Are baseball episodes the best anime trope episodes?

Are baseball episodes the best anime trope episodes?

I prefer it when the loli sister tries to fuck her brother and he doesn't get it but baseball episodes can be pretty fun.

Samurai Champloo would say so.

Well, that one was pretty high tier.

The best. Japs mocking American accents is better than the other way round.

Rugby eps are better

Yes they are.

Summer camp/trip.


Yes, Baseball episode is always my favorite. The fact that they happen kind of infrequently only makes it better.

what about pool episodes?


I've seen those at least 15000 times

you get it


Hanabi festivals

as a close second, especially with hotsprings

is fine too

What about rugby episodes?

Worst shit of all time, along witch beach episodes.


Pretty much, yes.

Tournament arcs are better.

What about Com*ket episodes?



Hell, baseball episodes are one of the better things in all things, not just anime

>Joey Bats BTFO

it's beautiful