Would cows be injected to the brim with growth hormones and estrogens to induce excessive lactation to be primed up to...

Would cows be injected to the brim with growth hormones and estrogens to induce excessive lactation to be primed up to some nipple sucker 9000s and drained of their milk 24/7 to feed and create a class of effeminate capitalist gyno unhinged caleb sharpe fembois to maximize products at the expense of the cows and consumers in a non-Capitalist system?
Would chickens be artificially selected and injected with hormones to the point where their legs no longer function and the meat is filled with estrogen and stacked like sardines in cages for the sole purpose of laying eggs and providing meat to maximize profit instead of wellbeing in a non-Capitalist society?

Other urls found in this thread:


No, because vegan communist retards would force everyone to eat grass and dirt while the higher-ups dined on the free-range meats that existed.

The nazis had respect for animals and they ate pretty well. Fuck immoral kiketalism.

the most effective way to increase a cows milk yield is to go straight ass-to-mouth with the fammbly Wildebeest, like they invented over at chocolate continent. And that's natural.

That's an indian child.

Another question: would it make sense in a non-Capitalist society to cut costs on labor with immigration from poorer countries and outsourcing?

How is it being a NatSoc veganfag? The only one I met when I was vegan myself was drummed out of the community he tried to be part of.

Really, man, I eat eggs from local farmers, organic free-range meat, and very little dairy at all (usually a small bit of organic cheese on occasion). If you want me to believe that all NatSoc were 100% behind veganism, you can crow all you want, but we both know it's false.

You CAN use animals as a commodity without having to resort to shit practices, you know. Just that most people simply don't care, or, won't pay the extra dollar for their products.

u mean Bush

please fix that

watch the video and see for yourself


>That's an indian child.
If it's brown, flush it down.

>Another question: would it make sense in a non-Capitalist society to cut costs on labor with immigration from poorer countries and outsourcing?
I'm sure it has been done regardless of the "ist" in question. More likely, the commies and socialists just didn't pay their new "workers" and treated them as slaves instead. SO much better than other options!

Kidding aside, while capitalism is flawed, I've yet to see a better alternative presented. And believe me, I've seen plenty of attempts.

Can you edit that image then.

If you don't think Clinton took outsourcing to new heights making full use of NAFTA, then you're delusional. He got the ball rolling big-time, the rest after him just kept with the program.

if you marxists care so much for the common worker, why do you invite hordes and hordes of foreigners with different values that drive down wages?

wouldn't larping usless communist retards like you be stacked in labour camps for the sole purpose of producing eggs and meat for a selfselected small bloodline of upper class "communist leaders", while the lucky ones are feeding of a 24/7/30/12/30 diet of potatos and potatos in a communist society?

here u go fixed

>Capitalism has discovered the most efficient means of using cows
>Describes some of the methods
>Implicit assumption that this is inherently evil

Communists want to destroy the good, because it is good. Ultimate blackpill.

Oh, and SAGE

have another

>why do you invite hordes and hordes of foreigners with different values that drive down wages?
There is no reason to do so under socialism. Destruction of culture is an inherently capitalist trait. If you can remove borders, languages, and cultures, you can gain a larger consumer base to buy "your" products. Culture has existed throughout history. This is how we tracked different groups of people since the neolithic era. Now look what has happened to culture under rampant capitalism. Look at the new "culture" spawned by capitalism.

>Communism = Jewish Identity
>Communism = Globalism
Communists don;t know WTF they want'; they just know that someone else needs to create it, build, grease it, fuel it, advertise and market it, etc...so they don;t have to sully their precious hands. NONE of the modern innovations were created under a Communist system.

>Becoming a big titted gyno femboi freak is good
This is what cappies actually believe

>complains about estrogen in food
>doesn't even lift
You have low-T because you're a lazy cuck, not because there's anything wrong with the food supply.

This is a good point.

and another

What you failed to work into your cute image is that NAFTA did not go into effect until Jan. 1st, 1994, 2 years into Clinton's first term. If he were opposed to it, he certainly could have tried to do something about it.

But, he didn't. While Bush may have signed it into action, he never even got to exploit it, and left that part for the Democrats to do to the best of their abilities.

Can you work that in there as well? Like, maybe Bush tossing a football with "NAFTA" written on it to Clinton as he runs toward the goal posts of replacing US labor with foreign garbage? Do that, and I'll give you kudos.

>There is no reason to do so under socialism

What is "The Modern State of Europe's Socialist Nations", Alex?

You may want to alert Sweden, Germoney and others about this if it's unnecessary, but maybe they just invited the hordes in because they needed more kebab shops and more rapes, right?

>until Jan. 1st, 1994, 2 years into Clinton's first term.

I didn't know Clinton took office on Jan 1st. 1992... lol

So once again the worst attack against a Democrat is that he didn't UNDO stupid shit you Republicans did.

see your post differs from what you marxists advocate for in real life.
Look at any youtuber like badmouse, or go in real life to see marxists/leninists, and they overwhelmingly support inviting hordes of mexicans in who do nothing but use welfare and create crime

No, because we would all starve to death.

and it wasn't Clinton "exploiting" the Reagan/Bush NAFTA deal. It was private sector corporations.

Being general about it in election-cycle terminology, but regardless since you want to play "date police" regardless of relevance, it still had no impact under Bush and only began being abused under Clinton.

It's like saying "Thug X gives Thug Y a gun. Thug Y uses gun to rob store. Therefore, the robbery is 100% Thug X's fault"

It's almost as if you commiefag/socialistfags don't use your heads!

Notice that Trump went into action working to undo retarded Obama-era legislation? It can be done, but Clinton wanted to abuse NAFTA, so he had no reason to do so. Stop being retarded.

Those are social democracies. The means of production remains in private hands. Capitalist economists are worried about the effect below replacement birth rates will have on the economy and have decided to opt for immigration to fuel the constant need of a capitalist economy to expand. As for why birth rates are lowered, people simply don't have time or money to start families. Either that or cultural capitalism has warped their minds into thinking being "successful" is the most important thing in life which under the context of capitalism is wage slaving away and making money to buy shit you don't need.


keep being mad at Clinton for stupid shit Republicans did

oh and trump is giving DACA kids amnesty

shiet even Obama couldn't do that

He was happy to condone it. The economy "prospered" under him, and he did not want to rock the boat under any circumstances. Again, if it was so dreadful, why leave it be? Why not work to undo it? Why can't you answer this, since if Clinton was so wonderful and a man of the people, why would he turn a blind eye for 8 years as corporations took full advantage of NAFTA while he could have done something about it?

You seem to be at a loss for explanation, but try another strawman, that might do the trick.

see keep being mad at Clinton for stupid shit Republicans did

Awww, did I insult your favorite rapist? I'm so terribly sorry, he was such a great guy both personally AND for how he ran the nation, I must repent for my sins! BTW, are you Obamaleaf pt 2?

DACA has not passed as of this time. You retarded fucks keep making claims of "TRUMP FUCKED THIS UP", but time and time again, you get BTFO'ed when it never comes to be. I doubt your crystal ball is working well enough to see far ahead to verify that Trump is going to backstab his entire base, but sure, whatever gets you suicidally-minded libtards through the night.

Once again, explain why if NAFTA was immediately known to be a terrible move that your favorite rapist didn't do anything during 2 terms to limit it or repeal it. I'll be curious to know what your reasoning is.

clinton signed 8 month after he came into office.
it's hard to read by even ppl that are supposed to understand it. clinton couldn't have read it and known the damage it would do 10-20-30 years later

There's nothing more respectful to an animal than raising and killing it for good

lol i see that you're triggered and i feel sorry for u

>Once again, explain why if NAFTA was immediately known to be a terrible move

it wasn't immediately known

that's the problem

Keep dodging, just like your kind does the draft. It's what you do best when you have no explanation for why "your guy" fucked up big-time and allowed this to happen.

anyone think trump read all the legislation obama was working on?

Excuses, excuses.

>"No liberal president could EVER know the damage that'd come later!!!"
>"Every conservative president knew exactly that he was doing!!!!"

Fucking retard logic right there. Nice try, tho.

BTW, Bush sucked. Not going to debate that.

>almost 8 years to see the damage

More dodging excuses. The damage was visible within a few years, but he turned a blind eye. Just as liberals do whenever they've got a high approval rating, the people were too dumb to know what was coming, and the people who DID know were happy with it.

yep a lot of people knew it would be bad for them personally. but the republicans worked on it for 13 years. it would have been hard to toss that no matter how bad you thought it might be

They were capitalist though. The philosophy of the society is more important then the economics

You're an idiot. Marx was against nationalism and opposed borders. Marxism aims to abolish all race, class, borders, and cultural barriers. The New Left were for open borders. All the shilling for more shitskin immigration comes from leftist parties.

>east germany

Lmao. Explains all the people fleeing to the west. B-but muh better sex though.

Get well read, go Red

Clinton wanted to be known for his "prosperous economy" and didn't give a fuck. Why do you think a fucking rapist actually has convictions about legislation that will slowly tank the nation long after he's gone? As long as he's doing well while it's getting off the ground, he can claim the "good stuff" was his but all the "bad" is in the hands of his successor.

Happens every time with democrats. You've had 2 presidents who were 2-termers with NAFTA, neither one cared to do shit. Only Trump has made any mention of fucking NAFTA up, but of course, you'll ignore that and suck Clinton cock even better than Lewinsky did.


and yet it the asshole republicans that these days just throw away the work of a democratic prez.

You underestimate how much of an impact capitalism has on the culture of a peoples. The book Capitalist Realism does an excellent job exploring the more subtle effects capitalism has had on society


>east germany

>Lmao. Explains all the people fleeing to the west. B-but muh better sex though.

Clinton and Bush were both (((neolib))) globalist proto-kikes. We needed an actual nationalist in office.

Thats an oxymoron.


>Clinton wanted to be known for his "prosperous economy"
and he was
Only Trump has made any mention. is trump gonna fix it? the left has been saying it was shit for 30 years and the idiot right just discovered that last welcome to 1980


>Between 1950 and 1988, around 4 million East Germans migrated to the West.


Fucking kek. If it was such a paradise why did they all emigrate en masse to the rich and developed capitalist part. It's always the same. It's a fucking "paradise" yet people clamor to get out.

>muh survey

literally fucking nostalgia and nothing else

idiot right just discovered that last year*

Rural and suburban conservative retards

This is why nigger slavery was great. In slave states, it was easier for whites to economically progress since they could buy big jacked low intuition darkies to do all the hard labor while the white man could strike sales deals in advance of the completion of production. They didn't have to worry about labor laws, overtime pay, etc. cause they had slave codes that actively worked against allowing too much freedom for both slaves and their masters as they couldn't allow their slaves too much freedom, and it was good as it kept the balance when considered how masters knew they had to care for their slaves the best they could if they wanted to be successful enough to buy more slaves and build further. In the North and all of America today, you have a hierarchy of several classes, in slave society, you had slaves, master, and freedmen who were actually the worst off as they had to fend for themselves. Slaves and masters were interdependent unlike the capitalist worker who is easily replaceable or who can just quit anytime at your inconvenience. Wanna get rid of a slave? Sell them, can't do that with free wage workers. I don't want people to be free slaves, I want them to be free slaves! Free to do whatever the hell I tell them to with no middle man to drive a wedge between labor and capital. "Freedom for all" is garbage, there can be no freedom the master doesn't see fit as they know their laborers best. Freedom failed those nigger apes, I mean just look at how beneficial the treatment of slaves was to their welfare and how bad abolition was.


>theguardian com/world/2012/jun/16/slavery-starvation-civil-war

>muh paradise we had better sex muddafugga
>millions literally risk execution to escape

you know, the right didn't know it was going to be bad. when the left talked about it the right would start spewing slogans as if that made everything ok. so 30+ years later the right catches on and it was all the democrats fault. give me a break

In a non capitalist society only the upper elite would have access to milk and chicken while everyone else starved to death.

Or everything would be perfect.

What was Russia like 150 years ago? It was one or the other. I can't remember which.

Now they have a taste of capitalism and want the GDR back LOL

its funny, once the livestock was pumped full of growth hormones and hormones that produce more milk (feminine hormones) back in the 80's-90's and crops were genetically modified to have larger female organs and grow larger....the people who ate them got fat/feminized/sexually confused and no one fucking notices it but me apparently....drives me nuts when people cant make simple observational correlations like that.

>its funny, once the livestock was pumped full of growth hormones and hormones that produce more milk (feminine hormones) back in the 80's-90's and crops were genetically modified to have larger female organs and grow larger....the people who ate them got fat/feminized/sexually confused and no one fucking notices it but me apparently....drives me nuts when people cant make simple observational correlations like that.
Have to make money prole hehehe

Only in regards to economic class warfare. Under Marx's system, there could be de facto segregation. And the New Left hate Marx faggot, they're not concerned with class issues but identity politics about race and gender. Economics in their eyes is only concerned insofar as "white privilege" or the gender pay gap.
Marxism is garbage anyway, Jesus knew what was up.

they actually built the wall to stop people from stealing and walking over the border and making millions.
people could have walked away for 10-20 years before the wall

Whoops, bad copy/paste


>effeminate capitalist gyno unhinged caleb sharpe femboi

Bix nood!

What is it with communists just making up their own baby-talk words?

Have you ever even seen a farm, kid?

No they didn't. They built it to stop a brain drain, capital flight and political dissidents fleeing.

t. wage slaving class cucked porky interest defending (both meanings of the word) prageru watching cappy

All the rich and educated East Germans were trying to flee to the west. It was the rural retards working a shitty co-op farm who stayed behind.

brain drain. you work at a company and your company devolves a process or high tech and one employee steals everyones work and walks across the border. that not a brain drain. if the thief was so smart why didn't he get a job in the west?

>communist retards only read and quote the clickbait title and caption



Here's a tip for you, son. The reason you're unemployed isn't because "the bourgeois" is oppressing you, but because you're an illiterate half-wit with no skills or work ethic.

I can assure you, communism won't put you on top of society, and when your Jew masters get their new Atlantis you'll be a loser there as well, just starving and/or in a gulag..

Because they realized they couldn't exploit the workers anymore. This is why when the revolution comes, it has to be worldwide so the cappies can't escape. Despite the fruitless efforts of Musk to build a spaceship to escape into Elysium away from the cultureless blob of nu-proles and consumers.

> (You)
>brain drain. you work at a company and your company devolves a process or high tech and one employee steals everyones work and walks across the border. that not a brain drain. if the thief was so smart why didn't he get a job in the west?

It's not stealing everyone's work you moronic commie leaf. It's about wanting better economic opportunity and living standards. If you were smart and educated, you'd make more in the west, enjoy much greater liberties and have a higher standard of life. It was advantageous to flee to the west.

If I was a Doctor I wouldn't want to be paid the same as a carpenter, but this is literally what happens in countries like Cuba. Hence the brain drain.

Here you go. Now connect the dots.

>muh exploitation

Fucking lmao. I bet that doctor or computer technician who fled were literally running a labor camp.

yes, how else do you expect to feed 7 billion people

funny cuba produces lots of doctors and send they all over the world. mostly poor countries or the islands where the hurricanes just hit. why don't they run to the west?

"Educated" in this context means piece of paper proving you're deep in debt to have been preached Democrat party talking points. Real Men make money. Beta bitch faggots whine and cry. Grow up.

wait some of those islands are the west

They literally are.



Cuba is LITERALLY limiting travel of doctors so they don't immigrate elsewhere.


We've reached peak communism.

I guess cuba can afford to lose a few because they're still doing it

We need a third option. But, it all doesn't matter once the one(s) that own weaponized nanotech will control or cull us. I'm just hoping they are benevolent.

You forgot to mention the people flooding into Cuba for the free medical schools. Cuban doctors are world renown.

Meanwhile, these are the doctors the expensive capitalist west produces LOL


Well you can't find a job with a high school degree either chump. Either hand over all your shekels or become homeless. We've reached peak capitalism.


Yes, you're "educated" but can't string together a coherent sentence using only English words. Tell me, what was your major? What is your current job/salary?

Also could you answer my original question in English. Have you ever been on a farm and seen dairy cattle and chickens being raised? Do you know many farmers?

LMAO that's why the cuban government brought back mandatory travel permits for doctors. Full damage control by the castro government.

>Im an unemployed illterate communist retard who laments about his low effort art degree not paying off as much as real education and a demanding job

I'm not talking about me right now. You proles are going down with this capitalist ship together.

Oh hey you're still here? Sorry I was in another thread. I see you're still upset.

why are u mad at Clinton for something Republicans did?

>Well you can't find a job with a high school degree


Jesus Christ you're dumb as a fucking stump. Seriously, kid, there's no shame in being stupid but you could at least have some self respect and motivation and do something with your life. I know a guy that lived near me when I grew up that's an actual retard with a horrible speech impediment that makes 5 figures, owns a home, and gets laid, just work ethic and a good attitude.

More are fleeing than immigrating to Cuba dude. The Cuban economy has been in constant stagnation for decades and doctors get paid shit.

It's so bad that the Cuba is trying to pull a Deng Xiaoping by going back to capitalism with legalizing private businesses and propery again.



Marxiem is such a failed ideology.

well I guess the specialist would make a fortune in the us. after the free education. better than training your own citizens anyway eh?

I'm not advocating veganism. I'm saying unfettered capitalism leads to horrific animal exploitation in order to drives costs down as low as possible.

I agree. OP was talking about the abhorrent conditions of factory farms. I'm not a vegetarian.

>I'm not talking about me right now.

So you're not actually educated. That explains your illiteracy. But seriously you're posting absurdities here that are simply not true and you can't even give anecdotal evidence.

How many farmers do you know? Have you ever been to a dairy farm or seen chickens raised commercially?

Why do leafs defend failed ideologies so much?

You don't need to put hormones in the goyim food if you kill all the goyim