What is with this kid and antarctic creatures?
Other urls found in this thread:
Brain problems.
Sea lions are pretty scary to be fair
Sea lions eat penguins. Mitsumune is a penguin.
Look at those fucking teeth.
Fucking adorable.
Leaked clip from episode 8, beware of spoilers: youtube.com
Tokimune survives this, right?
Can we put a stake in her already?
>someone will never break your legs so you can never leave them
It's hard to say no if she's begging for it.
I'd put my stake in puuko.
Go home puuko, no Adam here for you.
Why is she even looking for a man in a suicide-cult tour?
Jack pls
What do you think your favorite Mayoiga is like while intoxicated?
When did you start fall in love with Puuko?
Of course Bathhouse owner would have good taste.
M-Me on the right.
>Toshiboy that low
You fucked up m9
>this show doesn't have any aestetics
>Sea lions eat penguins. Mitsumune is a penguin.
>tokimune is a penguin
>they heard sounds associated with personal trauma
>tokimunes body falling was not explicitly shown
>mitsumune seemed ready to confront his trauma only to be btfo for some reason
>its because he hasnt actually accepted the truth
>they show us the flashback again later but his mom wasnt the crazy one, it was toki insisting he was mitsumune
>his dad slipped up and called him by his real name on accident
>speedy knows hes delusional which is why hes so upset that masaki is encouraging him
>the ticking time bomb foreshadowing still hasnt come into play
>i live eternally through copypasta
>space zong sent the email
Post rare Wanks!
Look at those fucked ankles. Toki should've known better,
I hope you're all having a good day, Pon!
No one ever looked her way I guess. But she hasn't done anything to reach her goal since episode 1.
As someone who is pidgeon-toed, fuck off. If I want to try to get nominated for the Darwin award, I fucking will.
Jack: no change but grumbling about adults
>not posting incidental forehead reflection version
Running straight to his grave
You know what that monk is doing to your mom right now?
you don't understand what it's like being ill
Isn't that the same symbol that is shown on the barn in town?
Wanko literally joined the tour to find his deathbed.
How the fuck could this show have such good potential but continue to throw it in the trash, burying it further and further every episode? Half of the cast is just annoying as shit and the background flashbacks are boring and don't make me feel any worse about the characters dying because they didn't matter in the first place. This show seems like it should have cut down on half the cast to create a more focused experience where we actually give two shits about the characters dying. I'm fucking disgusted anyone can enjoy this.
that's a boy
Yes, bottom right in this pic. It's a sign, that fucker is up to no good. I bet he fakes that cough.
you wish
>mfw I wasn't far off with my Satanism jokes
>there are people who take Mayoiga seriously
>characters dying
This needs to be done with the smug Mitsumune concept art
Where the hell is this guys heart? I cried rivers when rape nigger drowned and chuuni ass judge fell off that cliff.
>I cried rivers when rape nigger drowned
>cried rivers
I don't know what you're bitching about characters dying when only one has died so far. That could actually be it as far as deaths go.
But I must say that I was REALLY enjoying this show around the beginning and the stupid shit was entertaining, but now there's just such an abundance of stupid shit and it just keeps stacking up that it's just getting annoying. It went from some psychotic cult-like shit, to some silent hill shit, to some Goosebumps shit where every character annoys the fuck out of you.
Jack WHEN. I actually want some of these characters to die. Or at least stop fucking talking so much. The scenes where everyone just argues with each other are getting aggravating.
When did you realize that Toshiboy was the true mastermind?
Mitsumune should respect Bros Before Hoes.
>It's fine. She's a ghost.
This fucking kid
>there's just such an abundance of stupid shit and it just keeps stacking up that it's just getting annoying
But that's why makes it so good. Reminder that Mayoiga is a comedy anime.
Every time. I really want to know what he's talking about so much in the preview with that smug look.
Anyone have that speedstar btfo pic?
Why Satan?
How will they reintroduce Jack into this mess? What has he been doing?
The lighter touches around the start were more of my taste. Things are getting fucking WACKY with these monsters chasing characters with no intention of killing. And the whole "She's a ghost!" drama makes less and less sense by the minute.
He's going to jump in and save Mitsumune from dying because Mitsu defended him earlier and then everyone will cream their pants.
It's not supposed to make sense. I don't think the show was taking itself any more seriously in the beginning than it is now honestly, it just wasn't obvious until it got a bit further in.
"If her hymen regenerated then she's a ghost!"
You just reminded me of that one h-anime about that loli ghost.
This one?
Well the tone is certainly the same. 1st episode had Jacku elbow the bus driver because he hated adults.
But I guess my problem is that things are getting random and unpredictable. And it's fine if a show plays with my expectations, but certain scenes will confuse the fuck out of me because of how little sense is being made.
You're no fun at all.
Mutsumune is the fucking CUTEST when he has a facial expression other than childlike wonderment.
This is what happens when you mess with a man's waifu.
My respect for Light Zong grew ten inches at that point.
Nothing can stop me from liking Speedo.
Witches and magic do not exist. Therefore, Masaki is not a witch.
Why does nobody give a shit about assness no jacku, is he presumed dead or what.
>Witches and magic do not exist
Sounds like something a witch would say
Why are her nipples on top of her boobies?
What are these chart things
Speedo. Ho boy, here goes:
First drink
>And now he's spending all of his time with her...
>I just don't trust her. He should just be wi-... He should listen to me...
Second drink
>Oh, and let me tell you about this OTHER time that idiot got me into trouble...
Third drink
>FINE. SCREW him! I don't need Tokim-... I mean Mitsumune. I can have fun without him! (hiccough)
>Hey, don't look at me like that! I can handle another one just fine! This night's just getting started!
Fourth drink
>Ugh, I miss him...
Fifth drink
>(incoherent mumbling)
>I should get back soon... I have a feeling that danger's gotten himself into some idiot... He needs me. I just know it...
Fifth and final drink
>Where are you, Mitsumune.... Please come back to me.... (hiccough)
>user, c-could you give me a hand? I have to go find Mitsumune... but I can't walk...
Am I not memeing enough in this thread? I just thought I could actually discuss the show without trying to shitpost and bait for replies.
I know. ;_;
There isn't anything to discuss except memes though.
When I made a dumb meme of her.
>No Toshiboy, I don't want to play again!
>I still have that funny taste in my mouth from last time!
You're not discussing anything, you're just complaining. We have plenty of productive discussion in the threads that doesn't include memeing.
>buzz off nyanta
Perfect with the spahj font
Yuuna tends to giggle a lot when she drinks, much to her own chagrin. It's very easy to make her laugh, especially with a good witty quip, but she quickly gets angry at herself, often telling you to stop, or herself to shut up. Sometimes she'll even punch your arm or step on your toe, but it's playful, lacking the terseness she usually has.
The drunker she gets, though, the harder it is for her to control herself, and the simple act of trying to keep up her standard cold, straight face only makes her laugh again. Her laugh is a quiet one, a breathy one, one that makes her light-headed quickly if she laughs for too long.
She's still just as prone to making mean jabs in conversation, except they're not quite as well thought at as when she's sober. Usually she realizes how daft they sound right after blurting them out, and looks away blushing. Makes excuses for not being on her typical game.
When she gets extremely drunk, she grows very chummy, but rough; she'll throw her arm around your shoulder and ruffle your hair one moment, but the next, she'll grab your shirt and jerk you closer to her to whisper something she's embarrassed about. Often something revealing the girly side she keeps locked away so sternly during the day.
The next day she'll probably try to avoid you, ashamed she let herself open up like that. "I'm never going drinking with you again, user-san," she'll say, but a week later she'll be texting you to ask you out again.
>My respect for Light Zong grew ten inches at that point.
Almost as big as him flaccid.
>you're just complaining
Well kinda, but I'm putting some detail into it and I'm open to points and counter-points.
You could just not reply if you don't have anything constructive to say.
Oh shit I thought this anime was that Big Order anime the entire time
Is this scary?
She even helped set Maimai up with Light Zong. She isn't such a carnivore after all.
That's a lot of dedication towards a girl that is one step away from getting dicked by literal who: the character.
>Masaki is a witch who magics blood to deceive people
>Speedstar is a tulpa who has imaginary blood to deceive people
Why does Tokimune have a habit of being closely associated with the shadiest people?
She's his seasonal waifu though. He's known her for less than a week. This is not behavior to be lauded.
You're not the boss of me.