Fucking disgusting.
The only bahamut you need.
Spin off SoL anime with the quirky trio fucking when?
When side characters are more interesting than 4/5 of the main harem you know the show is shit
I'll never understand.
I'll have the one in the middle, please.
Best of both worlds.
Guys have you noticed that Krulcifer pronounced in Japanese yields Kururucifer = Kuru Lucifer
Great taste.
Delete this!
Too bad MC can't pleasure even one of those.
Imouto is best girl
When will she lust after Oni -chan?
Was it necessary to lower her panties that much?
How do you guys only pick one girl? All bahamuts deserve loved.
Lux belongs to all the females of the academy
I find Lisha the cutest and stick with it.
Oh god. Someone get her a hamburger.
>stoic doll
>cute at all
Every single one of them are made for anal-loving. Even the side characters.
Wrong show Mu-chan
Pick one.
No contest, it's pic related.
Krul > Yoruka > Airi > Celes = Lisha > the rest
I hear translation indicates the plot has taken up a notch recently
one of MC harem got fatally wounded and now in comatose state.
I just wanna fondle her hair.
I wonder.
Last released volume was like a side stories compilation and the next volume is going to be Lux going undercover pretending to me a merchant while Phi is is his wife.
Lisha and Celes are containing seeds of insurgents on the other side.
Phi almost kill?
Who's in a coma?
lisha's brain
I miss this show
Post her godly ass.
What did she want?
How poorly did it do?
This show was garbage but the girl design was so fucking godly I finished it.
Krul - Tilfur - Yurika - Nokuto - Phi - Airi
The rest is trash.
That's not how you write Yes, Sup Forumsnon!
Agreed, complete cutie.
Retarded artist who doesn't understand the girls appeal beyond "boobs".