Ylyl Sup Forums edition

ylyl Sup Forums edition

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>that pic
I kekd

That bitch needs some big black cock.


Yeah, the right to shut the fuck up and bring me a falafel

Spare us the tranny comics, they are not funny.


Yea.... You are right, He believed in his right to rape them regardless of whether they gave consent or not.















>Make America brown again.

that's a funny way to spell "red".


Ahahaha. Lost hard

No surrender







That's actually good. Rarely see that type of humor nowadays.



Desu........ your like kim jung un's family on steroids. I did not think it could get more fucked than that, leave it to Sup Forums to prove me wrong.




>empowered racism

how tf did higher education do this I don't get it.



I wonder how many years have to pass before you're guaranteed mathematically to trip into a vagina.

what movie is this?

ok i fucking lost HAHAHAHAH



>that grammar



How the fuck wouldn't you recognize Watchmen?



At first I thought it was kind of sad they went so far as to literally put sunscreen on his back to send a message to him for being a goof. Why not just do the job if you're already halfway.

But this guy is going to do it himself for the rest of his life. Or just not. Idk.

I kek'd at each one of these so fucking hard. I wish I could read it in full. Seems like his conclusion was a Yes though...Could it be a Nope?

fucking kek


He did his research on it though.

Nepotism and jews had nothing to do with this case. Pedophiles are let go all the time after falling on their victims. On a serious note, Europe you are with a doubt fucked. Anyone who argues against the 2nd Amend only need to look at Europe as to why this right needs to be sacredly enshrined. Enshrine guns or Enshrine fucking pedo's who give more fuckers to fucking you sub 12 child than an adult. You should all kys immediately you fucking weak ass faggots.


what the fuck

>he's never been in a comic thread




more of these

Finally lost on this.


>>No surrender

pic VERY related m8


This is genius, whats the source?

just sent in my no vote




Any more? this is gold

I sometimes like to pretend this is what Sup Forums really looks like. But I know it's just a bunch of pissed off white people from these countries

fuck this place

>tfw my father was right: justice system has nothing to do with justice








Arab women aren't exactly known for their intellect. What's their collective IQ, around 80?


>burger in pic actually thinks he's superior
>user actually believes it
the delusion here is contagious
also sage

Just like in my Chinese cartoons.



how old is this hitler meme?

it's true




Fuck, this kid draws better than me.

... Sweden or Sup Forums?
