What do you have to say for yourselves, Sup Forums?

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a liberal says "i want it"
a conservative says "ill get it"

This is a fair observation and both positions have their drawbacks when taken to extremes which is why the dialogue between the two is so important.
The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

There can be no dialogue with Nazis.

A liberal says "I want others to support me", a conservative says "I want to support myself"

nice strawman you got there. logical fallacies have no place on this board

conservatives are go-getters while liberals are vocal yet lazy people

And that's the problem.

> logical fallacies have no place on this board
>checks flag

y? they're people too

Right, because people feel safer in the urban core and not the suburbs. Idiot.

i couldn't find libertarian lol didn't know it was gadsend

Like you're acting retarded.

Liberalism and conservationism are not mutually exclusive. Liberalism is a philosophical framework, conservatism is merely a method of implementation; to place emphasis upon past successes when creating or implementing policy.

The Americans can't help not knowing this anymore because they're bombarded with marketing that relies upon utilizing reductionist partisanship, but I went to school in Britain, I KNOW that you were properly taught these concepts.



You don't get to just make Nazis where they don't exist

Our liberal party is called the Labour party.
Our anti-liberal party is called the Conservative party.

You're wrong.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.

A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity — as liberals do. A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population — as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state — as liberals do.

The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious." - The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes Of Political Madness, authored by Lyle Rossiter

>You don't get to just make Nazis where they don't exist

Another fair observation of the two mindsets:
>Liberals want to help other people and expect other people to help then
>Conservatives don't want to help other people but they don't expect other people to help them either

While they seem like opposing opinions, they can actually functions together in a society without much trouble. You only have troubles when Liberals want to force Conservatives to help others or when Conservatives take advantage of Liberal help but offer none in return.


>black people
we can go on forever...


all those go-getting rustbelt whineminers who voted Trump in a temper tantrum because their industry is dying and they want someone to give them a hand-out.

or those trailerpark trash who are mad that someone who came here on a boat and doesn't even speak english is better equipped to do the low-level mindless job they wanted to do and can't fend for themselves

Well that's more than a bit racist.

I don't get it. What does Knightrider have to do with "left side"?

this is why we let the market do all the helping needed, thus eliminating the mindset of liberalism

If you're against abortion that is violence against women.

Mass Illegal Immigration Into Europe
Conservative: This should be stopped and reversed
Liberal: Why do you care? Worry about what's in your own back yard :^)

a conservative says "i'll work hard for it"
a liberal says "give it to me, i deserve it"

The liberal says "its happens to brown people, and that's why I care"
The conservative says, "it's their own fault, and fixing their problems for them is a long, dangerous, and expensive road that only ends when they kill us"

>illegal immigration
lemme stop you right there.

No HUMAN BEING is illegal.


>he doesn't understand political games
Brilliant move
1. 800k GUARANTEED Trump loyalist votes in key states
2. Trump can't be called racist anymore
3. "Scratch my back, scratch yours" he gives Democrats something, they have to give him something too and pass a game changing law like America First etc.

In trump we trust

so in short it doesnt work at all

Unfortunately, cause I know a lot of places that can use them

>they want someone to give them a hand-out.

Nope, they want someone to give them the opportunity to work hard to better themselves.
There is a fundamental difference there, but I wouldn't expect an elitist Dutchman to sympathize with a class of people he has no understanding of other than the tainted picture his liberal media has painted for him.

>and a politician says: "put a label on it and see them fight, just give me my check"

A liberal says.
A conservative does.


But then I think you will still have the second problem; Conservatives taking advantage of liberal help. A lack of empathy and complete disregard for the consequences of their actions is what gave birth to the Corporate menace looming currently threatening our Earth.

Perhaps you could even say that todays rampant liberalism (and communism) is a response to that reckless Corporatism.

You could say that it works for most but (((some))) ruin it for everyone.

so they need help(handout) to work hard to better themselves? i thought they were go-getters? why cant they fend for themselves? i thought that was the point of a conservative society, either you make it on your own(or your parents' money) or you are left to die in the streets

Dodge challenger...

You keep saying "handout" that's not what opportunity is, they want their government - which exists for the purpose of ordering society - to order their society in such a way as to give them the opportunity to contribute to that society.
They are saying "I've got hands, let me work!".

Not everyone can be an entrepreneur, there is a class of people who exist to serve, that class has long been forgotten by the American government and replaced by another serving class (Mexicans).
You cannot forsake your own lower class.

It's funny because I'm a spic who has sort of has that supposed liberal sentiment towards White people. There are plenty more cogs in this machine that would lead me to being recognized as a conservative. However, considering these two statements in a vacuum and I can connect a bit with the liberal statement. Maybe not EVERYone, but certainly
I have concerns for enough people that leaves out of being applicable for the conservative statement.

I'm sure you or anybody who believes in this absolute duality wouldn't call me a liberal, though.

Tell that to China and their child limits. We are just telling them they can't cross our border.

oh so its okay to demand a job from the government(even though they have no marketable skills) so they can work and its okay to use our taxes to create jobs out of thin air for lowlife scum literally worse than a mexican, but to demand basic health care so you can live(and also work) is somehow liberal bullshit and you shouldnt have to pay for someone elses health care

gotcha chief

>(even though they have no marketable skills)
Firstly I'm noting a complete lack of empathy from you here, but then it is typical of modern liberals to have empathy for other races but not for the lower class of their own.
Secondly they do have a marketable skill - manual labour, but they are being replaced by illegal Mexican immigrants who will work for peanuts (because hey! Anything is better than Mexico right?).

So yes, it's ok for them to object to being replaced by a foreign working class, it's ok for them to object to the government not looking out for their interests. Remember; they may be stupid, they may be "rural and suburban retards" but they are still Citizens who can vote! And they voted for Trump because he represented their interests.

a liberal never had it happen to them and it wont but they care with other peoples lives and money.

i watch the history channel all the time, when did this air? i never saw it on tv!!

Okay so the liberal should be fine if we take precautions on immigration due to migrant rape, right?

Which conservative said that?

In had a leftist tell me it's none of my business that kids are being pumped full of hormones and getting their genitals mutilated. The reasoning being that it didn't affect me. You disingenuously lying little shits.

if they had a marketable skill they would have a job. the job they want to do is the job the mexican is doing for the amount the mexican is doing it, not to mention that even for above minimum wage these rednecks won't do it capitalpress.com/AP_Nation_World/20170422/colorado-farmers-struggle-to-find-workers

i know americans are pretty stupid, but that you don't seem to grasp that all im doing is turning your own dumb conservative mindset around against you. im all for universal basic income, single-payer healthcare, the whole socialist-bogeyman shebang

conservatives are just hypocrites who dont want to pay for anything to keep the lower class afloat (AND ALIVE) but when they're in the shit they want the government and the taxpayers to care for them when they cant fend for themselves. make a choice, either you want the lower class to literally die in the streets because they cant afford health care and you can fend for yourself untill you can't, or you realize that in society you take care of each other so it's not so bad that billionaires pay a bit more taxes so most people in society can live fulfilling lives

If no one wants to do the job for "above minimum wage" then the free market would dictate that the wage would have to rise - then Americans would probably do it. Satiating the demand for workers applies downward pressure on wages and makes the poor poorer.

The American lower class is being replaced by a foreign even lower class who will work for less, in order to compete with this new foreign lower class the American lower class would have to lower their own standards of living.

A conservative says ' I'll buy that dog a hamburger '.
A liberal says ' I'll jerk that dog off '.

actually no, free market dictates that they will hire foreign workers instead. if you would completely squash that, they would simply move their businesses there

funny how you will completely refuse to argue the fact that you're okay with the government not funding basic health care so people can live, but youre completely anal about them having to spend tax dollars to get rid of foreign workers just so your precious rednecks, who cant fend for themselves and have no marketable skills(protip: wanting to do a certain job for more than its value is not a marketable skill), can work a job. it'd be cheaper just to kill them in the streets, which you're probably also kind of okay with if they're brown, since you dont seem to think people should have access to health care if they dont have the money.

>they will hire foreign workers instead
That's why they want a wall.
>move their businesses
That's when the government should take steps to protect their industries from foreign undercutting, tariffs are a popular method.

I'm not advocating spending any tax dollars to create jobs but, if I was, it would only be warranted if it could be considered some form of "investment".

Why is a brit posting about murrican politics?

Don't you people believe in kings and queens?

What are you talking about? Conservative people are probably the most helpful people you'll ever meet. I live in a conservative neighborhood and my neighbors are always asking if I need any help, telling me that if I ever need anything I can borrow it from them, inviting me to family dinners, etc. etc. Liberals are all show. They act virtuous but they're truly the most depraved people on the inside because they don't act virtuous because of morals, they act virtuous in an attempt to gain political capital. They are fake nice people. Literally the worst people possible.

Fuck I meant social capital, not political capital

A Millennial votes liberal and says "If it hasn't happened to me, I don't care."

Youve gotta be fucking kidding me pol. Fucking sage

That's politeness. They don't actually want you to ask shit of them, borrow shit from them or coming over. Conservatives are polite, liberals are compassionate. journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167210366854

But I do occasionally ask shit of them, borrow shit from them, and go over and have dinner with them. And every single time they are nothing but helpful and pleasant. Never had any complaints. I do the same for them.

Conservatives donate much more to charity, adopt more orphans, and volunteer more of their time to the needy, so this is bull shit.

A conservative says "OP is gay."
A liberal says "there's nothing wrong if he likes a BBC in his pooper."
How will you defend your honor?

Liberals say if they can't afford it, you can.

Conservatives say if you can't afford it, you do with out.

The liberal probably doesn't know how many bad things happen on earth every single moment because he's a pathetic hypocrite.