New episode airing in less than an hour.
>it's a beach episode
>it's a Sasuga Oniisama episode
New episode airing in less than an hour.
>it's a beach episode
>it's a Sasuga Oniisama episode
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Streaming now.
Hello nurse!
Will we get action this week?
Imouto a best.
Claire a best. A BEST.
Summarize Hundred in 7 words.
Holy fucking shit, my dick is hard.
Ripoff of a ripoff of a ripoff.
Aliens are bad, fight them with armors
Why seven? Can't we rant for a hundred words?
So bad but can't stop watching it.
swimsuit imouto?
she looks like a prostitute
remove oppai
remove imoto
That purple slut is making the show even worse than it was before.
It is IS ripoff but done right.
True, but at least she looks like a high-class one
>done right
>imoto a shit
>ballon drilltits
>idol slut
the only thing done right was emile being a cutiefor a guy
Both idol and imouto are awful and a shit. Remove worst girls.
>implying we didn't have these fights when IS was airing
Everyone likes all the girls a lot more when it's stopped airing.
Why canĀ“t IMS just make another DAL instead of this garbage?
get in here niggas
DAL is garbage too. Also because they were not commissioned to.
>Hundred summed up with one picture
>local boy refuses to wear her bikini
Claire is truly the best girl.
thats a unique way to spell emile
>Write shitty IS clone LN
>LN get published
>LN get an anime
>characters get fig
The japs sure have it easy
Brown exists to divert cock towards herself to protect Claire's purity
it just means he has to trip twice
Should keep me occupied tonight
a shit
Reminder that Claire wins.
>this little slut is inviting you to fuck her butthole
Emile being raped
oh boy another new ED
Granny ass.
almost fucked claire next week
Did they show LISA (thron loli) yet?
You mean Claire's clone? Yeah.
>imouto's one piece
Reminder, Stellashitposter = Claireshitposter.
Fuck off.
C-can't I have them all?
Emilia > Emile > all
I'm more of GA Bunko type of a guy
emile >= emile's sister > all
>when one of his IP got banned the other day
He's also the sales troll, among other more things.
I can't wait to see Karen's arc.
720p out.
Disaster storms and flames,
The time has come, we can't delay!
Blades who have drips of grace,
They just got Blood Red!
Claire > Emilia > Chocosluts > shit > Idol > more shit > Imouto
Emilia > Imouto > Idol > Chocosluts > shit > more shit > Claire
Fuck off.
Die scum.
>anyone who triggers my shit taste is Stellafag
Trips confirm Claire a best and sexiest.
Holy shit muh dick.
>Implying your shit taste isn't distinctive and reposted every week
Fuck off.
>DAL garbage
Kill yourself.
Remove Claire.
Wow so many anons with godly taste.
Nice try, Stellafag.